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Slap Shot

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Everything posted by Slap Shot

  1. I don't think Elliott would have made a difference. At most 1 goal seemed soft and the Gophers controlled easily as much play last night as Wisconsin - if not more. They just played better than the series at Mecca.
  2. Attended my first Gopher fan in 1973 and have been a HUGE fan ever since. I didn't say you have to agree with the article, I said I think it's stupid for UM fans to think we and our program are better than UND and vice versa. It's a petty argument that cannot be won nor proven. And what you think of Gopher fans is part of a never ending cycle that imho is lame. Sioux fans have the same percentage of d-bags as Gopher fans, as Badger fans, as... But if you really, really want to believe that Gopher fans are more cocky and whiney then accept the fact a number of Gopher fans think the opposite to be true. Doesn't really get us anywhere does it.
  3. I don't think hoping for 3 points in Madison is any more unrealistic than predicting, "UND would only lose one game" the rest of the way and catch UM in the standings.
  4. UND and UM fans both have a lot to be proud of regarding their respective programs. I don't think one is any "better" than the other, they're just different.
  5. That's what I've been saying as a means of telling Gopher fans they shouldn't get too far ahead in anticipating what will happen this weekend. I too said the loss of Elliott was probably an emotional hit that imho impacted their offensive spark against DU. Now that they realize what they have in Connelly (4 GAA in 2 games I think?) and with UM coming into town you can expect that they will be ready as they can be. Why I think UM should get at least a split this time around is that they are playing much better as a team defensively. They seem to have reduced the amount of stupid penalties, odd man rushes given up from poor turnovers and realizing that to win crucial games requires 60 minutes of effort. Hopefully that continues but we shall see.
  6. I've gone back and forth a bit on this. For instance I have MTU and UMD not getting a single point each after their respective series with MSU, but it's hard to believe any team could go 4 straight weeks without a single point. On the other hand, they both have to play those series against top tier teams in the league. I'm also not sure about CC given how Helter Skelter they've been. And of course no one knows how UW will respond without Elliott, not to mention it's uncertain how long will he be out. But for what it's worth: UW 28 44 UMN 28 40 Denver 28 37 UND 28 35 CC 28 33 SCSU 28 30 Mankato 28 18 MTech 28 15 UMD 28 15 AA 28 13
  7. No it doesn't. Why is this so hard to comprehend? I just said I didn't know preciesely where the puck was going to go but it was obvious what he wanted to do. Predicting a puck is going to over the glass anywhere within a section that is roughly 75 feet long is a bit easier than knowing where a shooter is going to put a puck on net. Parise, accept the fact he did it on purpose and move on.
  8. I didn't say I knew where in the stands it would land and it doesn't take ESP to tell what he was trying to do with the puck. Parise how is this concept so difficult?
  9. And Sioux fans think everything about UND is perfect which is why they deserve to be called the Fighting Halos. See how stupid stereotypes sound? I just don't get why some people insist on believing their fans are better than someone else's. People are people and on average every fanbase has the same number of jerks as any other. Nice win by the Sioux btw - well earned.
  10. I am saying what the game clock showed on FSN, and no one had to read his mind to see it coming. Get over it already it's not that big of a deal.
  11. The clock on FSN showed time had elapsed. If it was in sync with the game clock then time expired. And you don't have to read Phil's mind to see what he was going to do with that puck - he didn't do it in under a second. Cripes, watch the game tape again - you can see it coming well before it left his stick.
  12. I could tell he was going to send the puck over the glass before it left his stick, and I am not making that up. I said to myself, "He's not going to...wow, he did. What a stupid thing to do". You could see it coming from his positioning and the setup before shooting the puck. Laugh all you want, but I saw it coming. That said, it shouldn't be that big of a deal because it doesn't appear to be part of a trend. He did it once, probably regrets it and it most likely won't happen again. We can move on.
  13. Like tugging on a jersey? Incorrect, full time had elapsed.
  14. He did do it on purpose. I don't think was with the intent to injure anyone, but it was obvious that he tried to send over the glass. It doesn't make him a criminal, nor a bad guy and it's not that big a deal, but with the risk of being ridiculed I did think it was a bush league move.
  15. What I meant was that Kessel could be another Modano and shine, he could be the next Lawton and be a bust in the pros, or he might end up being something in between. I just think it's a bit disengenuous for anyone to fail to recognize he's legitimately an outstanding talent at this stage and is having a very good freshman year as an 18 year-old. That doesn't detract from what players such as Oshie and Toews have done themselves and those are great players in their own right, it simply means he's a great player.
  16. What is your problem? I didn't gloat after the first series and I'm not going to gloat now. Just because I don't dance lightly around doesn't mean I'm a bad guy. Why is it such a big deal if a Gopher fan disagrees with someone here? I haven't called anyone names and I haven't bad mouthed any Sioux players, the coach or the team. I simply said it was wrong to blame the refs for the first series, I don't think the Gophers are the anti-christs of college hockey and I don't think Kessel is as bad as some people say. You'd think a person would be allowed to post here without getting harassed all the time. Admins anyone?
  17. No. Never said it, never implied it. My only point has been that Kessel is damned if does, damned if he doesn't for too many people. If he saved a baby from a burning house some people would complain if he didn't also put out the fire. He's an 18 year-old kid for Parise sake - let him grow, mature learn and play a bit more hockey before we decide if he's the next anything - whether or not it's the next Mike Modano or Brian Lawton.
  18. What are you talking about? What did he post that indicates he deosn't know the game of hockey?
  19. Yeah, how dare Kessel pass the puck so often that it lead to 11 goals. btw, I noticed someone criticized Kessel for not shooting enough. I don't think this kid could do anything right for some people. If he shot more he'd be accused of being too selfish, intead he leads the WJC tournament in assists and is 3rd on the Gophers while playing 2 fewer games yet somehow that's not good enough? Oh well, we'll take him.
  20. I posted at USCHO that I think whichever team wins Friday night sweeps - including if it's UND. Of course if UND does win Friday I hope like hell I'll be wrong.
  21. 1992-93 U. of Maine - 42 W 1 L 2 T Player Name...................................GP G A Pts PIM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Kariya................................... 39 25 75 100 12 Jim Montgomery................................ 45 32 63 95 40 Cal Ingraham.................................. 45 46 39 85 50 Chris Ferraro................................. 39 25 26 51 46 Mike Latendresse.............................. 40 21 30 51 22 Peter Ferraro................................. 36 18 32 50 106 Patrice Tardif................................ 45 23 25 48 22 Dave MacIsaac................................. 35 5 32 37 14 Eric Fenton................................... 31 21 15 36 76 Chris Imes.................................... 45 12 23 35 24 Matt Martin................................... 44 6 26 32 88 Kent Salfi.................................... 33 10 13 23 24 Justin Tomberlin.............................. 34 13 9 22 22 Martin Mercier................................ 39 11 8 19 23 Lee Saunders.................................. 42 7 12 19 40 Dave LaCouture................................ 43 8 6 14 78 Dan Murphy.................................... 44 0 11 11 56 Brad Purdie................................... 20 3 7 10 14 Jason Weinrich................................ 38 1 8 9 42 Andy Silverman................................ 37 1 7 8 56 Jamie Thompson................................ 16 3 1 4 10 Chuck Texeira................................. 13 1 3 4 16 Wayne Conlan.................................. 3 0 3 3 0 Garth Snow (G)................................ 23 0 3 3 6 Jacque Rodrigue............................... 2 0 2 2 2 Mike Dunham (G)............................... 25 0 2 2 0 Greg Hirsch (G)............................... 11 0 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 292 481 773 889
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