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Posts posted by 808287

  1. Poolman is not coming next year. Hes 2014. LaDue, Crisfield and likely Thompson I'd guess. My point was we have 3 eligible to come in and I don't see, as of now, more than Forbort, any other early departures from the blueline. Of course, that could change. We still have Simpson, Mattson, Schmaltz and Panz. Bring in the three mentioned and we are good. JMO.

    What about Charlie Pelnik?

  2. Positives from this weekend:

    I really think we are getting to some lines- Knight with Kristo and MacMillan is legit, so is Grimaldi with Caggiula and St Clair. I actually think all forward lines showed me something tonight.

    Negatives from this weekend:

    Terrible breakout, worse power play, and even worse defensive zone play

    So, everything that needs work is coached, that means the coaches can do something about it.

    Positives: Our top line seems to be coming together. Kristo had a hobey weekend and Knight dominated the face off circle once more.

    Negatives: Enough has been said about the officiating (awful) so I won't go there. And plenty has been said about the PP, which may hinge on my real issue here. Passing into the skates of your teammates has to stop. Tape to tape passing is the only way to get it done in the wcha. If your teammate has to fight to dig the puck out of his laces the defender will be on him before he can make the next play. It's that simple. Duluth's pp looked decent thanks to their passing. In comparison, UND looked like a club team. </rant>

  3. I like the Zane Fri. and Clarke on Sat. idea. Would also be interested to see that top line with Rocco more often, and yet a part of me wants to see this team develop two high end lines and I think this means Rocco on a different line than K&K.

  4. That broadcast was sorely lacking in quality. Audio level and sync issues, and the color was washed out the whole game. I hope they can fix that. Did appreciate the penalty clock. Anyone else think that Koberinski was a bit stiff and perhaps a bit grammatically challenged?

    Hope Parks is back on the ice soon. We'll need him in Fairbanks for sure.



  5. I thought the Sioux had the better chances, and if point shots are all they can score with I'll take those all night. It hit Mario's skate and deflected in. Kill this penalty and take it to 'em!

    Let's GO SIOUX!!!

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