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Posts posted by 808287

  1. Ok, I'd like to hear some coaches opinions about matching up lines. For instance, why and when to put your checking line out against another teams top line. How do you adjust if your pk lines have been out on the ice ten minutes straight?

    Any other scenario's about line matching welcome...

    Thanks for your replies.

  2. was stuck in clown town until tuesday. lets just say my buddy and i are very familar with the bartenders around that place. 3 nights there is enough for a few years :)

    go sioux

    Ahh...swept under the Red Carpet, I presume?

    The MacNaughton Cup can be assured with a stick salute Sunday evening.

    GO SIOUX!!!

  3. Just got back from St. Cloud.

    The referees can not be pleased with their effort this weekend. Capricous is the best way I can describe them. Worse than most high school refs in Minnesota.

    I only wish I had been there to see the capriciousness first hand on Saturday night, but Friday night's reffing was questionable at best.

    Sounds like a gutty road win for the Sioux, and a key to bringing home the MacNaughton Cup.

    Sweep the Beavers!!!

  4. It's time for the Sioux to put the boot to the floor and take the big slow lumbering team from UAA to the woodshed.

    Totally agree. Black jersey's or not, tonight needs to be all business from the Anthem to the final horn. Step on the throat...stand on it...wiggle your foot around...whatever it takes. Those two points belong to the Sioux and the team needs to go out there and TAKE them.

  5. Those were my exact thoughts as I watched the game on TV. I'd say that's pretty good for jumping into the lineup in February.

    He's got skillz to be sure, which is not surprising.

    I'm still impressed with Rodwell...the guy can get up a head of steam in pretty short order. Now to get him to bury a few of those!

    Stick Salute Saturday!

    GO SIOUX!!!

  6. Hakstol in my mind only has one thing to prove:

    Can he beat ... Jerry York.

    York's teams seem to have the formula to beat Hak's teams. It looks like Yale (last year) and Maine (this year twice) found Jerry's formula.

    That to me is the only thing Dave Hakstol needs to figure out. Once he can figure out how to play and win a non-WCHA style, eastern-speed style of game, he'll be just fine.

    Did he not beat Jerry York in the 2005 regional in Worcester? Pretty sure the Sioux beat both Bwastun teams at home that year, before losing to DU in the final at the FF.

    But yes, since then, York and Co. have owned the Fighting Sioux.

  7. Well, that was a pretty disgusting period. I sure hope Hak reads them the riot act and they come out with a new approach for the last period and perhaps regain a little respect!(and goals)

    Disgusting? Well, I suppose. This is a family forum.

  8. Trupp has been awesome this homestand. I can't believe how fearless he is for a guy his size to play along the boards.

    Mr. Trupp is the epitome of Fighting Sioux hockey. He never stops trying to make a play with the puck. On one knee, on his belly, flying through the air...his head is turning and hands are moving toward the puck.

    He is just flat-out tenacious, and I have really enjoyed watching him play the past few years.

    His OT game winner against UM is one of my all time favorite Sioux goals.

  9. I see a lot of people taking the "safe" option and looking for a split this weekend. Omaha plays a good game and Dean is a great coach.

    But this is OUR ice.

    Stick salute's start NOW!

    GO SIOUX!!

    • Upvote 1
  10. Wow. This is really too bad. Always hate to see this happen to a kid.

    No doubt. I hope he can make a full recovery and put up his best effort at a pro career. I remember thinking when he was a sophomore that he was a pretty tight pile of bricks between the pipes.

  11. Here is a video of the disallowed goal as well as Frattin's goal of beauty. As I said in the blog post the first view is UTTERLY CLEAR the puck was in before the whistle was blown.


    It also seems utterly clear that Adam et.al. felt they needed to toss one out to even things with RM's coach. But honestly, I thought they got the first no-goal call right (even when I try to be objective). Seems like more proof to me that the WCHA officiates by "eye for an eye" rather than calling the game as it's played in front of them.

    Not to mention ignoring all the clutching, grabbing, and other infractions going on. The reffing last night was questionable at best.

    EDIT: The above is a comment on the officiating. I could still ask the question "Where was the intensity we saw in the last four minutes for the other fifty-six?" It was pretty obvious that once the goal was called back the Fighting Sioux were going to score. They dominated that shift. I didn't see that all-out intensity for much of the game.

  12. A great weekend sweep for the Sioux. RM showed tonight that they wouldn't lay by their dish and go away.

    Personally, I am glad Dell was between the pipes when the puck was dropped. His solid play allowed Fratts to put it away with that laser beam shot of his.

    Now it is time to turn attention to goldie...

    GO SIOUX!!!

  13. We have had many reports this season of where the Sioux signal seems not to be right on 91w, so your dish sounds as if it was setup correctly for 91w but because of this phenomenon, moving the dish helped. Seems to be rationalised also?

    I have a motorized dish and nudging did not help the signal quality at all for me tonight in the Twin Cities.

    I should also say that before I nudged it, I had 0/11 for signal quality. No signal at all...not poor. So it was only with the minor adjustment that I could get anything at all on the transponder. Working great now tho.

  14. Thanks for the info guys. Kinda frustrated I get the other channels (RIT game) and some baseball, but not a hint of life on the blind scan or manual program scan for the FSSN frequency...Happily the UND Insider is a very good back up, but just not on my 60 inch screen! Go Sioux!

    Using the Hotdish, I first scanned in 91w, picked up the RIT/Army game, but no signal on FSSN. Nudged my dish a tich West and got 72/72 for signal. Game is coming in beautifully. Have had to do the 'nudge' for every series this year. However, having nudged, I still pick up the RIT/Army game. Could be my dish isn't quite perfect on the mount, but it doesn't take much to bring in FSSN.

  15. That Maine series is going to be a big thorn in our butts to try and maintain a #1 seed. Top Hockey East teams like BC and UNH are going to continue to hold the Common Opponents point against us because of it. If we maintain a good RPI, that gives us a point over each of them, but like Jim said, the TUC percentage will be the deciding factor against both teams. UND must play at a high level against all TUC's from here on in. If so, we'll be a #1 seed. If we slip up, we'll be a #2 seed at best.

    Good points for sure. Control that which you can control. Beat every greater-than-25-ranked-team and let the tourney seedings fall where they may. Do that, and a #1 seed belongs to the Fighting Sioux for sure. Get Gregoire and Hextall back in the process and go get #8!

  16. I'm anxious to see what the lines will be for this game minus of course the Pony Express. Of course both Bruno and Davidson will be in the lineup, and Brad said this week that both Marto and Gleason would both play defense against Duluth......

    Here is my guess:








    I could see the Sioux going with an 11 forwards 7 defensemen lineup too. But Simpson has played forward before, and I'm not sure who else you put up there to fill a line with Marto and Gleason back on D.

    Swap rowney and Rodwell, and consider playing Dickin for Simpson (maybe?) and I think you have a lineup.

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