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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. MafiaMan


    Pics or it didn't happen.
  2. The "hard core" fans? I saw plenty of beer-guzzling "casual fans" in the concourse - many of whom never found their way to their seats for the whole entire game! 10-20% more people equates to an additional 1,000-2,000 fans. I thnk that's totally doable and am ecstatic about the move back to the X.
  3. 28 tickets sold so far: rhenry8439 - 4 UNDMOORHEAD - 4 UND WFO78 - 2 streetsahead - 4 Fader - 4 Sodbuster - 2 Ice Arena Man - 4 808287 - 4
  4. Paypal works great - I will PM all entrants with my e-mail address once I'm set to conduct the drawing.
  5. Hey, Moderators, can we change the title of this thread to: NCHC Frozen Faceoff - Xcel Energy Center ?
  6. Too small. I like big totties.
  7. Well, if you're into totties, I guess...
  8. I'm gonna predict a well-attended Hoggsbreath brunch in 2018!
  9. http://www.twincities.com/2017/09/07/nchc-moving-postseason-tournament-to-xcel-energy-center/ "Guido" apparently not too happy with the decision - see his comment.
  10. Yea, but there's always a down-side. @Wilbur won't be able to join me thanks to some additional child-support expenses that he'll be on the hook for.
  11. Well, UMD could be staying home, too, so, there's that...
  12. Current mood SiouxSports.com: GPL:
  13. And here I was all upset today because my wife told me that the kids aren't really mine. Go away, rainy clouds...the NCHC just made this a sunshiney day!
  14. the NHL needs balance in the Western Conference sooner rather than later. Adding a team in Quebec City would only make things worse. I'm intrigued as well by the possibility of an NHL franchise in Houston.
  15. Yea, that's dumb.
  16. 24 tickets sold so far: rhenry8439 - 4 UNDMOORHEAD - 4 UND WFO78 - 2 streetsahead - 4 Fader - 4 Sodbuster - 2 Ice Arena Man - 4
  17. PM's sent!
  18. And some of the Mystery Raffle Part II highlights!
  19. snova4 was the winner of last summer's Mystery Raffle, in case anyone had questions on contest legitimacy.
  20. Need just a few more to make this raffle happen!
  21. Isn't he best-known for running the New York Knicks into the ground?
  22. @Oxbow6 - 1 blue 8 blues down, 4 to go!
  23. If it's a 20+ yard gain, I'll be impressed. Anything under? Meh.
  24. MafiaMan


    Facepalm. Definitely facepalm.
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