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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. The problem with this issue is regardless of any narrow limited view for whatever reason it is and always will be because of fear which is sad.
  2. Kudos to the West Fargo superintendent for moving forward with in person graduations in an outdoor setting for WFHS and Sheyenne HS at the end of this month.
  3. This country, for the most part, doesn't have leadership that can look beyond a "one size fits all" mentality with Walz being one of many leading the way. Last night as I drove by Frank's Lounge in south Fargo it was hopping. Parking lot was almost full. No doubt there were tables of 8-12 people within 6' of each in multiple areas indoors yet there's a good possibility you want have 12 girls playing volleyball in a high school gym in Ada, MN or Lisbon, ND this fall or FB being played in Langdon, ND or Perham, MN. Makes zero sense. "Leaders" are going to strip away any normalcy from those with the least risk, this nation's youth, just because they are incapable of figuring this out logically.
  4. End game? The answer that no one from that group wants to say out loud but they all feel this way......a vaccine. No one....and they mean no one will ever be safe outside their home or be free to live their lives as they choose without it. The "this virus is a death sentence" media hype machine coupled with Fauci's "I only see a single tree" approach plus the government's willingness to just continually print money to hand out plus the "elderly and vulnerable" shaming should any person over 90 die in this country over the next 6-12 months added to the fact that idiots on all levels of government, blue and red, are continually trying to one up each other all adds up to the only answer is a vaccine. Nothing else will satisfy the "masking and sheltering" mob...only a vaccine. Personal choice and personal responsibility are two liberties those folks could care less about because they know what's best for you.......from their basements. East coast transplant and dolt Jim Shaw had an "opinion" piece in the Fargo Forum today that illustrates just that. He's the poster child for the Fargo metro, RRV and ND "I know what's best for you" and "too soon" crowds. He's a total hack but I digress. BTW...I'd put money on it most of the "masking and sheltering" crowd won't volunteer to be first in line for the vaccine when it's available.
  5. If forecast tomorrow holds true......8 consecutive months with measurable snow. Just disgusting.
  6. Since the ND DOH and Forum Communications feels these numbers are still relevant.....54 new positives and 2 deaths today. Believe 1700+ tests were done.
  7. Planning on going next week.
  8. Unemployment at 14.7%....highest since Great Depression. Just in April alone employers shed 20.5M jobs but let's keep parroting masks, testing, flatten the curve, save lives and shelter in place.
  9. We've been told this virus is a "racial justice issue". Guess someone forgot to tell the Native American community. Last week in Turtle Mountain 590 Native Americans were tested. Cases that came back positive were..........zero.
  10. ND is one of nine states deemed ready to safely reopen on May 15 per a study done by the Harvard Global Health Institute. FYI.....NY is not one of the nine.
  11. 32 currently are hospitalized if that helps.
  12. 49 new positives in ND on 2235 test today. No new deaths.
  13. See we agree on this since those kids have a better chance of losing a parent to alcohol drugs cancer or suicide than COVID. Unless of course you're under the assumption most over 65 still have "kids" at home.
  14. Right....masks were bad. Now they are good. Kids neglected, abused and hungry no problem. Great grandma at 92 on O2 with emphysema due to 50 years of smoking not being to try to blow out a single candle on her birthday unacceptable.
  15. Can you break that down into a % for Old Fella to spare him the math?
  16. Nevermind the demographic group of those 24 and under that die at a vastly higher rate from influenza. Hopefully this country will have a daily clicker and press conferences for those individuals on an annual basis as we move forward.
  17. Actual "wars" generally spare the elderly and vulnerable and take the lives of those with a future ahead of them yet are willing to sacrifice for the greater good......but as far as the history of war casualties I'll defer to our resident expert dlsiouxfan.
  18. That's concept is well over his pay grade. .....and considering Cass is home to the largest group of the "elderly and vulnerable" in the state it's the caregivers fault.
  19. If you have poster of AOC tacked to your ceiling above your bed you go ahead and run with that!
  20. If you bet the over you win a free mask from Old Fella.......another 3.17M filed unemployment claims last week. 33+M unemployed since this country pushed all it's chips in the middle with the lockdown. #wehavebeenFauci'd
  21. Over/under at 2.85M on the irrelevant weekly jobless claims report tomorrow at 730 am CT.
  22. Mango's for Mexican. Great Wall for Chinese. Hi-Ho South for a cheeseburger and fries. Himalayan Yak for Indian. NoBull Smokehouse for BBQ. Poke Bowl for Hawaiian. Black Coffee and Waffle Bar is terrific.
  23. Agree....total lack in judgement. Dare I say I would have been better off going to Taco Bell!
  24. Yup....the new unemployment numbers tomorrow will so that.
  25. So connecting the dots it's the caregivers fault? What are the options for the elderly and vulnerable that can't care for themselves in any fashion if this is the mentality by those like you moving forward? Who's going to tend to and/or take care of these folks?
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