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Posts posted by 808287

  1. I thought that was a dam fine weekend of hockey. The Fighting Sioux played with good intensity for 120 minutes and things are starting to gel with some of the freshmen. I like Nelson more every time I see him play, and it was great to see Kristo shrug off his scoring schneid and notch a few this weekend.


    To the rest of the WCHA: Notice served.

  2. Uh, to tie a offer to whether or not your relative donates money is an NCAA violation. His offer would be tied to how well he plays, not money.

    And, of course, it is contingent on academic eligibility. Something that may get more sunshine in future recruiting efforts, I suspect.

  3. i believe it has to be a digital antenna since those channels are digital. I don't know if the old school ones would work. Its worth it to go to walmart and get one if you enjoy college hockey because it gives you two more games to watch every weekend when the beavers are at home. Also i figured if i will spend 15-20 bucks a weekend on 2 webcasts, i might as well just go spend the money on the antenna even if it cost a little more since you can use it year after year for this series as long as pbs covers it.

    Rabbit ears should work if your TV has a digital tuner.

  4. This year's power play reminds me of the days when I'd hear some folks chant "Decline it!" when UND would get a power play a few years ago.

    In that vein, and keeping with the topic of this thread, I think if I were the coach I'd work that PP over until it clicks like a well oiled watch. This is the low hanging fruit, in my opinion and is an area where the team could pick up some scoring quickly. Might take a new look to the PP though, those blocked shots from the point kill possession in the zone pretty quickly.

  5. Shaft is ridiculous if he believes Notre Dame's decision to go HE had anything to do with the Sioux logo. I love the logo and can't stand the thought of being called something else, but I also love UND and I hate how much attention this issue is bringing to the institution. I can't go to a (professional) conference without the logo being referenced by colleagues from other universities. It doesn't matter what the schools id doing or what breakthroughs in research have been made, the logo issue always overshadows the accomplishments of the university. Sometimes I wish I was just a fan of the sports teams at UND and had no real affiliation with the school, it would be so easy for me to not care how this issue effects the institution on an academic level and I could say things like "fie Kelley and Faision" and "they won't see a dime from me if they change the logo". I believe that the legislature will repeal the law and UND will retire our proud nickname, it will be a sad time in our schools history, but truth be told I look forward to the closure it will bring. I'm sure the majority of you who'll read this will strongly disagree with my sentiments and question my loyalty, but it will be nice to finally talk about something else.

    It *may* not have anything to do with the logo that you and I normally associate with the current uniform and Sioux hockey team. It *may* be an issue over the "N over D" logo common to both North Dakota and Notre Dame schools. These two are very similar, if not identical (except color) and I could actually see Notre Dame taking issue with this. A skilled attorney such as Mr. Shaft may take such an issue, refer to it as a "logo issue", and use that to help accomplish another mission entirely; doing away with the nickname/logo that is in such heated debate.

    I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'...

  6. After taking my third trip to Madison one very impressive thing is how everyone wears red. Even if they aren't going to the game. They love their sports and show it. They also aren't the jerks that you get when going to Minnesota games. I heard one comment directed at me the whole weekend and it was "sue's a girls name."

    If you were there for the 2007 NCAA Regional Final you may have a different impression of the fan base. I respect Wisconsin for their teams, but not for their fans.

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