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  1. Looks like he is on track to return.
  2. The reason they don't have "IT" anymore isn't due to the nickname, I mean we went to a couple Frozen Fours and won a national championship without having the nickname. They don't have "it" anymore because we have become complacent and that starts from the TOP down, no one is held accountable in the Athletic Department.
  3. Having them run a Fighting Sioux jersey for a limited time isn't a bad idea for us fans but the school probably won't allow that. The school wants to move on from the nickname (no matter how hard us fans complain) but their image/brand is no longer the "Fighting Sioux". I believe one of the biggest things that holds us back still, is people/programs inability to move on from the "Fighting Sioux" nickname.
  4. Just call them the black jerseys. The business suits name is overused and has lost its luster since they can't even win with them.
  5. I didn't hear what Jammer said. Is there a video or audio of it?
  6. I'll agree that the NCHC has a poor non-conference record but in the college hockey news pairwise adjuster, the only thing that is keeping us from being higher in the pairwise is us not taking care of business against non-conference teams. So in a nutshell, Schlossman is spinning it to make the "readers" believe that that is the main reason why we are not higher in the pairwise.
  7. He is essentially blaming other teams in the NCHC for our current situation. Yes, other teams wins and losses will affect how we end up but what I am saying is, if we took care of business against the non-conference teams and everything else stayed the same, we would be in a comfortable place in the pairwise but we are not. At the end of the day, if you take care of your own business, everything will shake out in your favor no matter what happens with other teams.
  8. I don't know exactly how it works but couldn't you do a FOIA request on both the President and AD? I mean they are state employees. I also question if they can even block or insert emails into a junk folder.
  9. For as good as Schlossman is, he also has the ability to spin a story to make Berry and Co., look better than they are and that is what he is doing here. There was no "screw-ups" in the non-conference schedule, and I don't care what Schlossman has to say about that. The fact of the matter is the games were scheduled and the team lost VERY IMPORTANT non-conference games. Those games have always been very important and the ramifications of losing them early in the season are well known (this has been talked about for many years). If UND had won all their non-conference game this season (all the other results stayed the same) and then lost the upcoming Denver and Western Michigan series (won the UMD and Omaha series) they would be sitting at 10th in the pairwise right now. Not only is losing hard but what is happening in the locker room (and leaking out) is even more unsettling. To me that just shows Berry is no longer the leader and neither is our captian.
  10. You are not wrong on the costs, but I don't think that is an issue to most up there anyway. I have season tickets up in the bar area and the amount of people that are just in the bar drinking and not paying attention to the game is astounding. Yes, the alure of the Ralph is lost on most people but it's still a very nice arena. I think that most people who go to games are there just to say they were there (kinda like "keeping up with the jones's"), same with most of the people that go to these "destination games".
  11. The difference is, the fans in the MPLS area showed the UofM they were disappointed in the product, and they saw a huge reduction in attendance. Up in the Red River Valley, I doubt you'd see that kind of reaction from fans because Jody and company make it pretty entertaining to go to. It also helps that it's Grand Forks and there aren't many other options to do in the wintertime.
  12. You are right that most people don't live and die vicariously through the success of a college hockey and from my perspective, I don't think people are. I believe you are assuming that most people here are demanding a national title every year but I believe most are just unhappy with how the last 8 years have gone and want to see some sort of success (making the NCAA tournament and winning a couple games). That expectation isn't that unreasonable, I mean Brad says that in a lot of interviews himself. So if the coach is holding himself accountable in saying what is the expectation each year, why shouldn't the fans have that same mentality? I remember games from the early 90's and you couldn't even give away tickets to games because they were terrible, why would we want to go back to those days?
  13. This is a problem from the top down and they get away with it because our fanbase is too "Midwest nice". UND's athletic leadership has never been the same since it went to D1, they have put (and kept) coaches that are mediocre for far too long.
  14. I agree, I don't think this is a Okoposo situation where we will start seeing players leave during the season but I do think NHL GMs and scouts are looking at our season and suggesting that it might be time for them to leave at seasons end based on the way our year has played out. I would like to think that GMs and scouts know what is going on in every aspect of the players (that they drafted) day to day lives and the players will tell them everything. I am basing my opinion off of what rumors I have heard and I hope they are not true but the play on the ice seems to show that there is some type of locker room drama going on.
  15. Never said that NHL scouts hate UND or are disappointed in the development of players here. I was just nearly saying that I wouldn’t be surprised if NHL teams pressure them to move on (could be for various reasons).
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