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Everything posted by A.B.T.G.

  1. Sounds like Philly fans are thrilled about the new Flyers head coach.
  2. Worked well for Blais at pro level. Hope it pans out for Hak. Going to miss him behind the bench.
  3. Correct. That's all I was saying. Geez
  4. Oh. Ok.
  5. 14 in pair wise. Thanks Seniors!
  6. Pathetic effort on home ice....wake the F up and play like contenders Really tired of excuses.... Too much talent to put out 16 SOG.... Give me a break!!
  7. Why don't those hose head Gophers find a new league.
  8. That is hostile and abusive I think!
  9. Rau is a total hose head...go find your own league you gopher cheap shot....
  10. Agreed. Needs some accent black added. Otherwise this looks much like Mich State.
  11. Show me a good loser and I will show show you a LOSER! - Vince Lombardi
  12. Hakstol best be chewing some serious ass!!!!! What a joke!!!!
  13. Ole Ole Ole Ole!!!! 1-1 in Kato!!!!
  14. OOOOOh Yeahh!!!!!!! Siouxweet Goal!!!!
  15. If it is Fighting Ole, Sven or Lenas or even Lutefisks I am going to protest the NCAA as those names offend my Swedish heritage!!!!!
  16. He didn't have to unstrap his helmet or go jabber some BS to a camera. Hockey is the greatest sport! Classy kid! Way to go Jonathan!
  17. Wow! Minnesota has a really tough non-conference schedule. RPI (Young and weak) Michigan Ohio State US NDTP RIT Air Force BC (for good measure) Wayne State ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! I wonder if they can get the Eden Prairie JV team to play them for a real nail biter... Anything to get some wins for Donnie Boy.
  18. A.B.T.G.

    BC / MSU

    Great storyline is the Michigan State goalie...5' 6" and played awesome through his battle with asthma. Nice job Spartans. P.S. I think it is the year of the "little guy". Duncan with the Hobey Lerg with Championship. It is not this size of the dog in the fight....but the size of the fight in the dog!
  19. A.B.T.G.

    BC / MSU

    I do believe that BC stands for Boston Chokers
  20. I would take cover if I were you should the results not be what we want next time they are worn.... Actually it was a great article, but like Coach said it is the players in the jersey that create the success....the coincidence that they are 6-0 makes for good fan discussions.
  21. Let's just hope that the attention to a jersey and how the team is 6-0 in them is not equivalent to asking a pitcher pitching a perfect game into the ninth inning how he feels about a no hitter......
  22. This is awesome! Bareiro exposes the Gophers and ALL of the excuses for why they lost to the FIGHTING SIOUX. Finally a Minneapolis sports talk show host with some perspective on the sham that is Gopher Sports.... Priceless!
  23. They are giving up on hanging anymore National Championship banners so they have to get what they can up at the John.
  24. Norton's is almost as ignorant as a gophers fan.....almost....
  25. Gophers never commit penalties..... Or is it Ref's only call 1 in 5 infractions against them.....
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