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Posts posted by DAR

  1. Smaby has really lifted his game lately, it seems that can be said for every member of the team. He played real well at the end of last year but this year he is playing very physical without drawing hardly any penalties. I loved the play in the BC game where the little BC forward tried to go wide on him and could not get past him and Smaby just smashed him into the boards. Clement was really raving about that hit.

  2. It is amazing to me how the horseman have come together as a line. A few months ago you would almost cringe if you saw those three on the ice together. Now not only are they keeping the opponent from scoring and playing a physical game, they are scoring goals and drawing penalties. It is like night and day!!

  3. I just think the Sioux are not going to be denied this year. This team is hungry and I think Denver although a darn good team is ripe for the taking. Hell Bemidji darn near knocked them out in the first game. The key is to contain Gauthier, to me he is the engine to that team. He is a very crafty player and strong on the puck. We have lost 4 games in a row to this team, WE ARE DUE!!!! Payback from last year's painful loss is upon us!

  4. We owe Denver big time, I really think that this team is on a mission. A lot of our guys are just playing like they are possessed. How good is Zajac already, I am really impressed with him and Sparky was just flying up and down the ice. I think it is pretty obvious who is the better player between Zajac and UPChucko. There was that debate last year on POI. The answer is very obvious, Chucko was invisible last night. GO SIOUX, ONE MORE TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Just woke up (Gotta love 3rd shift) and caught the score of the DU/CC game.  I figured DU would win, but not by that margin.  I think the DU/UND matchup is destiny for several reasons.  First things first...  It's Goofer season baby!!!!


    It's always fun hunting Goofers! :lol:

  6. Even strength goal  :lol:

    6 - 2 Denver ahead.


    WOW, I never thought this game would be that one-sided. Especially after the 1-0 final five game at the X. I thought these two teams were fairly even with Denver probably having the edge in scoring depth.

  7. 4 hours and counting.  :lol:



    Man I cannot wait the work day is almost over, time to switch into my Sioux jersey and get primed for the game.

  8. If you are wondering.....yes, another power play goal...all 7 have been.


    That is unvelievable seven goals between the teams and all on the powerplay. I have not watched the game so I cannot tell whether most of them are legit calls. It sure seems like the zebras are having a major role in this game. Let em' play!!!

  9. And may both fans be classy.  If UND wins, keep the celebrating to this forum.  If the Gophers win, keep their celebrating on their forum.


    I totally agree, as I have said before I have no problem with Gopher fans posting here if they have a meaningful contribution to the forum. However, in my experience there are only a few regular Gopher fans who post here and most of the rest can be put directly in the "SKIPPY" category.

  10. If the Sioux can't win it, CC would easily be my second choice. I do not want to see either Denver or the Goofies skating with the trophy. If we sdo lose in the tournament I hope it is to CC, that will take a little of the sting off of the loss. A loss to Denver or especially the Goofies would sting all summer and the "Skippy's" will troll here all summer.

  11. Live from Columbus....it's raining today...

    Went to the practice yesterday afternoon. They looked loose and ready. The practice was light. They worked on passing and transition. No work on powerplay/penalty kill.  They had a scoring contest. JPar and crew allowed four in the first round - the contest was won by Coach Berry.  All in all, they seemed relaxed, but focused. I didn't stay for the Gopher practice.

    Lots of Maine, UNH, and Lake Superior fans. And of course Sioux fans. Not many Gophers yet.

    Can't wait until tonight. Let's go Sioux!!!



    Thanks for the post from Columbus. Yeah being stuck at work today stinks. I wish there was a fast forward button to get right to game time. I cannot wait, I am confident the Sioux will prevail. I want to see the Goofies have to line up and shake hands after the Sioux end their season!

  12. Spelling on message boards is not my strong suit. I never proof what I type. Oddly enough, I get paid to write. Life is funny that way.


    It's not so much a matter of spelling there P-Diddy. It is a matter of knowing when to use accept vs except. They most not cover that at the treasured "M"!! :lol:

  13. I am confident in a Sioux victory, I think a lot of the nervousness for me comes from the fact that there could be no worse way to get knocked out than by the dirty rodents. Their fans would be mouthing off all summer and into next year. For me there would be nothing better than ending the Goofers season and sending them home for the summer. If we play smart and stay DISCIPLINED, I think we will prevail.

  14. Is there anything better than a Minnesota Mr. Hockey player becoming only the second player ever to win the Hobey and Mr. Hockey and he doesn't even play for the Goofies.  Sertich definitely has my vote.  Actually the only thing better would have been if Zach or Brandon won it.


    If Setich wins it as I expect he will, hopefully Brain Lee will be the next in line to do it.

  15. It should be another dandy! It doesn't get any better than this........................


    I knew there would be a whole bunch of Goofer newbies, besides this site is 10 times better than Goofer puck live. POI was much better than GPL IMO. A Sioux victory would put a quick end to all the newbie posters, funny how they would suddenly be never heard from again. PLEASE let it happen!!!!!

  16. Yeah, then the only 2 posters who can post on this board are PCM (for the greenies) and Sagard (for the goldies).

    Let the grudge match begin!


    HA HA that would be funny, I agree there should be one spokesman for Sioux Nation and one spokesman for the rodents from Goofy Land. Maybe they can use Goofy himself as their spokesman as he is on par with Pissstar and Yellowbelly.

  17. Who else would like to put 8>5 instead? lets win it!


    Darn right!! There is nothing that would make for a better summer than a win over the Goofers and a national championship. Their fans are one of the biggest reasons I hate the Goofers so much. Although I cannot stand Lucia and some of their players mainly Danny boy Irmen, Potulny and Tallackson as well as Vanilla. There are some Gopher fans that are decent and respectable but the majority of them that I have come into contact with are As*holes especially when they get the liquid courage in them like at the X for the final five.

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