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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. That was a good penalty for Knight to take. That would have been a goal for sure.
  2. Once again the other teams playing tonight are helping us out. Now we have to do our part.
  3. These soft give aways in our own end have got to stop.
  4. Rowney should have done better with that chance. Walsh is playing out of his mind.
  5. Sioux are peppering the net. Keep it up boys, one will go!
  6. Well, the Beavers play better on Sat night. And we don't. Should be a good game.
  7. Maybe I will get the right day this year. Either day works for me. Next year we will be downtown MPL for the tourney, right? If so, Glueks would be good.
  8. I think it will be a close game. The Beaves had some chances last night and their defense is decent. They will be looking for revenge. I am hoping it will be a good, close game. One which we win, of course. We need the competition to help prepare us for post-season play. My crystal ball says 3-2 Sioux.
  9. Let's go for the sweep now! Wanna see the stick salute! 2nd in the ranking?
  10. This lax attitude after scoring will bite us in the ass in the post season.
  11. Goal goes to Rocco. I can see why after the replay. Big deflection. Goalie never had a chance. Good for us.
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