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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Minnesota and Manitoba were doing so well.....wtf happened?
  2. History is on my side. Interested to see how many investigations the Dems call for this time.
  3. In one week they haven't found all the evidence they need to conclude there was interference...really. I thought these things get investigated for the next 3 years now?
  4. It for sure has nothing to do with who won the election.
  5. Yah, we figured them out this time. My gawd you guys.
  6. Why didn't Russia interfere this time? Weird.
  7. Yah he is a real Hitler. Totally ruled people's lives for the past 4 years.
  8. How do you know we haven't slowed it? What if 5000 a day is the hypothetic high-water mark and we only have 1000 per day? Everyone acting like they know what is going on definitively is asinine.
  9. So you're saying there is really no way to contain it. Got it.
  10. That also had something to do with the events of the past year...BLM, etc. Just another crazy 2020 coincidence.
  11. I assume that the Ds will be OK with the opposition acting like they just did for the next four years.
  12. I was told its systematic division that's been around for hundreds of years.
  13. I can wear a damn mask if its the cheapest or most convenient flight available. Who cares.
  14. I love the Trump comparisons to dictators like Hitler, etc. Then in the next breath they complain he doesn't care and didn't do anything about whatever topic they deem important. What a fascist dictator he was.
  15. I am still shocked that Covid popped up this year....I mean of all years, damn.
  16. A fine applied to mask mandates. If there was ever something that was completely misguided, thats it. The funny part is that when the curve starts to descend soon they will credit masks. Not the fact that it was inevitable and followed literally every other state's curve prior to this.
  17. I have been told free healthcare for all was the bomb. What gives?
  18. To sum it up: mask mandates were somewhat worthless this entire time. It will now take a lockdown to achieve what we were told could be achieved via mask mandates and social distancing. As evidenced by the states that are spiking the exact same as their neighbors that didn't have any mandates.
  19. Now that you were wrong about testing do you realize that there is no way to stop the virus from spreading? Its hit the upper midwest and is now it's in Canada. No, it's cannot be explained by "mask usage" and "personal responsibility" of the people in each area. It was coming and was gonna do it's thing to varying degrees.
  20. Looks like Russia was a "one and done" when it comes to election interference. Calipari is proud.
  21. Manitoba has ran 296,000 tests. ND has ran around 960,000 tests. Do you lie to people to feel better about yourself?
  22. So their Covid version is deadlier than ours? Please explain...
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