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Posts posted by ticklethetwine

  1. Talk about a huge signing.Reload,reload,reload. :)

    Yeah I am pretty pleased with this one. I was pretty disappointed when the Rau kid decided to go to the goofers but this has made up for it.

    I am guessing he didn't want to go to Notre Dame because hockey is probably third fiddle and DU well they have like 3 people that show up for games and of course UND. The choice was probably easy for him.

  2. A friend and I traveled to Winnipeg for Toews' day with the Stanley Cup. We didn't attend the ceremony at City Hall, but we did attend the parade and 'celebration' afterward. The crowd was much bigger than anyone expected.

    The Dakota Community Centre was officially re-named the Jonathan Toews Community Centre. There were a few guest speakers. Toews gave a brief speech thanking the city of Winnipeg, fans, friends and family, and his old hockey coaches. He was only scheduled to sign autographs for an hour, but he ended up signing for two hours because of the large crowd. Even so, hundreds of fans went home without an autograph. I managed to get my puck signed as he was walking to his bus.

    Parade: Toews with the Stanley Cup & Conn Smythe Trophy



    Those are great pics. Thanks for posting them. Did you wear a sioux jersey? I guess I am just naive but I thought Toews would bring the cup to the Ralph kind of like Commie did.

  3. I guess as far as I am concerned we will always be the Sioux. I will still wear my fighting Sioux gear and chant let's go Sioux and i am sure people will still shout during the national anthem Home of the Sioux. So you see just because some group of people may have taken something away from us that doesn't make it right and good luck enforcing it. I sat a meeting in which President Kelley himself said "No one is going to tell you you can't wear your fighting sioux gear to games". I agree with that statement. So that is why I plan to load up on gear this year.

  4. GF native Alex Simonson commits to UNO:


    That's a horrible ratio of points to penalty minutes. :D

    Blais has accumulated a good group of recruits from the USHL...

    Montpetit was a former UW recruit and Walters was a former UMN recruit.

    Is this the Matt White that was a former UND recruit, or is that the other Matt White? I forget. :)

    I am still scratching my head on this one. Any time I have seen him play he looks like a big wimp out there. Nothing about him seemed great he was decent but not great. Unless of course I am confusing him with one of his brothers.

  5. I have a question regarding the logo and this may not be easily answered, but....say we were to change the nickname to the Fighting Objibwe or Chippewea (That is what they are..i think). If we change the logo or they give us permission to use it since one of them did design it...would that be ok with the NCAA? I realize this is a little far fetched since according to what I heard from the higher ups at UND while I was there, any new nickname proposed will not have anything to do with people...which leads us to animals or the dreaded colors.

    You mean like The Fighting Green or The Fighting Green Machine

  6. There was a Big time recruit on campus this weekend. Most hockey fans will remember his dad playing in the NHL. Thats all I can say, but I here it went good!

    Alright we are about 10 days out since this was posted and I haven't heard anything more about it. Do you have an update? I am also hoping the sioux can land Rocco Grimaldi this summer too. I look for him to decide in July.

  7. I agree with Brad Schlossman, that it would result in the puck being shot into the stands to relieve the pressure or to get to make a line change. Would serve the NCAA right if someone got hit by a puck and sued them for such a stupid proposal. I guess they want to make games longer by pucks going out of play or simply shuffling the puck to the goalie to freeze during a powerplay. At least the clock keeps running when the puck is iced when a team is shorthanded. Shows that the people making these proposals aren't hockey people because they don't think about the unintended consequences.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you get a delay of game penalty for shooting it into the stands?

  8. You think people advising these kids as to NCAA versus the major juniors are paying attention? What a joke, college hockey will suffer some serious damage if this comes to pass.

    I wonder if this NCAA Rules Committee has a email address? I think it is time for the fans to start complaining but in a tactful way.

  9. So is that it then?

    Or is this board going to keep bashing the Standing Rock tribal council every week that they don't make a decision on holding a vote to support the nickname from now until Nov 30th?

    Once they finish destroying our nickname and logo I wouldn't be so sure they or someone like them will feel the need to take away the Bison name as it is derogatory to animals and is sacred to NA people. Perhaps you will need to garner the same support that UND is seeking from the tribes and karma can be a fickle lady.

  10. It is sad to see that people aren't going to get a chance to let their opinions be heard at Standing Rock.

    If a vote happens and it turns out that the majority of Standing Rock don't support the nickname, I'd be more fine with moving on and having the nickname replaced. Instead we have these tribal leaders continually postponing meetings so there will be no progress in the matter...

    I can only imagine how deeply corrupt the tribal governing body is. Sorry, just the bitterness speaking. :glare:

    I think that is probably pretty accurate. Our leaders don't seem to be any better either.

  11. So in otherwords, expect him to come to UND in a couple years! I can't imagine Archie would want him any other place, and I'm sure the kid has heard plenty of good stories from his Dad

    Well that would be cool to see another Archibald playing for the Sioux. When I was a kid I used to love to watch Archibald play. More times then not he would be sitting in the penalty box. Man that brings back memories. I wonder if he still rocks the stache.

    Also another forum on this site is reporting that the sioux will get a verbal from a kid named JT Miller. Anyone know anything about this and if the kid is good or great?

  12. Afraid it's none of our family, we're from Columbus. But you speak the truth when you talk about the type of people North Dakotans are. Our family is from the Carrington area of the state originally. Now we have relatives from as far west as Beulah to Grafton and Grand Forks

    The best was this years final five. We loaded up the van, the kids and painted let's go Sioux on the windows and UND #1. The honks and yells of let's go Sioux were awesome. People driving by and jersey popping there shirt in the window as they pass us on the way there and especially on the way back. We even ended up going the wrong way home and wound up driving right through St. Clouds Campus in pursuit of the inter state. We actually got a few honks and yells of let's go Sioux. We did also get a couple middle fingers but that could be expected losing to the Sioux like they did.

  13. "expanded use of the development foundations(not just NDSU's) to skirt the bureaucracy of the SBoHE and the legislature"

    doesn't sound criminal to me. Is it bending the rules, yes of course. But has a crime been committed? :silly::D

    Cut the crap. NDSU f###ed up real bad and UND did a little but certainly not to the level of NDSU. Spin it like you will and you always do. Your just damn lucky Chapman isn't still around sucking the life blood right out of that horrendous school of yours.

    Go away MplsBison and go away NDSU.

  14. I think it's time we turned the tables on the nickname proponents and started asking them the tough questions. Questions like:

    What are you doing to address the real documented issues facing Native Americans such as unemployment, substance abuse, suicide and domestic violence?

    Where would you rank the retirement of the Fighting Sioux nickname in importance to the issues of unemployement, substance abuse, suicide and domestic violence?

    How would retiring the Fighting Sioux nickname help Native Americans with the issues of unemployment, substance abuse, suicide and domestic violence?

    What is the UNDIA and other organizations on and off campus doing to address these issues?

    What time and resources are the other organizations that are so vocally against the nickname putting toward these issues? How does it compare with the time and resources they are putting toward retiring the nickname?

    I would love to see Chuch Haga from the Grand Forks Herald get a round table discussion going on this issue and ask these questions of those organizations and individuals who are claiming the nickname is holding back Native Americans.

    With all the negative stereotypes of native americans that exist and all the social problems they face it's hard to believe that removing any association with an institution of higher education or eliminating one of the only positive images in the public's eye would help overcome these problems.

    Let's start asking them these questions.

    I am afraid most would have no answer as they probably have not looked past the nickname issue. I am not talking about the NA who live it everyday but those who claim to speak for the NA.

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