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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. I am really ticked off right now at America One.
  2. Oh, when trying to buy the new feed on the 3rd computer I kept getting the 500 error so I hope I was only charged twice (one for Duluth and once for Sioux (not that that is right either,I clearly clicked on the Mankato Sioux game the first time too......
  3. Crap,I hope mine has only been charged twice. First time I clicked on the Makato/Sioux feed and got the Duluth feed. I could not purchase the Mankato/Sioux feed because it said I already bought it. So I went on a different comouter and a different login (same card) and bought the Mankato/Sioux feed. I just now am getting the feed (at least I hope so, intermission BS, right?)
  4. Keep me posted on the game, if you would. I purchased the game on AmericaOne and I am getting the Duluth feed. Tried to purchase again and it said I had already purchased. I am trying on a different account on a different computer. Damn I hate A1
  5. What the hell. Black screen on two computers I have watched America One/ B2 on.
  6. Another way to look at it is that Rocco can make a meaningful contribution to any line he is on. The trick is finding the combination that yields the most goals for and the least against (the goal of any coach). That is not always placing Rocco (or any player)on the line where HE will score the most goals.
  7. I absolutely agree. Rocco is a loose cannon on the ice. his speed,stick handling and determination mean the opponent is forced to deal with him head on, and that frees the others to make things happen. It helps that Rocco can pass as well as he can skate......
  8. We have the depth to play with matchups far more than most coaches. I can see why Hak is experimenting a bit, although this is a bit late in the season. Maybe he say something on the practice ice that he liked.
  9. We cannot look past the purple cows. They are tough with their new coach wanting to make a splash. And with the changing landscape of the WCHA, they certainly are going to be gunning for bear. I am not being a debbie downer when I say I see a split (yet again). Our seniors need to step up tonight and make a statement of their own. This series will set the stage for the playoffs.
  10. With all the firepower on the squad, we really need to find ways to score. Bemidji was able to bind us up and we admittedly had some bad luck with posts and crossbars (as well as some missed open shots that are really inexcusable). When an opponent figures out a way to thwart you, you need to adapt, and I did not see much of that tonight. We will need to be able to adapt in post season play to move on.
  11. Arggggg. Tie. Walsh had lost his freakin stick at the end.
  12. Zane keeps us in the game! Nice break away save!
  13. We are creating a ton of great chances. We need somebody to slip one in (that's what she said, right Daddy War Pipes?)
  14. Whoo Hooo! Sioux score! Smaltz Will be reviewed.
  15. Sheez, we can't steal a goal. How about just our share of luck?
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