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About stoneySIOUX

  • Birthday 12/10/1986

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    Bloomington, MN

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  1. He doesn't know what that means.
  2. You're boring.
  3. I'd be very surprised to hear that Blaker thought we didn't have a chance to win a title this season.
  4. I'd argue Jackson Blake being here another year would not have us in this position, unfortunately. He's that important.
  5. Slow work day yesterday 😉
  6. WTF are you talking about? Who the eff is saying any of that in this conversation? I am trying to figure out why YOU or others making certain arguments as to why they think he should be fired. Like @burd said, you can absolutely say that you think it's because they don't win enough. You're the one who added unproven nonsense like "not having players ready" or being "outcoached" without having even a SHRED of proof of these concepts. If you leave it at the bolded part, it's a fine argument.
  7. Scrambling? I disagree. To me, that would imply that we are grabbing from the bottom of the barrel. With one exception, all of the portal goalies have been pretty good hits, IMO. Also, the staff knows well ahead of time what players may or may not be in the portal following a season.
  8. THIS! If this is the honest to goodness reason, then so be it! Instead, we play this game that we know more than we actually do.
  9. Comparing the football and hockey teams are not the same. My goodness. As a collective, we can belittle regular season titles and regular season success, but the two programs are NOT equal in this realm. Also, the concept of our teams "not being prepared" or that UND is being "outcoached" as a reason for our lack of success is the reason that people want Bubs fired, but they can't provide actual evidence. Those are not results-based concepts. We've won plenty of games where we've been outplayed.
  10. I know from personal experience that Hak said this, many, many, many times. But again, I don't want to go 10 rounds on this topic.
  11. Our players don't work hard? I'm just gonna stop this now as I don't think we'll agree. It's fine. All good.
  12. Sure, but I also think they add players thoughtfully. I remember a portal transfer a few years back that ended up being a big time helper, but apparently his visit to Grand Forks nearly prevented him from coming as the players didn't like him. I haven't heard that from any portal goalie the past several years. The staff and team felt like they'd properly fit the "culture". BTW, every team talks about their culture. Why are some so obsessed with that?
  13. My favorite.... "Is the game on TV?" YOU HAVE A FRICKIN' COMPUTER IN YOUR HAND!!!!
  14. That group is a cesspool.
  15. Can't argue with that. I just don't think it's a massive problem to bring in a quality veteran.
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