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Everything posted by TheFlop

  1. Probably when he earned his MD from UND.
  2. Nope. Just drowning in facts. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/X56rQkDgd0qqB7R68t6t7C/seven-things-you-need-to-know-about-antifa
  3. You think Antifa just started during the Trump administration? Lol.
  4. This thread hasn't been around for years.....only seems like it. Name-calling is a good way to instantly discredit any point you may have....both sides. In my opinion one side is more prone to defaulting to the practice than the other, but that's probably besides the point. When I see someone use the word "libtard" I just roll my eyes because it just reinforces the stereotype of the right and /or Trump supporters that the media so desperately wants you to believe applies to everyone in those categories.
  5. Actually most people have an issue with using the word "retard" or any abbreviated form of it (and have for the last 30+ years). That goes for many people on the right and left. It is just as offensive to someone that is developmentally challenged (and their parents) as a racial slur is. Try to show a little more maturity in your conversation.
  6. Talking out of your rear again.....because it's almost all political at this point. Don't be a hypocrite and try to make it sound otherwise. At least Oxbow helps put the Covid, and in this case the double standards that exist when it comes to media reporting crime, into perspective for people like yourself that aren't equipped to do so.
  7. Typical emotional response dodging the question when things get inconvenient. Deep down, if you are assuming that Chauvin 100% only did what he did because Floyd is black......do you honestly believe that Dilorenzo and his wife being old and white played no role in 2 black teenagers picking them as marks?
  8. It's called retirement. He was 60+ years old, did you expect him to work forever?
  9. I dunno.....for some reason it mattered and was very well publicized that the cop that killed George Floyd was white....but when two black people kill a white guy the races of the offender are sanitized. Just wondering why there isn't any consistency?
  10. The local Charleston report. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.counton2.com/news/local-news/deputies-responding-to-shooting-in-downtown-charleston/amp/
  11. And doesn't fit the narrative so you'll never hear anything more about it unless you go out looking for updates. White guy that got an education, followed the rules and wasn't constantly breaking the law or hurting people, finally hits the finish line only to be snuffed out by two teenagers in an inner city weeks later.
  12. Very sad. Another reminder of why it's important to enjoy the ride and not just the finish line goal. You never know when your number will get called.
  13. The second you step outside of your house you've made the decision to breath the same air (and droplets) as the public. No one is imposing it on you. And yet another ridiculous comparison by you trying to compare not wearing a mask to intentionally commiting a crime......but I suppose with the way the media is running with this just give it time and anything is possible.
  14. If you are scared you are free to wear a mask, avoid crowds/social distance, or just stay inside a bunker for the rest of your life. YOU can control that.
  15. So now you don't just want government but you want me to take care of you because you can't? Do you want me to balance your checkbook for you? Do you want me to show up at your house when it starts raining and remind you that you should roll up your car windows? When you crack a beer should I have to come over and tell you to not consume more than 3 or else it's considered binge? Geez listen to yourself! I'm not overly worried...most people aren't. I am at minimal risk as are many others. I've made the decision to enjoy life instead of living scared. You don't have to agree with me....you can take more precautions than me...that's your right. But don't try impose your fear on me. It's not that hard.
  16. Hospitals and long term care facilities are a different deal.....because many of the people there aren't able to protect/take precautions themselves. If they were fully able to care for themselves and/or make their own decisions by definition they wouldn't be in either of those places. Try again.
  17. Yes you are. I think we had a break through today. The same hospital systems that allegedly were so full that Navy medical ships were needed......stadiums like the Fargodome were getting equipped with beds.....and campus dorms were considered being used as makeshift hospitals? Those same hospital systems? I never heard what came of all of that, did you?
  18. Now we are drilling down to the problem. So what you are saying is that in order for YOU to feel safe, you expect product A. If YOU can't get product A, everyone else should have to acquiesce to your fears whether your fears are justified or not, even if they don't share the same fears/beliefs? Remind me.......which side of the masks vs no masks are the selfish ones?
  19. So N95 masks are the only types that work?
  20. Same here. Have immunocompromised people in my family too. The reality is that the condition that causes them to be immunocompromised in the first place is multiple times more likely to negatively affect their lives than whatever the latest virus is that SE Asia has slung across the ocean every couple years. I'm capable of making informed decisions regarding the risks we are willing and not willing to take. Unfortunately others are apparently not so capable so they want to impose their misery on others
  21. Personal responsibility would be those that are vulnerable, or just freaked out by the media, having the burden on them to wear the appropriate protective mask/accessories if they chose to partake in public activities (which is a voluntary activity). It's really not that hard of a concept. Much easier than draconian threats for every single person to wear a mask 24/7.
  22. Another weak example. I believe that the right wingers response was that those that were affected or could easily be affected should take precautions.....i.e. personal responsibility.....look up the concept. There weren't mandates flying around that even people at no risk (husband and wife for example) had to wear rubbers when they got it on.
  23. Yep. You know it sounds ridiculous when you say it out loud.....but that is exactly what is happening. Amazing the number of people that can't take a step back and see the craziness of it all.
  24. If anyone that tested positive for HIV would have been placed in a quarantine until a vaccine was found we could have stopped the spread of that virus right?
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