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Everything posted by thecircus

  1. Sure would be nice if Kristo got it going this weekend. I like the line of Kristo Malone and Gregoire but I think we'll see Malone back on his regular line.
  2. Who's been to Mankato before? Where do all the Sioux fans stay and where do they go before / after games? Thanks Nation -
  3. Friday - Frattin Saturday - Gregoire GO SIOUX!
  4. True. It does sound like he has planned on returning for his senior year though.
  5. I will be there Friday and Saturday. The first two (live) games of the season for me! Lets Go SIOUX and I'll see ya at Sally's.
  6. I've often heard that the Seminole tribe shares in merchandise sales by some sort of percentage. Any truth to this?
  7. Mario vs NU
  8. You can pay $8 a month more on Comcast and get all the Sioux homes games and all the Fox Sports channels.
  9. Stay out of those Supierior bars tonight boys.
  10. You can really here the Sioux faithful on the goal
  11. I got same thing. Good feed though. Play by play guy might be Sweeney's cousin
  12. I've got a really good feed.
  13. Decent last 5 min or so but overall ... not good
  14. thecircus


    A few bells will be rung! Go Sioux
  15. I'd really like to see that 3rd line click. I'm thinking tonight is a very VV / DK / JG type of night.
  16. FYI for those living in MSP. You can start picking up Hennessy at around Fergus ( or so I've experienced)
  17. I remeber when Jason Blake was at UND and he had a slow start to the year (199?). A bunch of us were very releived when he got the monkey off his back and the goals started coming. I think he scored against Tech to get it going.(?)
  18. Getting excited for the weekend. Sioux pux and ND white tails. What do you think of Tech? They look pretty big (so was AA). THey split with SCS. Do the pose problems?
  19. AZ - your time threw me off. Forgot you folks don't do the time change thing.
  20. Friday - VV Saturday - The HEX
  21. OK, I know the cheer team is a bit of a joke and they are only really in it to be seen. How about the band then. I bet those crazy bastards could come up with some funny stuff to teach the kids/
  22. I have not read through all of the posts on this thread so if I am repeating I am sorry. Crowd chants and crowd activity in general is IMO the responsibility of the cheer team. Our Sioux hockey team has a cheer team and from this fan's perspective are useless. they are prettyOK, maybe not useless, but ... A friend of mine atended Kansas State for grad school after finishing up his undergrad at UND. Apparently, at KSU (and I'm sure countless other schools) students MUST attend "Cheer Orientation" before they are eligible for the purchase of student tickets. This was true for all sports. The cheerleaders took it upon themselves to teach the cheers to the incoming freshmen who wanted to attend Wildcat games. I've always thought that this sort of thing could and should be implemented at UND. Also, newer more clever cheers could come out of this program.
  23. Hex / VV
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