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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. The Sioux won't play as tentative as St Cloud did against Miami. The Huskies looked like a team not fond of being the #1 seed.
  2. Barry Melrose's pick to win the 2013 Frozen Four...promptly taken out behind the woodshed by UMass-Lowell 6-0. They looked like the Burnsville Squirt C team out there against the River Hawks.
  3. 9-11-3 since December 1st. That's mediocre.
  4. C'mon...Penn State is awful so you're down to five. Michigan, Michigan State, and Ohio State are mediocre at best. Now you're down to Wisconsin and Minnesota
  5. BC swept by Minnesota? Further evidence how shoot-outs perpetuate the myth of victory if you win it and tie if you lose it.
  6. Nobody of significance but 27-9-3 is a heckofa record.
  7. Sorry, ericpnelson, if the best that UND students can do is chant "F*** the Gophers" loud enough to be CLEARLY heard on my TV set, I'm all in favor of students getting tossed. The "Kyle Rau beats seals" sign, however, brilliant.
  8. No worries, Redneksioux - estimate is between 35 and 50 people - hope to see you and your group there.
  9. Speaking of SiouxSports.com winter hats...I'm thinking YaneA might have a few she'd be willing to sell fairly cheap...as long as you don't mind the personalized "YaneA" on the back - nothing a little permanent marker couldn't cure on the black hats.
  10. Which reminds me as I have been asked in the past...yes, this is a kid-friendly event.
  11. He wasn't - he was just the only one who chose to comment on it. I said anyone was welcome to attend and I still mean that. But if you're going to show up with a posse of loud-mouth drunks still celebrating St Patrick's Day, you're probably not going to feel at home with this bunch.
  12. Just so there is no confusion...this event is SATURDAY the 22nd from 11am to 2pm at the Hoggsbreath in Little Canada. The Hogg serves breakfast all day as well as great burgers and lots of other food. Drinks are available as well - from pop to beer and mixed drinks. There will be some give-away items, some free raffle items, some items available for purchase, and maybe even another jersey raffle. Walk-ins welcome...I expect to be there around 10am to get things set up - come anytime after that. Orders for food will start right at 11am and we'll do introductions, stories, etc shortly thereafter. Don't miss it this year - or you'll hear about it from friends who were there. Remember how you felt when you saw someone wearing a SiouxSports.com hat and thought "damn...I shoulda gotten one of those." Yea...it'll be just like that...a second kick in the gut.
  13. I'm stunned that the Al Pearson bus special doesn't take in the Hogg brunch.
  14. You won't regret it! I believe we're around 35-50 so far for attendance. Last year's crowd was awesome...would be nice to reach those numbers again...think it was around 65.
  15. Concur. I'm also mafiaman on GPL and have 40some posts over there. Every time I've said ANYTHING, including putting a post looking for tickets a few years ago, I have absolutely been SKEWERED by Gopher fans on the site. The comment that really got me was a "fan" who sent me a message saying he'd sooner p*ss in my dead skull before he'd sell a Sioux fan a ticket was pretty much the last time I've been active over there, save for a recent Olympic post. Mariucci, GFG, sagard, and other Gopher fans have it pretty good over here, by comparison.
  16. In Jesus' name, Amen!
  17. Wording on the sign outside the bar has been decided: FIGHTING SIOUX FOREVER WELCOME FANS
  18. Looks like you're getting skewered over this post but I agree with a good portion of what you were trying to say. However, I used to get annoyed when every spring, I'd run into Gopher fans asking me "how was the trip?" - obviously most Gopher fans automatically assume everyone in a green jersey is from Grand Forks. Imagine their surprise when I would reply back with "pretty good - 494 to Highway 5 was fine and Shepard Road was a breeze." Lots of Twin Cities Sioux fans make the road trips to St Cloud and Duluth too (and formerly Mankato). I don't think of myself as being any different than a fan from Fargo or Grand Forks - Sioux fans DO travel.
  19. ...somewhere between Fergus Falls and Alexandria...
  20. "The Sioux won't let 'em off the hook!"
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