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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. I'm picking up 9...NINE...new "licensed" Fighting Sioux hoodies tomorrow for myself and family members. A new dumb a** bird nickname with no logo isn't going trump generations of Fighting Sioux fans.....least not at this point.
  2. Any tweets from Schloss or Jayson on the "hot goalie"?
  3. AZ is a really good FB team........and GB is not.
  4. Marshall, a FB program some SU trolls here aspire to be, currently playing in the St. Petersburg Bowl. "Can't wait"!
  5. I have yet to hear one former UND player say he wishes he left earlier as to have another year in the AHL................
  6. PA is the absolute worst..........his mug shot pops up when one Google's "Tool". His ignorance and arrorogance plus his over the top urban slang BS all the time is nauseating. I enjoy listening to TH.........."Fair and Balanced"!
  7. As to your first sentence where did I say anything about UND beating Richmond? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt your reading comprehension skills are better than the SU educated that roam this site. My point...again for all of you that are slow...was that based on the way UND was playing at the end of their season that if you put that team in the Dome Friday they would have been more competitive vs SU than Richmond was. No way NDSU runs over UND like they did Richmond. That puts more of the game on Stick's arm which is not how SU wants to play. Plus UND wouldn't have been any worse offensively than Richmond was. Got it?
  8. First of all NDSU is not yet the best team in the country. Rated #3 playing in the championship game.........at the FCS level. Second Stick is on the same level as Studsrud as a QB..........and neither one is close to Wentz. Fluff it up all you want but NDSU has a better chance to win Jan. 9 with Wentz than Stick.
  9. Did you watch the game Friday? Richmond was not very good and a poor representative of a semifinalist to be kind. UND/NDSU meet in week 3. Since that meeting thru the end of the regular season both team's defensives improved. UND's offense improved greatly. NDSU doesn't have Wentz... their offense is not better now than week 3. UND's strength is running the ball and stopping the run........same with NDSU. Richmond couldn't stop the run and was generally inept on both sides of the ball. I don't think it is a stretch to think UND/NDSU 2.0 would have been more competitive than Richmond/NDSU.
  10. Correct.............. 2 for 2. Well done!
  11. I never said UND would beat SU if they would have played Friday but UND was playing very well at the end of the year especially on defense. No Wentz makes SU close to one dimensional. Stick is no Wentz and he looks better than he plays when SU runs over everyone. The end of the year UND team matches up better with SU than Richmond did IMO but that doesn't mean I feel UND could have won in the Dome Friday.
  12. I believe he was the ONLY starting QB coming into this week that didn't have multiple games with multiple passing TD's. Has looked good today and easily his best game to date........but it is just one game.
  13. Exactly........ Richmond was a SEMIFINALIST in the FCS playoffs. UND was a week 3 regular season team trying to find its way and stride. I have zero doubt the UND team that throttled Poly on the road would have been a stiffer test for SU last Friday than Richmond.
  14. Jacobson was quoted as much saying that the UND game on the road made them truly battle tested and that helped allow them to beat ISU..............
  15. Many of my SU friends in Fargo are "die hard" Bison "fans"..........since their 2009 or 2010 season.
  16. Regardless of the outcome on Jan. 9 if you know sports especially CFB you have to appreciate the run SU is on. They win, reload, win again, reload... Defensively they are a machine...assignment sharp and rarely make mistakes. Offensively they know who they are...line up and they just punch you in the face...over and over and over. Then you tack on special teams, yes I realize their PK would get cut at Davies, with having a great punter and return game. The KO and punt return TDs were huge in their last 2 games. I get teams can put this all together for a year or 2 but 5? I and my family live in Fargo.....we dispise NDSU even more than the FH nickname but the shot at 5 straight NCs is just crazy.
  17. So.................does Wentz get the start in the championship? Lots of time til that game for Wentz to get ready.
  18. You are comparing a week 3 UND squad vs. a semifinalist Richmond team? Again......Richmond sucks.
  19. Oxbow6

    gas prices

    $1.64 at Fleet Farm.
  20. ........and let's make this clear the fact that I saw NDSU "hockey" jerseys in the crowd is truly pathetic! Bottom line..........regardless of who is on the field SU just keeps winning. Impressive.
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