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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Fauci is a genius - to paraphrase --"there will be more outbreaks if we start moving around more and doing more stuff". Thanks, Doc.
  2. 53 cases out of 818 tests and 2 deaths. That is an uptick percentage-wise - 6.5%. It was typically 2-3%
  3. Cmon man. You are smarter than this reply. Have you watched these presser's? It's turned into an SNL skit
  4. The questions are about Trump, not the reason they are actually there asking questions.
  5. Do you really think the sitting President of the United States is going to go into a red-hot ER and "visit" people? At least use your melon before you post.
  6. Ummmm, this is happening regardless of who is President. Trump, Biden, Me, You, whoever. The tax part would be a partisan decision, no doubt.
  7. Starting to catch on. They all provide information and use their resources to guide countries through this process. But it is quite obvious they dont exactly know what they're dealing with, much like everyone else. People who blindly follow the CDC are forgetting they are a government agency - does anybody blindly trust our government for other things? A piece of the puzzle.
  8. Look for Birx to be immediately attacked by the blue checkmark loser brigade.
  9. Saying it isn't all the President's fault doesn't mean I am a right wing wacko. This sh$t was happening no matter what. Maybe a bit less with a different reaction.
  10. Did you read the first 20-30 replies? Essentially everyone who is in the building is going to get it and many of them are going to die.
  11. What did you think of Marcil's call for the government to advertise through local newspapers so they can actually make money?
  12. And UNDlawguy liked this one. Lol. You did like the post that said it was the fault of those who are at the top, and there is only one guy at the top.
  13. How batsh×t nuts are people right now? Read the replies under this Twitter post...
  14. You liked his post about it essentially being Trumps fault. Guilty by association.
  15. That's convenient. Thanks for the deep insight.
  16. Dynato and UNDlawguy think differently.
  17. Hasn't the positive rate been 2 to 3% pretty much everyday?
  18. Great. That's not what I am asking. Are they wanting a test and not getting it?
  19. That's what I am asking. Are the nursing home workers saying there is a lack of testing, therefore they aren't being tested due to availability?
  20. How often people are tested and people being turned away from testing opportunities are two different things. Are people actually being denied a test when they want one?
  21. Are people being denied testing opportunities around the country?
  22. The old way wasn't good enough and sure as heck isn't now. Those glasses were never "cleaned".
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