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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. These ESPN announcers don't have a clue about the rules.
  2. The refs evidently hate the goofs.
  3. That has to be a photo chopped image, no?
  4. Mankato team is staying at our hotel. I saw a player and coach coming in and wished them good luck from a UND fan. They both thanked me and the player told me that he appreciated it. Not really a purple cow fan, but I hope they throttle Notre Dame tomorrow.
  5. Can they both lose? I think I will have to say DU is the lesser evil right now.
  6. It has been all DU from what I have seen. Maybe Lowell is just a defensive team looking for the killer stretch pass.
  7. I always hope for a good, entertaining, skilled hockey game. But I always hope we win too.
  8. There were some really obnoxious Notre Dame fans at the game and especially afterwards.
  9. Realistically this was a building year. With the transfer portal and extra eligibility it was possible to cobble together a plausible team that honestly went deeper than I thought. We do, however need some good recruiting. We desperately need some hot stick scorers.
  10. At least we didn't have to suffer through another lame PP
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