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Dave Berger

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Everything posted by Dave Berger

  1. NCAA Midwest Regional Preview: UND vs. Wisconsin Discuss. Dave
  2. This would be an interesting wager if one was prone to that sort of thing: Minnesota/Boston College/Wisconsin/Quinnipiac vs. the field. On one side: the #1 seeds from the West, Midwest, and Northeast, plus the #2 seed from the East On the other side: the other 12 teams in the tournament KRACH suggests that Minnesota, BC, UW, and Quinnipiac will win the tourney a combined 50.35 percent of the time. Which side would you take? I would think that wagers on both sides of this equation would be fairly even, considering some big names are still in the field: Union, UMass-Lowell, Denver, North Dakota, St. Cloud State, Notre Dame, Ferris State, etc. Discuss. Dave
  3. I will cheer for Ohio State over Minnesota, Wisconsin over Penn State, and Wisconsin over Ohio State. That feels the least dirty to me. Dave
  4. NCHC Frozen Faceoff Preview Discuss. Dave
  5. We see a big chicken! Anyone know where we are? Dave
  6. Well, I got 7 out of 10. I feel pretty good about that! Dave
  7. I'll say it again: North Dakota fans always show up. Saying fans "travel well" speaks as much to the commitment, passion, energy, and loyalty of a fan base as it does to miles over the road. The point is that UND fans have historically circled dates on the calendar and made those road trips and hockey weekends a reality more than fans of other teams. For some, this involves flights, arranging for someone to take the kids or the pets for a few days, using vacation time, committing to tournaments long before the competing teams have been decided, and yes, sometimes driving all the way from Grand Forks (or farther). When I hear someone say that North Dakota travels well, I take it as a compliment, because it is. For me, it's the best of both worlds. A passionate, loyal alumni base in many other parts of the country (Denver, Minneapolis/St. Paul, etc.), and an energetic, committed group of fans from Grand Forks and other parts of the Midwest who are willing to travel wherever, whenever to see their team play. And that's why it's always a home game. Dave
  8. Each day's ticket is good for the whole session, regardless of when you enter the gate. I know we aren't planning to head to the Pourhouse on Friday since we'd rather watch Western Michigan and Denver, but I'm sure many will arrive right before the puck drops for UND and Miami. Dave
  9. My predictions for the ten Hobey Baker finalists Discuss. Dave
  10. I posted this in another thread, but it fits here too... In 2002 and 2003, Minnesota won national titles. Two and three years after UND's last championship (2000). So Minnesota has no championships in the last ten years with as much talent as anybody? I'm not sure you can play the "haven't won the big one lately" card much longer since all of the titles in question are from a decade ago. Dave
  11. Speaking of ending seasons, here's how the last few of those have gone: 2011-12: Minnesota ends North Dakota's season with a 5-2 victory in the NCAA West Regional Final. 2009-10: North Dakota ends Minnesota's season with a 6-0, 2-4, 4-1 victory in the first round of the WCHA playoffs. 2006-07: North Dakota ends Minnesota's season with a 3-2 (OT) victory in the NCAA West Regional Final. 2004-05: North Dakota ends Minnesota's season with a 4-2 victory in the NCAA Frozen Four Semifinals. 2001-02: Minnesota ends North Dakota's season with a 7-2, 4-3 (OT) victory in the first round of the WCHA playoffs. In 2002 and 2003, Minnesota won national titles. Two and three years after UND's last championship (2000). So Minnesota has no championships in the last ten years with as much talent as anybody? I'm not sure you can play the "haven't won the big one lately" card much longer since all of the titles in question are from a decade ago. I'd say the two are closer than you'd like to believe. (full disclosure: If Minnesota and North Dakota play this year, I think Minnesota wins 7 out of 10 times - but I'd still love to see it!) Dave
  12. Speaking of non sequiturs, which we weren't. I'm sorry, but the "tired old arguments that have nothing to do with the conversation" thread has been moved. What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. Dave
  13. There are many factors at work here... Number one: there are not as many students at the games as there used to be. Perhaps it is because this year, we didn't play Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Denver at home. Those rivalry games matter. Anecdotally, the student entrance has plenty of security/law enforcement personnel looking for any evidence of pre-game drinking. There is a risk of a minor in consumption charge, even for those students who aren't trying to bring alcohol in to the Ralph. I know we can say "they shouldn't be drinking anyway", but many do, and with this recent crackdown, they're smart enough to go where they won't get caught. I know there is talk of reducing the number of student seats for upcoming seasons, and I'd be shocked if it doesn't happen. It's the law of unintended consequences: the Ralph wanted students to sit down, and be respectful, and practice Prohibition, and now we won't have as many of them at the games, and that's not a good thing. Number two: with all of the home games on Midco Sports Network, some fans with tickets are choosing to stay home and watch the games on tv if the weather is lousy. Yes, most of those are trying to find other people to use their tickets, but in the wintertime (and on short notice), that's a tough task. Number three: it's more difficult to cheer for a team without a nickname. Let's face it - the reason it's more difficult to get a "Let's Go, Sioux" chant started or to get a response to a "Sioux Yeah Yeah" is that some people feel uncomfortable not knowing what they're supposed to say. Should it matter? Maybe not. Does it matter to some? Absolutely. And on that last note, as much as I love a good "Let's Go, Sioux" (and started a few myself on Sunday night), maybe we can try to get a couple of "U-N-D-*clap*" cheers started at Target Center this weekend? Dave
  14. Crazy to think that in this (very unlikely) scenario, Western Michigan would be the only team from the NCHC to make the NCAA tournament. Dave
  15. This is great. Like I said above, however you slice it, "North Dakota hockey fans show up". Dave
  16. Maybe a more appropriate phrase would be "North Dakota fans always show up." The practice of saying that one fan base or another "travels well" is one that the media employs to illustrate passion and commitment of a team's fans. And fans of UND hockey seem to have passion and commitment in spades. And I don't think anyone was saying that all of the North Dakota fans at Target Center this weekend will be driving from Grand Forks. That's just silly. But all of them are connected to the program in some way, and that's pretty special. Dave
  17. Jayson, I have to tell you that I really appreciate the time you take to listen to fans' comments and suggestions. We are truly lucky to have you and the rest of the staff at UND, and you all do an outstanding job! Dave
  18. Here's a quote from Polly P., Target Center Guest Services: "As for specific seating locations, tickets have been sold on a first-come, first served basis so there are no actual 'sections' held. However, I can tell you just from my experience with this event so far, the majority of the arena will be the 'North Dakota Section'! " I think we need to assume that she's basing her information on zip codes and/or phone numbers, since a Declaration of Team Allegiance is not required to purchase ticket packages. And when we consider that her email reply was written on February 26th (when St. Cloud and Duluth fans were also buying tickets), we can conclude that North Dakota fans do indeed travel well. Dave
  19. It was a larger crowd than I was expecting with students gone and a 7 p.m. start. With such a large season ticket base in Fargo, I would be in favor of Sunday's Game 3 being played at 6:08 p.m. I'm not saying that's all of it, but I know quite a few friends who live in Fargo who didn't come up because at the earliest, they'd get home at 11 p.m. Dave
  20. An article on how well North Dakota fans travel Discuss. Dave
  21. Sunday night's period two giveaway (CC's second goal) was a terrible play. As I watched the replay, I noticed that LaDue had been on the ice for 80 seconds when he tried to fire the puck up the middle. Not excusing the decision, but he was definitely over-extended at that point. Just interesting to note, that's all. Dave
  22. I thought to LaDue's credit that he turned in a solid third period after his giveaway late in the 2nd period. Wasn't his best weekend by any stretch, but I think he's got to be in the lineup and hopefully he'll learn to play the puck off the glass in those spots. Dave
  23. I am embarrassed that I've heard the song enough to know the lyrics,, and this one grates on me: "Light the lamp and crash the net..." Isn't it the other way around? Dave
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