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Everything posted by TheFlop

  1. And are you trying to say that if the curfew was enforced with a sufficient show of force by the national guard that this all still would have happened?
  2. Didn't say that the kid was justified. No one knows that yet. Keep jumping to conclusions and throwing the entire legal system out the window like many BLM supporters are doing. You are in good company there.
  3. There is one story out there that the guy that was shot in the head was assaulting a shop owner which caused the kid to intervene. Is that true? Don't know yet. But at least one of the three "peaceful" protestors was also carrying a gun. If you want to argue the kid shouldn't have been there I'd agree with you, but the same must be said for the others that were there too. And it is an undeniable fact that if the Mayor and (mostly) Governor were doing their jobs none of this additional crap would have happened and they could have focused on the initial incident. Instead they chose the woke approach and it failed miserably. Vigilante justice is not a good thing but that's what you will continue to have if leaders don't do their job.
  4. People need to wait for more information to come out, something BLM and their supporters don't like to do because it is often detrimental to their case and they want to get their disruption/destruction in. Absolutely the kid didn't have to be there after curfew.....but he had just as much right as all of the protestors there that were also breaking curfew. It is ironic that bringing a gun both helped create a bigger potential issue while also most likely saved his life. I'll wait for more information to trickle out but the three people that were shot all have sh*tty records so don't rule out the fact that their actions that night helped contribute to a self defense situation. All of this could have been avoided if the Milwaukee mayor and Wisconsin governor had learned from the mistakes of Frey and Walz and immediately called in reinforcements/plenty of national guard. Instead they were too busy immediately throwing their officers under the bus (trendy these days) and blabbering apologies out.
  5. It will depend on whether any of the leaked videos are actually true or not, because if they are accurate good luck finding any jury that will nail him on 1st degree murder. Lesser charges are possible. The immediate overreaction by the DA is 100% to pander to the rioters in the hopes it will stop them from rioting any more than they already are. Going down the same road as the Atlanta cop that was immediately fired and charged (that is going to be in line for a huge payday because of the complete overreaction there). There's a strong chance the DA knows that a self defense argument is gonna keep this kid from getting in any real trouble anyways so at least by charging him out right away (instead of delaying it and using the appropriate charge) they are appeasing the BLM rioters.
  6. Not too long ago one guy acted out in Minneapolis....and the context there was the guy that got harmed had done something wrong ......but it was pretty universally agreed upon that he didn't have it coming as you seem to be suggesting. There was a little different reaction too by the media over that one person that was acting out, I wonder why.
  7. You didn't take care of your body for years but now all of a sudden I am supposed to bend over backwards for you? No thanks. People wearing paper thin cloth masks with all sorts of gaps around their nose and sides of mouth thinking that somehow that will stop an aerosol is truly the stupidest thing rational people have ever heard.
  8. The same medical professionals that advocate for wearing masks also have been advocating for years for people to lose weight, exercise more, and eat better. Obese people weren't forced to stay at home, wear gags so the couldn't eat, and they didn't have the majority of their leisure activities cancelled due to their non compliance back then but wouldn't that have cured the obesity epidemic? People that did what they were supposed to do (give a crap about their health) shouldn't be the ones to pay for those that didn't do the same.
  9. If the US was in need of an enema.....Portland would be where you stick the tube......but only after you took the tube out of Detroit.
  10. It gets really amusing seeing people that so blindly hate a person/ideology that they are willing to continually throw common sense out of the window. With the understanding that there are no absolutes, protecting the vulnerable and letting everyone else rip does work if the vulnerable are truly protected and the let it rip doesn't overwhelm hospitals which by and large it hasn't.
  11. Fast forward 5 years....even with an "effective" vaccine that is 50% accurate, you could still easily have Covid-19 (or Covid 24) deaths in the tens of thousands. Shut everything down for months each year?
  12. Correct, he said that, he wants that, but he can't force that. And leave the biased leaving out perspective reporting to the mainstream media. When you are the son of the President of the USA, you can't just up and switch schools a couple weeks before school starts due to all of the security arrangements that are necessary.
  13. Any parent that did that with their kids is a sorry excuse for a parent for making their kid needlessly worry about something that is far down the list of things that could hurt their kids.
  14. Because the private school he attends is starting with an online model for all kids.
  15. Definitely growing evidence that it is aerosol.....which does make masks minimally effective short of an infected person hawking a loogie on someone.
  16. Comprehension still an issue I see. Nursing homes can absolutely control the access point. If they aren't operating under the assumption that anyone that enters could be a carrier then they aren't doing their job.....and that's on them. Making everyone pay a price and needlessly sacrifice instead of holding the smaller number of people that have their hands directly on the issue accountable = typical far left logic.
  17. Nursing homes are controlled, or at least controllable settings with an access point. It never ceases to amaze me the logic that people like you use by saying...."let's lockdown/impact/change as many lives as we can in the general public by cancelling/restricting activities" instead of doing the more common sense less intrusive approach of "let's control the access point". If an employee at the nursing home is scrubbing in/following the proper procedures the risk is minimal. If they aren't.....that's on the nursing home. If visitors can't safely enter, that's on the administration for not setting appropriate policies and the visitors for not being safe enough out in public given their want to periodically visit a nursing home. A high school senior missing prom wasn't and still isn't the solution.
  18. That is right. He may not win, but it's gonna be really close. If the stock market stays up, unemployment trends down, and if there continues to be improvements in the treatment (and gulp a semi effective vaccine) look out.
  19. So are you saying that nursing homes aren't currently requiring all vendors/visitors to wear appropriate masks/sanitize.....and take other precautions like limiting number of visitors/visits? Because if not, once again that's on the nursing home not on the 18 year old kid that missed his football season this fall in Minnesota.
  20. Correct....because there are very few absolutes in anything. How did the asymptomatic/minimally symptomatic people get that level of "immunity"? It wasn't by living in a bubble and staying home for a week everytime someone in their school or office came down with some illness. They lived life, caught viruses, and built up their immune system. Here's food for thought, the next virus that SE Asia slings over to the US might be more deadly than Covid-19.....what if having caught Covid-19 and allowing your immune system to build up and fight it off.....helps you weather the next virus?
  21. Who's bringing the virus into the facility? Maybe those people that are exposing vulnerable people to the virus should be more careful? Me going into Hugo's to buy a milk without a mask or my kid playing a basketball game isn't the one doing it.
  22. Your first question I (and frankly no one) can help you if you can't comprehend. A virus needs a host.....if it runs out of hosts...it runs out of people to spread it. As to the outbreak you cited in Grand Forks, I specifically said people able to handle it. People in long term care facilities are a vulnerable population and require a higher level of protection. Apparently medical grade masks worn by trained medical personnel wasn't enough to prevent an outbreak.......maybe it would have helped to make them wear the same cloth masks that somehow are supposed to keep everyone safe in Hugo's.
  23. Ok I feel sorry for you so I will explain. People previously got sick with a virus/viruses....contrary to liberal beliefs this is not something that just started happening in March 2020....been happening since the beginning of man/woman/non-binary/LGBTGIQWQIAGFF people. For those with normal immune systems (the majority of the population) getting these viruses has trained your immune system to be able to fight off that viruses and future viruses. The people that didn't live in a bubble and didn't have pre-existing problems with their immune systems have fared fine with Covid. The more Covid spreads through people that are able to handle it......the fewer people there will be going forward to keep catching it and spreading it to others that maybe can't handle it. It really is a bandaid quick or slow type of thing.....and I understand why the bandaid wasn't yanked off right away.....but the slow peel of the last 4-5 months has been ridiculous.
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