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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Sssssshhhhhhhh! Don't let gopherz hear you!
  2. You mean no one can beat the Sioux when they play like they play when they play, whether it be at home or on the road?
  3. The Timberwolves usually grab the bulk of media attention here lately. The NBA...it's RAP-tastic! Actually, I've wondered about that myself lately. FSN routinely shows Wild games over Gopher games and Gopher games are relegated to tape-delay or not being shown at all. I'm absolutely stunned at the hockey move to Saturday/Sunday to accomodate a bouncy-ball game with Tennessee Tech. It's a good question...perhaps some Gopher fans on the board have some insight...
  4. 20 years after his heyday in the NBA and I still think immediately of "Robert Parish" whenever I read or see the word "Centenary."
  5. Yes, but it's still misleading. That being said, has anyone actually seen an NBA game or highlights of one on ESPN lately? Orlando/Cleveland last night looked to be at about 25% capacity, as did Detroit/Charlotte, and Minnesota/Portland. I bet Sioux hockey is outdrawing about half of the teams in the NBA right now.
  6. Not really considering Duke's Cameron Indoor Stadium's capacity is listed at 9,314. Here's another stunner: Which school has more undergraduates attending it, Notre Dame or North Dakota?
  7. I have almost accumulated enough funds to book my week-long trip to Cancun fully sponsor one Kennedy mites team. I would like to thank those of you who contributed their funds to this effort and look forward to sipping margaritas on the beach of the Caribbean to sharing some photos once the banners and jerseys have been ordered.
  8. I'm impressed with your comment, sagard, but I haven't received a check from you yet.
  9. I was just on the campus of DSU this past August when I was in the area to visit my family, who still live in the Belfield area. It really is a beautiful campus and a close-knit group of students. I'm certain that the residents of Dickinson and SW North Dakota in general, in addition to the students on campus, will make the families of the deceased players feel right at home during this incredibly sad time.
  10. I'm in the ballpark of $300 in contributions thus far...thank you all for your kindness.
  11. Not too shabby. Now if I can just locate a long-lost college friend and a couch to sleep on moderately-priced hotel room, I'm all set.
  12. I'm hoping to bring MafiaMan Jr. to Grand Forks Thanksgiving weekend for some Sioux hockey as a surprise birthday present. If you're heading out of town and looking to part with some tickets, let me know. Thanks and much appreciated!
  13. I was born in Dickinson and grew up about 40 miles northwest of there. The town and the campus of DSU are still a pretty tight community. I hope and pray for a positive outcome... Dickinson State Softball Players Missing
  14. Yes please. I'm writing a personal check to the Kennedy Hockey Association this weekend when I'm at the rink.
  15. Thanks for the help, ScottM! I'm in the neighborhood of $250 in pledges at the moment. I'm going to inform the coordinator that this is ineed a 'go'. I need to turn in a check by November 15th to the association and we're off!
  16. OK, I have until November 15th to round up some funds...I'm a bit hesitant to put my home address here, so if you're interested in contributing, send me a PM and I'll reply back with my address. Judging by the handful of responses I've seen so far, I'm in the neighborhood of $100-$150, so I'm hoping for some more interest. Thanks everyone!
  17. My son has hockey practice this afternoon and I'll be talking with the Mite Director then. I should have an update later today for everyone.
  18. Keep in mind, the Gophers lost on Thursday night, so their fan base was pretty tame the rest of the weekend. I would suggest you check out the behavior from some fans of games at the X that involve the Sioux being beaten by Minnesota and you might report back differently about Sioux and Gopher fans hugging each other...not that there's anything wrong with you being hugged by a Gopher fan, I'm just sayin'...
  19. I was referring to the Wild, because I assume Gopherguy33 is a fan of them too.
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