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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. That's rich considering I have not seen one hospital or any healthcare providers mandate that their providing ongoing medical care or going into work to do their jobs be linked to the funding of BLM or defunding of the police.
  2. Well we do know 40% will have no issues moving forward.
  3. Let's not even get into the fact that a majority of people have no idea how to handle or wear a mask properly regardless of the type.
  4. Fair enough but slowing spread isn't on the same level as eliminating positives test altogether which is where the narrative has completely shifted too.
  5. You let them live their lives as they see fit. They aren't sick. That's what asymptomatic means. Your answer is to lock everyone back down in this country until a vaccine is found.
  6. Another shocker...……..CA can't secede from the rest of the union fast enough. STFU and get back in the classroom and do your job.
  7. COVID hospital patients in ND and MN trending lower.
  8. Did Fauci advocate for locking down all those who were homosexual as to stop the spread during that time period?
  9. Living in Rednek's garage will do that for you.
  10. Chicago teachers union advocating for strictly online virtual reopening. No surprise there. ......at least that will allow kids to be more active in the ever increasing gun violence in the city.
  11. If you have any doubt the media everywhere in this country has its own agenda look no farther than the Fargo Forum today. Headline read "COVID surge....ND hits another record high". 104 new cases reported in article. What was shamelessly omitted was there was no mention of the total tests that day to get that 104 number of positive cases. Also the article read "North Dakota's positivity rate has inched up over the course of this month hitting 2.5% Thursday, an indicator of worsening spread". What was not mentioned was the overall positivity rate to date in ND is 3.5%. As usual zero context......just promote fear.
  12. MSHSL and Walz you're on the clock. There will be some from Moorhead and outlying western MN that will be moving across the river if they F this up.
  13. NDHSAA gave green light to proceed with HS sports as scheduled this fall.
  14. Fargo Public School reopening survey is out: Parents...... 49% face to face 33% hybrid 18% virtual Teachers...... 45% hybrid 28.5 face to face 26.5 virtual
  15. Guidelines are if you test negative.....you're negative. To your question someone completely unqualified that was basically pulled off the street shouldn't have any say over the advice and directive of a physician.
  16. Neighbor's son in college. Roommate tested positive. He had mild symptoms. Tested negative. His doctor said he is cleared to go back to work. Contact tracers, who weeks ago were working fries at McDonald's, said he can't return to work. Gave him no date to return to work. Again this all makes perfect sense.........
  17. I got nothing on this one. Haven't heard a thing.
  18. So basically if you have "symptoms " but test negative you're really positive.....got it
  19. No mention that I can see as to what "states in trouble" constitutes......that would have been the proper context to start with but hey Fauci gonna Fauci.
  20. Cass County's rolling 14 day positive testing rate is at 2.5%. Overall state rate over last 14 days.....1.8%.
  21. Irrelevant.....Covid19 questions only. Please stay on point.
  22. Director of ID in MN stated those over 90 have a 45% mortality rate with Covid19. Over 100......58%. Zero mortality rate in HS kids and younger. I'm sure Walz will chew on all the numbers and come to a logical decision on the reopening school issue........
  23. Any advice on what to tell AA when I call to get credit or rebook for next October? Booked tickets back in November.
  24. 20 years of age and younger Minnesota has reported 0 deaths......that's zero.
  25. Montana governor just issued a mandatory mask ordinance in counties with 4 or more active cases....four! Will he ban driving since his state has 4x as many motor vehicle deaths than COVID-19 so far in 2020?
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