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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Some truth to that...……….yet Biden on Thursday in Kenosha made this comment "A black man invented the light bulb, not a white guy named Edison". Trump makes some s**t up as he goes along. Biden just flat out doesn't know s**t. He should be popping Aricept from a Pez dispenser.
  2. You can change that...……..out for respect you can volunteer to be a pallbearer for Mr. Reinoehl's funeral. Just remember to leave your flame thrower at home.
  3. Wow.......that's got to be 50+ more than from the rodeo a few weeks back? Asking for Walz....
  4. Just go help Teddy move so he feels safe from the Trump Trash. Be a useful citizen of Portland.
  5. CNN was on at the gym yesterday and I find it hard to believe anything they said about Jacob Blake was factual and I only watched for 5 minutes.
  6. I'll put the over/under on 9/18 for Walz to implement some type of dial back for the citizens of MN. At a $5B loss from tourism through August in the state why not tighten the screw even more.
  7. The Antifa shooter in the Portland protest murder was killed by federal officers as they tried to arrest him. Fitting outcome.
  8. Walz and the MDH are calling this weekend a potential "tipping point" in so much that Walz may need to dial back the freedoms and liberties like before. Is that code for lockdown? Deaths...meh. Overwhelming hospitals.....that was so April. I thought a mask mandate was supposed to be the golden ticket. Meanwhile Doug caves and moves certain counties in ND up and down on his Skittles colored wheel of risk. He might as well have just gone mask mandate to appease the Jim Shaw type morons even though we see how well it has worked in MN.
  9. BTW.....Did I miss the memo that Jacob Blake was "Father of the Year" and "Community Citizen of the Year" in 2019 in the greater Kenosha area?? #CNNlovefest
  10. .....and from my daily experiences with these individuals most have had enough of the isolation and loneliness. These folks realize their situation age and health wise. They aren't "living" and most know. One individual in a nursing home has left her room to date 4 times since mid March. Good times.......
  11. Which leads to how often do asymptomatic individuals who opted to get tested and are negative need to be retested if they continue to be asymptomatic?
  12. That's the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon I previously discussed or the Ferris Bueller 31 Flavors scenario that leads down a rabbit hole that has zero end game. Unfortunately the examples you give are called "life".......some can handle it and continue to enjoy living. Others......well just scroll through the pages here.
  13. I see where you are going with this and I'm not in total disagreement. Massive testing just to test....no. The 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon testing method is chasing a ghost you can't catch. "Priority" testing especially in the vulnerable population absolutely makes sense. I do see this as beneficial. Again what you are wanting, testing everyone all the time, isn't even done within the healthcare community.
  14. Absolutely.....and maybe Cass Co. is on the right track of testing "priority" groups. We have know from day 1 who is in that group. Lining up students outside the HPC at UND...….yippee.
  15. Guess it depends on what lane one want to be in. The "only cases matter" lane or "hospitalizations/deaths matter" lane. But it is naive of Dean to think there aren't more asymptomatic kids running around the NDSU campus by comparing the two schools.
  16. In MN 70 and older account for 10% of cases but 80% of deaths.
  17. Plus I know it happened to multiple family members from the same family on the same day in lakes country in MN. Also know of someone who got antibody testing only to receive notice of results of test that wasn't done on the day she had test performed on in Fargo. #trustthedata
  18. Hopkins (MN) school board voted to remove the police presnce from the high school.
  19. Right.......like the 8 false positives a couple weeks ago?
  20. For those of you who won't leave your basement because of Covid and are scared of your own shadow Kirk Cousins is on hold for you.....line 3.
  21. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the 22000 deaths MN is anticipating........
  22. So as a parent of a UND student I personally just got notification of the testing drive today on campus via the UND Safe Campus app, text, voice-mail and email. Zero clue? Possibly but when the case numbers of asymptomatic students get to the point it is considered an "outbreak" due to continued testing drives where do you think this is heading?
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