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Posts posted by ticklethetwine

  1. Watched the video highlights against Brown. There is no way the Sioux give them that much room in our D zone.

    No doubt. Those Brown Dmen were just standing still in the zone. Although Yale may be a good team I think the Sioux will have no problem with them.

    The last month and a half have been a big turn around for the sioux and I have a really good feeling this team could get it done this year. I know there are other good teams but UND has as good a chance as anybody. I have no problems with trying to get to the Frozen Four by going through BC. It is our time for some revenge on BC. Again, not looking past Yale but I am ok with having to play BC if need be.

  2. I wasn't intending to specifically call you out. And I know your response to my post was more pointed at Rick, but I'll comment anyways.

    squirtcoach is right in a way: It's not easy to be high on a team that is losing, especially when the team is losing games they either barely lost or could have won (depending upon perspective). And I don't think anyone here expects sunshine and songs of kumbaya and all that either.

    What we expect is for the season to play out before we start chopping off heads and pointing fingers.

    Hey, I wrote a long, sentimental blog post that made sense at the time but now is a bunch of crap on how this is a down year and we shouldn't be so hard on the team and blah blah blah. Now, the team has turned it around, become pretty dominant, and made me look the fool (even more so than I usually am).

    Firing a coach comes after years of failure or a trend of lack of improvement. Look at WMU or tOSU for examples this year. Both coaches lost their jobs because the Administration did not see their schools improving under the current coach.

    UNO did the same thing the year before and hired Dean Blais.

    Kneejerk reactions aren't good either. Everyone (including myself) blasted Alaska Fairbanks about Doc DelCastillo's debacle with recruiting and the state of the team coming into the first offseason after his hire. It was a mess and he surely did not do a good job of handling himself. Now, the current Alaska coach has pretty much all DelCastillo recruits on his team and they're in the NCAAs.

    So, that's my spin on things anyways. Patience is a virtue.

    Redwing, I was more or less talking to Rick. I was wrong about Hak this year and I am eating my humble pie right now.

  3. SOme of those posted by Rick aren't exactly fair.

    I don't see Shawn-O's post, for example, to be all that unkind to Hakstol and crew.

    It wasn't like ticklethetwine's comment about "fire his @ss"

    Many of them were just frustration run amok.

    I didn't think we'd see home ice in the playoffs, but again, I didn't question Hakstol over the results.

    Sometimes good teams don't get good results.

    I understand that this is the college game and not the pros. In the pros, teams can cut/fire/trade/bench players who aren't doing their jobs. In college, all we can do really is bench them. In very rare occasions they're asked to transfer or lose scholarship money.

    UND has had two such cases: Chris Fournier and Josh Siembida.

    So, it's become the coaches that get the blame. I get frustrated when Hakstol gets blamed for loses when the players go out there and get the looks at the net they want but can't convert.

    We could've beaten BC, swept the season series vs. Minnesota, beat Miami, etc. if we had simply converted those plays and recognized their pushes when they happened. But that's a function of the players, not the coaches.

    If a coach draws up a bunch of plays and implements them with near perfection only to see the puck hop over the stick, a player fall down, a stick break, an untimely whiff, or a hiccup in timing, how is that the coach's fault?

    The fact is, after the Broadmoor Championship game, the team got together and accepted the award AS A TEAM. And that's the key. The Sioux win as a team. They lose as a team. There is no individual to blame. They lost because they, as a team, were outplayed by another team.

    Sorry to oversimplify, but that's really, the most basic explanation.

    Great so I was wrong at the time. I think it was frustration. I was wrong and Hak was right. There does that make you feel better. Gosh a guy can't vent after some serious frustrating losses. So I suck as a human being as that what you want to hear Rick?

  4. Man. Can you help me out with the general time frame of the hit? It was an awesome check.

    I'm still uploading the after game stuff, it should be ready to post anytime (or you can check my "channel" in a couple hours if you can't sleep.

    Man I can't sleep. I am still watching youtube clips and I can't get enough. What a great weekend.

  5. For those of you living in GF and have cable through MIDCO and has the sports package, you can watch/record the WCHA Championship game replay at 11:30 pm tonight on channel 316.

    Took the whole family to the Final Five this year we have two small kids and it was absolutely awesome. We had a such a good time and it was great to see all the sioux fans. On the drive home this morning we were hoping the Sioux would get put in the West Regional in St. Paul so we could come back next weekend. Can't make it to Worcester so will hope to find it somewhere/how to watch.

    Sioux yeah yeah!!

  6. Agreed. The non-calls on Cepis are frustrating, but there are many other areas that contributed to the loss.

    2 seasons ago, Michigan Tech beat UND in the 2nd game after being shutout 4-0 the night before to send it to a 3rd game. MTU played their hearts out and lost a 1 goal game the next night.

    Mankato took it to 3 games a year or two before that.

    My point: teams play desperate when they know their seasons are on the line. I expect a war tonight, but I think the Sioux will pull it off.

    I totally agree. When the season is on the line you better play your heart out. I knew yesterday the gophers would not go down without a fight. As much as I hate them I know they are still capable of being a really good team. With that said the sioux just have something that the gophers don't. Call it grit, determination, heart, whatever you will but the gophers don't have "it". I would say the sioux will prevail more times then not.

    How much energy did the gophers expend last night? That might be a factor tonight in the later portions of the game.

    Go Sioux.

  7. Although I totally agree Cpiss is a big time diver the sioux really need to do better on the PK then they did last night. Also what happened to our pp this weekend I think we are 0 on the pp. I also agree that we need to rattle kangas early and he will be done. The sioux also need to tighten up the passing a little bit better tonight. They didn't seem like crisp, precise passes last night. There are a couple sioux who are due to explode. Trupp, Toews, Hextall, Knight.

    Lets go Sioux and kick these rodents down the road to the golf course.

    Love me some Sioux.

  8. I'd love to end the Goophers season again. :blush:

    Gophers are going to be playing with a lot of pressure on them to not get shut out of the final five on their home turf. They are going to be a motivated group and probably throw everything and the kitchen sink at us. We really need Eids to be on top of his game during this series. If we can strike early on the gophers I think we have a good chance at ratteling them and getting into the goalies head. I think all sioux fans would like to see a little payback from the debacle in MSP in Jan.

  9. I know Chay is a great hockey player but I don't want him back this year. I want him back next season.

    I tend to agree with this. However I don't think he will want to risk getting hurt again and not have the chance to sign a contract for some decent money. I would so much like to see him get his full senior year he so deserves it.

  10. Hakstol just said that he thinks Marto should be ok to play during the UMN series.

    He also just said that Genoway will be back on the ice...either later this year or next year. Hmm.

    Looked like his arm was in a sling when they were going to the locker room at the end of the game. Hopefully just being precautionary.

  11. The Sioux have the opportunity to end the Gophers season in Grand Foks this coming weekend. GO SIOUX

    other info coming.........



    The gophers will be a dangerous team but this is our time to end their season on our own turf. We can get it done but it won't be easy. GO SIOUX!!!

  12. To bad for the girls. Canada had a good defense but they by no means were dominating. I have to go back to goaltending in this game and the girls shouldn't feel bad cause either goalie could have been the hot one and it probably could have gone either way. By the way the USA womens team takes gold for best looking. Did you see them canucks. Ouch!!

  13. USA down 2-0 end of one. I remind myself that a two-goal lead is the most precarious in all of hockey. Go back out there and get the next one, girls!

    It appears as though Goaltending is the difference right now. USA 9 shots Canada 8 shots. Unoffical.

    Go Lamoureaux sisters and team USA. Lets bounce these canucks.

    Small disclaimer. I still like my canadian friends, nothing personal with the canuck reference.

  14. Lammy gets 2 goals and is named First Star of the Game coming back from double secret probation. How sweet is that!

    It was a very special night at the Ralph with the sweep and the homecoming celebration for our last national championship team. The notes from Travis Roche and Scorin' Goren were especially touching. But what became of Matt Greene? Where was he?

    He was going to do a little ice fishing so he was only at Fridays game.

  15. WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

    A big thank you to YaneA for keeping me updated via text messaging. I stayed off line and we won as predicted!!!! :silly:

    I think you are on to something Sioux-cia, I have stayed off line the last three games and so far we have won every one.

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