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About stoneySIOUX

  • Birthday 12/10/1986

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    Bloomington, MN

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  1. I'm sorry, but this is such a loser mentality. Sportsmanship from the NCAA? Bro, play better in the third! Your team collapsed, Bob. Clown stuff, IMO.
  2. And throwing objects onto the ice. Can't write it more perfectly.
  3. My understanding of the process is that interviews won't start until the application window is closed and HR hands the applications to Chaves. My guess is they have a very good idea of who will apply, however.
  4. I paid $45 for three games. That is insanely cheap, to me!
  5. Ugh, this article sent my anxiety WAY up. Today's the day, boys and girls. Can we do it? Can't wait to watch tonight at the X for one last weekend here!
  6. These seem like silly reasons to seethe 😏
  7. Sounds like a dude. Good stuff.
  8. LOL what would you want them to say? "Yeah, you know what? I think we're just gonna pack it in."
  9. James feels like a guy who wants to be at UND and is enjoying his time, but I guess we'll find out. He's also improved in his first three seasons in Grand Forks. Hopefully that is one of the reasons he stays.
  10. Neither has Detroit lately 😉
  11. Says he's taking warm ups. Seems likely he's a game-time decision.
  12. For sure. I'm certainly not one to blame everything on it, but it's certainly a factor.
  13. Ok, so now we DON'T want our home-grown players and DO want older transfers? I'm confused. Call it whatever you want, "excuse" is fine, but it's very clear UND struggled defensively at times this year in part to poor decisions by young defensemen.
  14. Lots of former Sioux at the MN State Hockey tourney today. Simmer was there, too. My guess there's some people doing some looking!
  15. Back in the day, it was the ONLY one with reputation 😉
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