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Everything posted by rochsioux

  1. 21-17 St Cloud approx 3 min. left 2nd and 14 for St. Cloud from their 4.
  2. Wow, Stafford with a great goal, 5-2.
  3. Haven't noticed but is Prpich playing ?
  4. Audio is about 30-60 seconds behind dataflix. Seems nothing should be behind dataflix.
  5. McMahon from Zajac and Stafford 2-1 Sioux.
  6. Fuher from Murray and Genoway ties it at 1-1.
  7. Brandt in goal. D - Jones/Greene Murray centering Spirko and Porter
  8. Looks like Tim Skarperud is a volunteer assistant with this years team.
  9. Wendy was his wife. My condolences to coach Blais and his family.
  10. Herald article from today. Saying other schools reserve 20-30% of their arenas is not a valid argument unless you take into account the size of the arena and the size of the student body.
  11. Taking an average of the other schools is a ridiculous measurement. What I would like to see is the number of student tickets alloted vs. the number of students enrolled. My guess is that the UND students have a much higher percent than most (maybe all) other schools in the WCHA. The main reason the students got such a large percent of the seats in the Old Ralph was that they helped pay for the building. My guess is that UND has 15-17% ticket allotment for the students (2000-2200 tickets for 13200 students). Not sure how many tickets schools like Minnesota make available for students, but they have 40,000 students which means they need to give 6000 or more tickets to the students to be comparable to UND. I believe Mankato State is similar to UND in enrollment and I doubt they allocate 2000 seats to their students. Lower bowl vs. upper bowl is a useless debate since all student seats in REA are excellent for watching hockey. Some schools such as MN only have one bowl so how can you compare locations ?
  12. I have to agree with REA to some degree on this one. I'm not sure there was even one game last year where the students used all their seats in the upper deck. If 307-310 did sell out it was because the remaining student tickets were bought by the public. If you sell these as season tickets there will be a lot of empty seats for each game. The big problem is that the cost of the season ticket is so cheap that someone may purchase them with the intent of only going to select games. As long as the students can't sell out 307-310 for most games how can you expect REA to change their policy ? I agree that is sucks for the diehard fans but you still can get tickets. As far as the cost, why can't REA lower the price of the student single game tickets to match what a season ticket costs (about $4 ) ?
  13. If the students can't fill the seats they get why should REA even consider improving location or the number of seats alloted to students ? If the students don't go because the seats are in the upper deck then they are pretty spoiled. If they want to see hockey then go to the game, sit in the upper deck and work to improve the atmosphere and quit whining about everything. Focus on what you do have: the best hockey arena in the country and one of the best teams every year. Every one of the student seats is a good seat. I travel 400 miles to Grand Forks 5-6 times each year to see games. My only way to get tickets is buy the few single game tickets that they sell, generally in section 311. These are some of the "worst" seats in REA. They are upper deck in the corners at the end where the Sioux only shoot once, and I pay $20-25 per ticket, not to mention ticketmasters ridiculous fees (+hotel, gas). I am NOT complaining, I am happy to be able to get a seat. My only other ticket option is if the students don't sell all theirs which was almost every game last year. However, to get these tickets I have to wait till the Thursday before the games so I would rather buy the single game tickets in advance so I can plan the trip. This year I couldn't get tickets for the Saturday Gophers game. Maybe I should complain to REA that more tickets should be placed in the public single game ticket allotment that goes on sale in September since the students didn't use all their tickets last year.
  14. If you say the line starts at 8 am Friday it doesn't take a genius to figure out that some people will try to get there earlier to get an advantage. This had to be known in advance and some plan should have been devised for dealing with this. If the plan was to do a lottery then this should have been published ahead of time. In the end there is no perfect system when more people want tickets than there are seats available. A lottery will distribute the tickets randomly (assuming it is run fairly) but it will not respect the diehard fans more than a casual/social fan. The ticket distribution needs to respect the diehard fans as it is those fans that bring the atmosphere to the area. The only way I can think of is to track student attendance and deny tickets in future years to those that didn't use their tickets a specific amount or at least drop their priority. Given the demand for tickets and the minimal student cost to purchase, I think it is reasonable to expect those students that get tickets to actually use them for most games. REA should also sell rush tickets after the game starts and these tickets could then be used to sit in the student section if seats are unoccupied. If there is concern that casual student fans will show up late then you could deny entry once the rush tickets start selling or the first period is over.
  15. Here is the contact info, you may want to call them and ask about tickets: Fly the Ralph
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