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Everything posted by thecircus

  1. I did not see the game last night but I especially saw this in the Anchorage series. WOW! this guy is lights out.
  2. You all sound like idiots. SHUT UP
  3. Did anyone see the Fighting Sioux discussion between periods of the Oilers / Wild game last night.? A buddy at work told me about it. If anybody knows about a video link I would love to view it.
  4. Malone Hex
  5. I'm going on Saturday night. We usually hit MC's for a Hairy Buffalo before the game. Red Carpet after. MC's usually provides bus transport to and from the Crete Cntr.
  6. This series should be pretty good. St. Cloud fans think they are pretty good fans and I'm sure the talk around here on Monday is how the Huskies are "coming on" after their weekend in Duluth. Their (cough cough) big bad dog pound should be in full effect and there are usually some good battle tested Sioux fans right around them. I love sitting over there.
  7. I could not agree more.
  8. Malone (Friday) Gregoire (Sat) Go Sioux!
  9. I wonder if he will take Trupper's number next year. Seems logical. I personally don't like the high jersey numbers in the NCAA (ala Alaska).
  10. Can't wait! I had a fun January with my co-workers. February should be even better since we play the Clowns 2/18 & 2/19. BTW - Anyone coming down to St. Cloud for that series? It is usually a pretty fun one. Great downtown establishments.
  11. Interesting. My knowledge of the PWR just got that much stronger by reading your post. Thanks. BTW, my knowledge of the PWR and a $ might buy me a Coke.
  12. I'm watching the Alaska / Michigan game while awaiting the puck drop on the Sioux game. I suppose an Alaska win helps us. (?)
  13. Looks like Hak likes his chances with LaPoint on the blue line.
  14. Sioux 6-2 fri, 5-3 sat(eng)
  15. YES! Let's white the palace out!
  16. Fighting Pheasants? Just a coupke ideas
  17. Cooper Hawks?
  18. How about players that went back to juniors to either return or not? Didn't Quinn Fylling spend a year BACK in junior before having successful Jr / Sr seasons...
  19. Please tell me the last Sioux hockey player to jump ship (pro contract, transfer, ushl, etc) mid-season due to either pending suspension or lack of playing time or ... ...if this topic is too dark to discuss, I understand and withdraw query.
  20. These are great! I just put my first Sioux hockey screen saver up at work ... anything to piss off the Husky faithful (I live/work in St. Clown). Beat 'em up this weekend Sioux!
  21. He puts a hard hit on his oppenents as well! I just think he is the epitome of Fighting Sioux hockey.
  22. Thanks for putting this up AZ. I would have to say the most underated player so far has been Rodwell. That dude is tenacious. I look forward to watching him for the next 3.5 years.
  23. I love your pick Mr. NorthDakotaHockey. Marris will get it done for you!
  24. Anyone know what Gothberg's d-corps looks like in front of him? I haven't seen them in action.
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