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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. it looks like New York, New Jersey, Michigan and California are still gaining having the most cases every day. New York probably won't slow down anytime soon but they say it's trending the right way, at least.
  2. You realize you're projecting "what-if possibilities" and Oxbow is communicating reality - what is actually happening. Fear of the unknown has driven people to the point of lunacy. Zero compassion for those actually affected by this.
  3. That's you're comeback? Sorry you didn't have a job to lose with little kids at home.
  4. UND1983

    The Herald

    Just scrolled the Forum online. Homepage had one ad for Family Fare and a couple automated Google ads. I clicked on the headline article and inside there was one google ad. Zero sold ads.
  5. UND1983

    The Herald

    They have to have somebody to write how about Trump every week. The rest of the people write BREAKING: headlines when one more case of coronavirus is discovered in North Dakota.
  6. SHOCKING: MN Sen & Dr. @drscottjensen said that he received a 7 pg doc from @mnhealth to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of #COVID-19 whether the person actually died from COVID-19 or not. Why is #MN inflating COVID-19 death numbers? https://t.co/llvHDoIMGH
  7. Facts only. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-obamacare-architect-zeke-emanuel-says-u-s-should-prepare-ourselves-for-coronavirus-social-distancing-to-last-18-months
  8. Would that be two weeks from now? Or two weeks from two weeks from now?
  9. I could say that UND hockey is going to get beat 21-0 in hockey by Bemidji if they don't put in a goaltender to try to slow down the Beaver attack. But they probably will.
  10. Thank you. Why would he even waste his f'n time saying something that isn't going to happen.....other than to promote fear and spread fear porn? Of course actions are going to be taken, medications are going to be developed, and PPE is going to spread to people/workers. Just like every other time in American history.
  11. So you believe there is still a chance! #hope
  12. Minnesota has 73,966 deaths to go to reach the fear-based prediction that their super-smart Governor laid out for everyone.
  13. Fear porn is no way to live your life.
  14. It's becoming clear that this is going to go down as the biggest overblown, farce in the history of this great country. Many people said it from the beginning and are going to be proven correct. Yet others are going to be left defending it, saying "what could've been". I said it last month and I will say it again: this would not have played out the way it did, or anything close, if it wasn't an election year with the most hated incumbent in history on the ballot.
  15. Would be interested in an answer to this from all those that get their 5G talking points from CNN.
  16. Interesting piece on how recruiting might look from the 360 guys. https://undfootball360.com/news/2021-recruiting-will-be-like-no-other/
  17. Need more length and strength. That much is obvious. And any little bit of desire to actually play defense.
  18. Is somebody talking about a group of parents from the southside of GF that thought rules didn't apply to them and are now sick?
  19. It's a priority to not allow political talk and I totally get that. But this is different. The corona deal is hard to talk about without including government entities.
  20. My pump is going every 5-10 mins. I may need to swap it out over the summer to be safe for future, it's been working hard.
  21. Does the government do anything with flooding?
  22. Hey mods: lighten up. You guys gonna close every fucking thread where people argue? Like it or not the Covid convo cannot happen without including the government in the conversation. To me this thread needs to be treated differently.
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