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Posts posted by 808287

  1. It's not on today's midco's post game stream on undinsider. My webcast went off air before showing it last night as well. Checked the end of the full game replay as well, not there either. Maybe just on TV?

    Hammer mentioned the upcoming hand shake line and stick salute just before the commercial, but after the post game and "good night", the webcast went off air. Guess midco and their sponsors don't know we'd like to watch a good ending to a good weekend.

    I was watching the webcast...interesting that it is not in the replay. Wonder if they spliced in some 'historical footage'? All they showed was the stick tap and salute...none of the gathering round or skating away afterward. It was a very short clip.

  2. Weird, I cannot "pause" any of the video and start it again later. If I don't get back to it soon, it shows "disconnected" when I return and I have to restart from the beginning, or at whatever point the live game is at; must be some flash setting that I'm missing?

    And could someone please let the morons at midco know those of us that watch the webcast or on TV would like to see the "traditional circle of sticks". Good grief, hasn't happened often, and they didn't show it, not even a taped version.

    They did broadcast the stick salute...it was the last bit of their broadcast, after Hammer and Kober said "Good night". Could have been spliced in though, as it seemed delayed from when it would have happened in "real time".

  3. I guess the thing that perplexes me the most is that our UND team just doesn't seem to have the talent of past. I find it hard to believe but it is obvious this year.

    My real worry is that they do have the talent, they just aren't putting it to good use. Defense can win games, but not if you don't score goals. We have to light that lamp.

  4. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. We've all heard it before, and there is proof of that everywhere. The "Alabama" of college football just had their butts handed to them by a team they should crush, in the sugar bowl. A game they certainly should have been "up for". A game that counts.

    While this game may serve to fire up the team for the next few games (locker room meeting, anyone?) it troubles me some that UND put on this lackluster performance where our coaches spend a lot of time recruiting top players. Surely there were some in the stands tonight that are/were considering a path through UND instead of Junior A hockey, and they watch the team fall flat. Not the dynamic squad they'd like to commit to.

    Losing a few key recruits hurts the team over the next few years...THAT is what bugs me about last night's loss. Not the rest of this season.

    And yeah "offensively challenged" seems to be an apt description. Lighting the lamp seems to be a struggle for this team, and I find that fairly surprising given the numbers some of these players brought with them to UND.

    All that said..."Go Sioux". I'll always be a fan and bleed green&white.

  5. Back to Hammer...I am also a little weary of the phrase

    "..it caroms off the boards".

    Can't it bounce? Rebound? Bank? Angle? Skitter? Maybe even reflect or deflect? Must it always carom? I'm not saying carom is wrong...but pucks bounce off boards all night long and if carom were the drinking game trigger it could get ugly up on the 4th floor of West hall by the start of period 3.

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