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  1. Letting a large chunk of land near the city like that go sovereign to Turtle Mountain would be an absolutely horrible idea. Let them invest, see if they can get approval from the state for an exemption to build a casino, give them a long term permit if this thing passes, but for God's sake don't give up total control of that land.
  2. Unfortunately you are probably right.
  3. Honestly I think with recruiting the overall talent level is down too. On a good Sioux team, a guy like Jamernik is a 4th line rotational player.....like he was when he first came in. Guys like Schmaltz and Mcclaughlin wouldn't be guaranteed playing every game on stronger sioux teams either.
  4. Best case scenario.....a team is good and entertaining to watch....like the 2016 Championship team. The next best option is when a team maybe isn't good.....but they are entertaining to watch (i.e. Dixon Ward....Russ Romaniuk years). Worst scenario is when a team isn't very good and is nowhere near entertaining to watch (this year).
  5. Lol. A company shill to the very end. I suppose if you want to compare Bubba to Mussman at the end line by line (in a vaccuum) you could maybe say the overall team is very marginally better. But to that I would say 1) Have higher standards than being better than what Mussman was at the end and 2) Bubba barely moved the needle on this program after all of his years.....meanwhile UND fell farther and farther behind the SDSUs....NDSUs.....and more recently Montana State and USDs of FCS. By his lack of meangful progress he dragged this program farther back from the pack than it ever was under Mussman.
  6. If the position they made up for him is like many of the baloney made up positions are that have made UND administration top heavy........then are naps still in play?
  7. It's too bad Chaves had to let this thing hit rock bottom before bringing in Schmidt. Schmidt (or a Schmidt like candidate) should have started 2-3 years ago. Watching this game and the NDSU/SDSU game makes a guy realize how far away UND is.
  8. If that played a role in Bubba keeping his job....then yes. At least 3 years.
  9. Pure gold lol. Though if getting one......much less two postseason wins in a season is the benchmark for UND athletic teams.........
  10. Towing the company line til the bitter end.
  11. Grand Forks gets away with it because the overall level of talent is strong. The truly great kids will always find their spot. But after that unfortunately there is a tier of kids that have gotten extra ice time and benefits of getting bumped up a team higher than they should be because their dad's were good players 25 years ago.....or because their dad's kiss the butts of those dad's that were good players 25 years ago.
  12. Local is covering it and including photo of the shooter. But try googling Burnsville shooter....and look at the stories....USA Today....AP...etc. The majority of those stories don't include a photo.. or they bury it well down the article. Bias at its finest. Just looking for consistency. Either the media blasts these photos of criminals at the risk of glorifying them. Or let's not publish photos of any of them.
  13. Yeah like what conservative media outlet are you referring to? Just one example, a minor like Rittenhouse shoots 3 guys in about the most clear case of self defense a court has seen in years......and his photo is blasted everywhere in the press. Meanwhile.....for some reason the minors in this case are having their identity protected....because they are minors. Just looking for consistency whichever side that consistency may be.
  14. Funny how that works. And some don't believe the media has a bias with these sorts of stories.
  15. Maybe it was an undersized kid dressed up like a lion that couldn't even walk straight.
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