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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. I would say to question the medical professionals as well. Not all are experts on Covid and it's obvious by their comments that some lean one way or the other politically.
  2. You are not addressing how this is being handled at all. You are grading what Trump says at a press conference. How is it his fault that WV didn't handle that one person in the best way possible? Of course CNN glorifies a single case to make it seem like NOBODY is doing ANYTHING correctly.
  3. That's obviously a strict mathematical formula derived from previous weeks data combined with the number of elderly in this country. I could probably do the same thing every year with the flu & pneumonia.
  4. Ramsey was a huge bust from what I was told
  5. If a Democrat was the President you wouldn't have said anything like this. Agreed?
  6. This is what you're worried about right now? Millions upon millions of people are going to be dead in 9 months, remember?
  7. "hey hey, the Dukes are trying to corner the market....let's go......"
  8. Yep, we all know that people are being infected every single day.
  9. That hour by hour updates are what promotes panic. One person gets it and the Forum and local Twitter goes nuts...8 hours later....repeat Can you imagine if we did this during flu season every year?
  10. Considering Stanford told their students to pound sand......
  11. We have become a society where the loud minority is now more powerful than the silent majority. You guys can disregard conspiracy theories all you want but the fact is it doesn't take much these days to send our country into a complete tailspin. Other countries are well are of our political discord and climate.
  12. Should be an outsider with head coaching experience. We don't have time for a D1 assistant to learn how to be a head coach.
  13. The Fargo mall is about 3/4 shut down. They might as well just shut the whole thing down.
  14. Everything in the world happens by chance right? follow the money and follow who is harmed most. will be interesting to see who made out best in a couple years on this whole deal.
  15. Generalize much? It's also very clear that everyone who didn't vote for him has blamed the entire thing on him.
  16. I still cannot seem to get past the fact this went down in the biggest election year we've ever had, with an embattled incumbent who cherishes the economy. Ah, probably a coinkydink
  17. That legislation about a one-time transfer ever go anywhere?
  18. I watched CNN tonight and got an expert lesson in Fear Mongering 101. It was amazing. Anyone who watched that show and the "expert" they had on should be convinced that the minimum number of deaths in the U.S. will be "hundreds of thousands, if not millions" and the administration should have been more like Hong Kong in their reaction. The entire show all negative, all doomsday.
  19. Stewart signed on April 13. The 2020 signing period starts April 15th.
  20. There was alot of dead weight on this roster. wow
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