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Everything posted by Brent_Bobyck

  1. "Please enlighten me on how much they are doing right now." Here is what they are doing. A free education is a HUGE gift if you ask me. If you don't ask me, ask all of the recent graduates that are knee deep in student loan debt. UND Undergraduate Cultural Diversity Tuition Waiver 2005-2006 Awards Recognizing the educational benefit of a diverse student population, the University of North Dakota has adopted a tuition waiver program. Special emphasis of this policy is to recruit, assist, and retain enrolled members of federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives and Villages, American Indian graduates of tribally-controlled community colleges in North Dakota, all other under-represented groups, and economically disadvantaged students. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by April 15, 2005. Awards will be based on documentation received as of that date. ELIGIBILITY Applicants must: be a U.S. Citizen or eligible noncitizen; An eligible noncitizen is one of the following: A U.S. permanent resident with an Alien Registration Receipt Card (I-551); A conditional permanent resident (I-551C); Another eligible noncitizen with an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) from the Department of Homeland Security showing any one of the following designations:
  2. No they should not give up fighting. I would be at the front of the pack to help save the name. All I am saying is, if it came down to either keeping the name or hosting playoffs.....I choose hosting playoffs. I am not saying don't fight it, I am not saying don't try every possible route possible to save it, in fact just the opposite. That being said, I would rather have no name then no playoffs.
  3. For an idea like camps, it IS to late. The decision has already been made and UND is on the list of 18. NC Pembroke or whatever is off the list because there student body and faculty are mainly native americans. If we wanted to call ourselves the Fighting Norwegians we could get away with it. I am not in favor of dumping the name simply because of money. I am in favor of dumping the name if it means no more playoffs, which indirectly means less money. Less money means programs have to take budget cuts. If enough money is lost, programs have to be cut. Are we willing to risk taking cuts to our athletic programs simply to call ourselves the "Fighting Sioux?" Are we willing to provide less to our student athletes to simply print Fighting Sioux on the front of our jersey? I don't think it makes sense. Let me reiterate, I WOULD like to see the name stay! But I would rather see playoff games more.
  4. My reply answers your question directly. UND does enough. Why should they have to do more simply to keep the nickname. I care very deeply about the nickname. I would like to see UND keep the name, but if keeping the name means no playoff games, get rid of it. From a financial standpoint and simply a fan's standpoint, it would not be worth it if it meant not hosting playoffs. To get back to your question, you are stating a hypothetical situation. Why not help both sides instead of determining one winner? That is not the issue that we are trying to determine. That idea should have been thought of before this ruling came about. You have to concentrate on the issue at hand and that is if you do not drop the name, you do not host playoffs. Yes, I know the wording is fuzzy and there will be appeals, lawsuits, etc. But for right now, change your name or no playoffs. With the situation at hand, I would rather see the University of North Dakota "Fill in the Blank" host a playoff game rather than seeing the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux be barred from hosting the playoffs. Insider, I have said it before and I will say it again. Your ideas are great ideas and I agree with what you are saying. But your ideas are 1.) too late and 2.) not financially smart.
  5. Your ideas, although good intentions are there, are not feasible. In my opinion UND does enough to help Native Americans by helping them get a college education. They are given scholarships to help with tuition, etc. The NCAA has no reason to hold these camps. Sure it would be a great PR move but they do not need to do this. They are not in the business of charity work. They are in the business of conducting collegiate athletics, and conducting them in such a way that they seem fit. Obviously they don't think that Native American nicknames in the postseason is a good idea. The reason they limit this to the postseason is probably because the postseason is on a grander scale, i.e. ESPN etc. It is simple, drop the name or don't. But no charity work needs to be done simply to keep a nickname on a jersey or sweatshirt.
  6. REA could still use the logo as a "building logo" and get away with it that way. There is nothing that states host institutions have to change "building logos" in order to host playoff games.
  7. What do you know ESPNInsider? Your name is "Insider" but you are dumber than a box of rocks. You stink!
  8. How about having no name at all and just have a symbol, similar to Prince. UND "The Team formerly known as the Fighting Sioux" This could be our logo (thanks Prince) Would that all fit on a hockey jersey?
  9. I love it! Hilarious
  10. OK OK I give. My favorite moment is everytime Bob Kerr gets on the mic at the UND Games and yells "Ashley Langen". Voice cracking! To quote the great cousin eddie "That's the gift that keeps on givin Clark."
  11. Going to class to get a degree is one thing and going to a one hour class on native americans just to get hockey tickets is another. You can't really compare the two. People go to college because they want to be there. They want to get a degree. A college degree and season hockey tickets are not the same. That argument holds no water. The intent is good and all but it will not work. The students already have assigned seats and they sign a form stating that they can have their tickets removed if they act inappropriately. That is more than enough. This is college, not preschool. You can not tell me that the students would embrace this idea and learn from it. The majority of students anyway. You must think logically. Aside from that. Think of all the time and money put into teaching this class simply to help keep the name "Fighting Sioux" on the jerseys and t-shirts. Again, I want to see the name stay. But you and I both know that it is a losing battle, no matter if it is only the minority that want to see it change. The NCAA will not back down from this. They are known for making ground breaking decisions and sticking to them. They always take the lead on Political Correctness. I am sorry to say that the name will change. It might survive this wave, but it can not go on forever. Unfortunately.
  12. OK you might be right about the credit hour thing, etc but you can not convince me that if you force students to go to a 1 or 2 hour class that they will soak in the information and come out of the classroom with a totally new outlook about the native americans and they will go to the ends of the earth to not disrespect them, directly or indirectly. Again, good thoughts about doing the class but it will not serve its purpose. Being not to removed from college myself, you will see students sleeping, playing with their cell phones, etc. The majority will sit through it and not pay attention. And if you make they pass a test or they won't get tickets I think that is going way to far! I think what they are currently doing is fine with me. I do not see any disrespect of the name or their culture going on.
  13. Who is the all-time leading goal scorer for UND? The records page on fightingsioux.com is not up. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. I know that most do not want to see the name change, myself included. But if it should, what would be some good replacements? I am not from Larimore but I tend to like the Polar Bears. What are your ideas?
  15. Although I agree with some statements you make about the Sioux name change, I disagree with more. Make all student season ticket holders take a class? Come on. So you are going to make the students spend $75 dollars on tickets then make them take a class on top of that? I am unaware of what a credit hour costs at UND now but I am assuming that a class like that would be 3 hours. For the sake of argument, you add $300 to tuition just so you can catch the hockey team in action? PLUS, if you are forced to take an Indian Studies class, that adds to your workload during the semester you take it OR pushes another class that goes toward your major back a semester. This prolongs your graduation time. This idea, although good intentions, is not a good one. Secondly, I believe UND does more than enough to strengthen the bond between them and the Sioux Nation. If I understand correctly, the native americans receive free schooling or a big discount? If I am wrong on this please correct me. If not, a free college education is enough in my eyes to stregthen the bond. I am undecided on this issue because I can see both sides. Obviously this issue is not going to go away. In fact just the opposite. Why not make it easier on the school, the athletic dept., etc and change the name. Afterall, it is just a name. It does not change the tradition, history, and pride of its alumni and student athletes. Don't get me wrong I would like to see the name stay but if keeping the name means not getting football playoffs, hockey regionals, etc, then I say we bring back the "flickertails". I think a bigger issue aside from changing the name is the amount of money it is going to take to change uniforms, signage, etc etc etc in and around campus. REA alone is easily a few million dollars to take out all the Sioux Heads. It will be interesting to see how this thing plays out but I would not want to be Pres. Cupchella (sp?)
  16. How do you say that UND in NOT in the top 100. The link is right there for you to read yourself. Are you as ignorant as you sound?
  17. I would have to say that my favorite moment in Sioux basketball history is the '95 Sioux Bison game where Travis Tuttle dropped a 3 late in the game to just about clinch it. But, to put the nail in the coffin, my favorite UND player of all time, Dave Rettker, stole the ball and drove the length of the court to slam it home. I have never heard the Hyslop so loud! 2nd Favorite: James Baird slam dunk........date and opponent is unknown but I do remember seeing it in the Hyslop. Good stuff!
  18. I have a game used puck with a Steve Johnson and Gino Gasparini Signiture.
  19. Does anyone know where I can get an old "Sioux" Blackhawk Logo like the guy who started this thread? I have searched forever. Your help would be much appreciated!
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