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Posts posted by ticklethetwine

  1. That was offsides. I was freaking out.... glad I wasn't the only one that noticed it. The replay showed it was offsides too, so it wasn't just the booze or my kelly green shades that made me see it that way. Thankfully it didn't change the outcome of the game. ...

    Go Sioux, get the sweep tomorrow....

    There is no question that was offside. When the play happened I thought his positioning looked odd but on the replays of my DVR he was for sure offsides. Blown call. Overall I thought refs called a good game.

  2. Saw him at the canad inn playmakers a few weeks ago. Man is he fun to party with!

    My little brother was a stick boy for the Sioux for about 3 yrs back long ago. One of those yrs was when Eddie was there. He used to give me and my brother all kinds of stuff. Like his sticks,Christian Brothers wood with his name and number stamped on the handle. Ian Kidd was another really nice guy to us. Don't get me wrong all the Sioux players were nice but Eddie really went out of his way to be real nice to us. My brother was only about 9 or 10 and the guys just loved him. Even hard ass Gino.

  3. After doing a bit of reading, Seth Jones was drafted in the 1st Round of the WHL draft by Everett..and that was them knowing Seth was interested in college as well. Also, it noted that Jones wanted to get to the NHL as fast as possible, and Major Juniors may be the best route for that based on their style of league.


    The kid is 14 and already 6-3 and a smooth skater. Damn this kid could be like 6-6 and big as heck. His dad was no small man either.

  4. I have a feeling that Eidsness gets the nod on Friday night. I'm thinking that regardless of his effort Dell gets the start on Saturday. Its funny that with more publicity this year Eidsness has started poorly......I think we've seen that a time or two before.

    I think the Freshman tender for Denver will is the big story this weekend. I don't see him playing average....he'll either steal a game or give up a Kangas like six spot.

    I hope the boys can just bust open the flood gates this weekend and beyond. Let's not rely on our goaltenders to win a game(s).

  5. Gothberg will come when Eids leaves.

    Info on prospective goalie recruits would be in the "Prospective" recruits thread. :D

    And there is a USNDTP goalie mentioned that we are showing interest in.

    I think eids is graduating early. . Not sure where that puts his eligibility.

  6. Too bad, I think the kid really has a Sioux heart and wanted to do well for himself, but especially the UND program. He just seemed to get too excited at times. He will be remembered as the QB who took us to D1 and had some great games as well as some that could have been better. Thanks and best wishes to Jake as a fellow GF central grad. May your future be blessed.

    Yeah Jake was our water boy at central when I played. He was this small curly haired kid who was just helping his dad out. To bad about the knee. Also from a fellow central alum best wishes jake.

  7. I was excited when we landed Danny Mattson with how he torn up Minnesota hockey, I guess it's taken him some time to develop. Remember though we have 7 seniors graduating this year, 4 being forwards. Thats not including any flight risks to pros (Gregoire, Kristo, I'd be surprised if Blood was gone) or transfers which is probably highly likely with our talent we have sitting. We'll have the same amount of total skaters in 2011 as we have this year(23). Just more of a logjam at forward instead of defense this year.

    2011 - Possible not including JT Miller

    Andrew MacWilliam D Jun

    Joe Gleason D Jun

    Ben Blood D Sen

    Ryan Hill D Jun

    Derek Forbort D Soph

    Dillon Simpson D Soph

    Nick Mattson D Fresh

    Total Defense 7

    Danny Kristo F Jun

    Michael Cichy F Jun

    Mario Lamoureux F Sen

    Corban Knight F Jun

    Brett Bruneteau F Jun

    Jason Gregoire F Sen

    Brett Hextall F Sen

    Carter Rowney F Jun

    Derek Rodwell F Soph

    Brock Nelson F Soph

    Colten St Clair F Fresh

    Michael Parks F Fresh

    Danny Mattson F Fresh

    Brendan O'Donnell F Fresh

    Mark MacMillin F Fresh

    Rocco Grimaldi F Fresh

    Total Forwards 16

    Brad Eidness G Sen

    Aaron Dell G Jun

    Tate Maris G Jun

    Total Goalies 3

    Total Skaters 23

    Isn't Taylor Dickens coming in at X-mas break?

  8. In the midst of euphoria after another close loss I have to say it looks like the offense again missed the bus and got to the game at halftime. The O line showed up even later. You cannot depend entirely on an offense of one speedy wide receiver. It is disappointing that a coach who was an O lineman cannot find or inspire better O line play to get more than 57 yds rushing and one first down in the first half. Thirteen minutes difference in time of possession is going to kill you every time and it has this season. I hope that Muss can develop the Redshirts or find new recruits that can move the football on the ground at least part of the time. Until this program finds some horses for the O line it is not going to be very productive in spite of some gallant play by everyone else.

    How about the coaching? It seems like that could be part of the problem. I am a UND alum and huge fan but never real big on UND football. The coach we have now just doesn't seem to be getting the job done. Thoughts?

  9. What a letdown of a weekend. I know polls don't mean squat right now but our Sioux will slide out of the top 10 I am sure. I really thought this team was better then that. Boy has this been a humbling weekend.

    Hats off to Maine they took us to the wood shed and back.

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  10. Who gets the start in net tonight? I am still po'd about eidsness's play last night. I feel he really set the tone poorly last night and couldn't save a puck for the life of him. Then I think about Dells stupid play to come out of the net and disrupt Genoways clearing attempt. Then when he got caught flopping around the side of the net on his stomach, I just don't know who I would trust in net. Is Maris available!

  11. MN Hockey Hub has a couple of lists about MN kids getting DI interest. We're listed for a couple of guys.



    Michaelson, Schroeder,Tufte, and Knochenmus.

    It was my understanding that Michaelson was going to decide on either UND or UMTC after the UND/Bem series. So we should hear either way soon.

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