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Everything posted by gopherz

  1. I would drive across the country to see a Gopher basketball game.
  2. I'm still depressed from the Duke loss yesterday. Please college hockey help me out this weekend.
  3. So you agree with me? Great, I have the almighty redwing77 on my side.
  4. Friday Michigan Tech at St. Cloud State Alaska-Anchorage at Minnesota Minnesota State at North Dakota Denver at Colorado College Saturday Minnesota State at North Dakota Alaska-Anchorage at Minnesota Michigan Tech at St. Cloud State
  5. That was a rough game last night, hard to watch. Couldn't have done much more and still lost.
  6. The team is in great position to make the tournament and would be a 2 or 3 seed if the tournament started today, playing at our home rink. The F4 would be expected. Still looking at home ice in the WCHA, I don't see the problem. We'll be fine come March.
  7. He did rip the refs. I was in the front row of Section 14, he ran down between sections 12 and 13 where the referees walk to their locker room. At first we were all like "Who is that crazy old guy who is freaking out?"
  8. Shepherd was average yesterday. I think he just looks good when compared to the worst ref I've ever seen, Anderson.
  9. Well done sir... Friday Denver @ UMD SCSU @ AA Wisconsin @ Minnesota CC @ Michigan Tech Saturday Denver @ UMD SCSU @ AA Wisconsin @ Minnesota CC @ Michigan Tech
  10. Nice indeed. They played great, it was long overdue. And it doesn't get much worse than Anderson/Shepherd/The rest of the WCHA officials, so yes, the B10 could definitely put together a great staff. Yes, do you?
  11. Big 10 conference please. No more WCHA horrific officiating.
  12. Hahaha. Nope, just didn't see the net I don't think. It was quite scary actually. Weak crowd here today...
  13. Reporting live from mariucci...already 1 injury. A cheerleader was skating backwards and drilled the net. They had to help her off the ice.
  14. It's a huge double standard. All you guys ever say is things like you don't mess with the Sioux and get away with it, or things like we stand up for our teammates. When a Gopher does it, it's the worst thing ever.
  15. This is the most hypocritical thread I have ever seen.
  16. Way to blow that out of proportion, just like everyone else. Didn't mean it to sound so assholeish. But the whole double standard is what I've been trying to say all along.
  17. He's not at all good enough to go to the next level so why argue that. All I'm saying is most of you would have different judgement if you would've seen it in person.
  18. Their guy also kept punching. You wanted a fight, they both fought each other. It obviously looked way worse on that video and caused everyone to freak out for on reason. Schack shouldn't be punished past tonight...
  19. I watched it happen right in front of my eyes. So I can probably comment on the whole situation than a bunch of people who HAVE NO IDEA.
  20. They didn't show the circumstances, nor did they show anything leading up to the pounding. Their dude was throwing punches too, he had a chance but he got worked.
  21. So when their guy comes at our guy with intent to injure him then he deserves a free pass? Not saying getting hurt is good, but it's not like it was totally uncalled for.
  22. Make that 0-5 for me for Gopher road games. Yesterday- AZSIOUX: 3 gopherz: 2 Congrats
  23. Haha it wasn't supposed to come off that bad. But seriously, I don't see how anyone can comment on this like they know what happened unless they were there at the game. It's kind of a joke to do so.
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