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Everything posted by gopherz

  1. What a stupid law...as a college student, I find that dumb.
  2. And lord knows Lucia has 0 chance of getting fired therefore mikey is trying to say that there is zero chance of Hak getting the axe. Glad to simplify it for you
  3. Good to get a goal. That would have been so fitting if JPL would have given up a goal with 12 seconds left off of that terrible pass.
  4. Okay that makes sense, thanks for clarifying! Looking forward to a fun season of hockey next year and a great Gopher/Sioux matchup!
  5. They just lost all their drive in this 3rd, its getting painful to watch, even for me. That powerplay was just...lacking
  6. I heard something along the lines of it wasn't against policy but they don't usually do it or something? Maybe it was because events aren't on campus? I figured it was like the Metrodome for Gopher games where they sell alcohol
  7. That's pretty funny Especially if they are selling alcohol there, which I guess they are. Many Sioux friends that go to UND are pretty sloshed when I called them just recently, haha
  8. Was that Sioux fan they just showed on TV SLEEPING!?!?! Haha that's pretty good.
  9. Even I, as a gopher fan, find this hard to watch. Just a tough end to a otherwise great season.
  10. U goalie Frazee turns pro with Devils Try that one, I won't be so inept next time with my HTML
  11. Uh, I had to delete my whole reply to this message because I realized your punctuation was a failure, just like my terrible brackets, totally incomprehensible What did you expect me to pick though, seriously... The only brackets I'm good at are college basketball, now that I'm coming off my 3rd straight year being victorious
  12. I'm not ripping on him, it's a good thing for him to move on and I respect the way that he handled it. From a playing standpoint, I'm happy he's gone because its all Kangas now. I totally agree with you on that, he definitely grew up this year in regards to his benching and I think the change in environment will be what he needs. (check the link in my post now, I edited it) The article backs up all the arguments you made, I'm happy that its a 1 man goalie job now but I have no hard feelings for Jeff and wish him the best of luck, I think he'll do well.
  13. U goalie Frazee turns pro with Devils Great article, sounds like he handled all this really well, no hard feelings. It's all Kangas now.
  14. Anyone have 2 for tonight or for game 2?
  15. Kind of a cool site, very interesting. I'm just trying to find a pair in the $100 range total...
  16. Yeah, haven't been too lucky. My friends who went to wait in line and maxed out tickets wouldn't sell them to me for face, they wanted 30 over face on a 50 dollar ticket... I could have had standing room lower level cheaper than that so I obviously turned it down. Contemplating whether I should go there and see how the scalping market is looking (probably ridiculous?) or just not go
  17. That's true. I just want to go to one of them, to say I was there.
  18. I had class and had to meet some family here at the U this morning. 2 friends may have some tickets to sell me, they got there at noon on Friday so they were like 19th in line or something. They have extra tickets but I have a feeling they want to make some money off of them. They have 16 tickets per game and there's only of 3 of them going so I'm hoping they will be fair and sell me the upper level tickets for the price they paid for them, but I doubt it sadly. They went to the trouble to get upper levels for me so I'd hope that they don't expect to gouge me on them, since they bought 5th row center ice lower level...
  19. I'm looking for cheap tickets for Game 1 of the Wild first round playoffs series. Preferrably the 38 dollar ones or possibly the 52 dollar ones since we are college kids and didn't want to pay an arm and a leg for the lower bowl ones, aka the only tickets available on Ticketmaster when I got on there this morning Thanks
  20. I am quite frustrated that I couldn't get any tickets in my price range for any of the games... :) And to think that I had to be one of the first people on Ticketmaster and still managed to get jobbed, standard...
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