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About stoneySIOUX

  • Birthday 12/10/1986

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    Bloomington, MN

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  1. Was it warm in there?
  2. Combine this with xG and you will make @Oxbow6 implode 😄
  3. Fair enough, man. I'm not doubting who or what you know!
  4. The conversation was about GMs and scouts guiding players away from UND and that players would leave at GMs and scouts behest. So, that was why I spoke about that.... you know, since it was part of the conversation. Goodness.
  5. Patently untrue? I guess you and I are hearing from different people lol. I've not heard of one single scout who it pushing kids away from UND.
  6. Sure, but the premise was that advisors and GMs are swaying players to leave UND. I don't think that's happening whatsoever. Leaving money on the table is one thing, but leaving just to go to another school is another. I have no reason to doubt your source. That doesn't mean it's going to happen.
  7. Simply because Berry comes back? No. This isn't just my opinion, it's of what I've heard.
  8. Guys, I hate to break it to you, but NHL scouts love UND. We're still very much appreciated as a program that develops players into pros. I have no doubt that that image will diminish if things don't improve, but as of right now, the NHL loves how UND develops players.
  9. Just talked to two people about this this past week. Sounds like everything is currently on track for him to play next year. I will remain hopeful.
  10. Care to wager?
  11. Big Z is the obvious choice. Strinden, James, and Liver get the As.
  12. LOL can we not do this? It's pure speculation.
  13. No, no. Facebook.
  14. I'm defending Berry in many situations, but I'll NEVER understand this. Why does criticism make someone not a fan? Such a stupid premise.
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