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Posts posted by siouxkid12

  1. 3 minutes ago, Benny Baker said:

    I want to know motivations and intent. If the Berrys' intended to register the trademark with the motivation to leverage a buyout later on, then I might join the "Fire Berry" crowd because that shows a complete absence of common sense and ethics.

    But, I am willing to hear the situation out first....

    The hockey program has fought tooth and nail to not have anything to do with the new nickname. As long as the hockey program was against the nickname the lemmings (people who hate the new nickname) were going to follow him blindly.

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  2. Just now, crb1 said:

    Yeah, this is not a good situation. I found it funny that the company who has rights to the trademark NODAK LLC is registered by Brianna Berry company address in Minnetonka. The person who lives/owns that residence is a Daniel Kristo. This just get more and more interesting. lol

    The only thing that he would be at fault for would be knocking boots with her. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, UND08 said:

    I'd assume that Port wrote this article with pending FOIA requests to determine how much money has been paid to the Berry's for this trademark.

    This will likely get worse before it gets better...Heads roll over this kind of crap a lot...

    What do you mean it will get worse? Berry is the savior of our hockey program and he cannot do anything wrong!:silly:

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Langster019 said:

    I see Nike coming back to hockey. Although, DU has New Balance, which is just a very random hockey supplier. One I would’ve never guessed. The team gear makes sense. But jerseys is just different. 

    AHL still uses CCM, but UND moved to adidas from CCM. Time will tell. 

    I agree with you about Nike coming back and how weird it is to see New Balance on a hockey jersey. However, it could be a different company who makes the jersey but Denver might have a deal with NB so they put their name/logo on them.

  5. 15 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Call the marketing department at Scheels headquarters in Fargo and ask how the UND Hawks merchandise sells in stores and online and the answer will be one or two words...."poorly" or "not well".


    I don't doubt that it sells "poorly" compared to the old Fighting Sioux but according to a "white shirt" that I know who works there, they move a decent amount of product. I mean they have to order minimums and if they don't sell you would see that stuff on the clearance rack and whenever I go into Scheels, it doesn't seem like there is a lot on the clearance rack.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    Ok ill turn it back to the real thread here.

    Jersey Auction going on now.

    One holdover Reebok from the Brien days... wonder how many they have left squirreled away to spice up the auctions.

    Those things used to bring in a ton of money.

    Really tailed off for revenues and sale prices.... 


    There should be a lot more to hit the auctions as now that Adidas has ceased making hockey sweaters... id imagine a slight redesign will be due for next season.

    I wonder what company won the contract for UND?

    I wonder if the whole athletic department will change to a new company or will it be just hockey?

  7. 41 minutes ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    Screem...screem into that echo chamber.


    It's working.. lol.

    What in the heck are you babbling on about? Nothing you are saying makes any sense...

  8. 54 minutes ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    Sales figures suggest, he's not wrong.

    others as in.... the other 2 if you?

    Yes we have been embarrassed by your behavior for years now.

    It's getting old.


    There's 3 of you.

    .... and nobody is listening.

    What’s getting old is people complaining about the nickname and the logo. It’s not changing, get over it.


    do you have sales figures? I’d imaging if they weren’t selling that stuff Scheels and the bookstore wouldn’t Be ordering it. I dont include the Ralph because they seem to do whatever they want. 

    there’s a lot of people that buy the “new” North Dakota stuff. Just because it isn’t you doesn’t mean it’s not being bought.

    • Upvote 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Kevin G said:

    Because almost no one wants a jersey with the current nickname.

    I (and I know of others) have jerseys with the current nickname, are we "no one"? The people that don't want it are the ones who are unwilling to move on and don't truly support the program. They would rather buy counterfeit products that don't support anything but cheap Chinese child labor, than buy something authentic that supports the hockey program and school.

    • Like 1
  10. On 11/21/2022 at 1:26 PM, Irish said:

    Conference Championships are nice but not our ultimate goal.  Duluth and Denver have found a way to get it done twice each since we won a Natty.  We on the other hand have won 1 tournament game.  Remember when we used to mock the Gophers for winning the Big 10 and then flaming out in the tournament.  Well, that's us now.  As for this year - wow - to watch a game is to be frustrated.  It's not just the record it's how we are playing.  Can't hold a lead in the third to save our butts.  Add in our recruiting losses and here we are.

    According to some idiots on "all things fighting sioux" our ultimate goal at UND is to put kids in the NHL, not win National Titles. :silly:
    That group is nothing but a cesspool of idiots that want to hand out participation trophies to everyone and talking to Reise Gaber's mom like they are best friends.

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  11. On 11/25/2022 at 10:38 AM, Dakattack1 said:

    Looking to get a cheaper Sioux jersey while I’m in college at und and had a friend send me these and said they are pretty good for the money. I was wondering your guys opinion on them and yes I know they aren’t authentic or real in any regards, I’m just wondering if there are better 
    fake ones out there or if these are


    I know the cool and hip things these days with younger kids is "retro" clothing but all you have ever known UND or the hockey team as is "North Dakota" or "Fighting Hawks". Why spend money on an ugly counterfeit jersey that you have no ties to?

  12. 21 hours ago, SIOUXELEVENS said:

    Which would be fine if he shows he can change and adapt , if this is how his teams play then fans will start taking their money elsewhere and that is where the change will happen. When you mess with the bottom line higher ups will notice. Two distination stinkers won’t bring fans for a third. 

    But UND has the best fans in the world, and we travel well. :silly:

  13. On 2/19/2022 at 8:32 AM, Cratter said:

    DU hired a coach in his 20s and that seems to be working out pretty good for them.

    The trend in all sports seems to be hiring younger coaches and I think its the best thing. These players today are not made to be coached the way these older coaches know how to. It's not a knock on the older coaches but more of a knock on how a lot of these younger players have been coached/handled by people.

  14. On 11/13/2022 at 6:56 PM, MafiaMan said:

    So tired of cherry-picking one team and thinking that North Dakota is gonna turn this around come March.  This team has some big-time problems in all facets of the game.  

    I said this early in after some non conference losses. This team is god awful right now and those non conference losses will hurt us (not that it matters anymore after losing to Miami). 

    Berry gave up on Shaw after 4 years because we weren’t playing right, maybe it’s time to give up on Berry because he isn’t developing players.

  15. 1 hour ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    I'll take "Things that weren't written by who is claiming they wrote it for $1200 Alex" (#RIP)


    Not dismissing the actions but... yeah Mom wrote that.


    As stated the truth is somewhere in thw middle

    I’m in the camp that it’s the mother who is behind this. An agent such as Miller’s isn’t going to stick his neck out like he has (and he explained in the podcast). Sad situation all around.

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