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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. Sioux are delivering some hard whacks on the wall as well. That will take its toll on the MTU players in the long run.
  2. So. Do you think the ref crew reviews tape of the last couple games before tonight?
  3. Hak must have had a come to Jesus talk with the boys. They look like a different team tonight.
  4. Rocco needs a wingman with enough speed to provide support.
  5. Nice wrister. Of course, the goalie WAS looking the other direction.
  6. Yeah their goalie gives up lots of rebounds.
  7. I am liking what I am seeing a lot more than the other two games in the series. Crap, Pattyn gets a penalty.
  8. If we can keep the puck in their end, even if we don't score we can wear down their d-men.
  9. Look a bit better tonight. Let's keep up the pressure and keep making the shots.
  10. Maybe a bunch of Sioux fans will be stranded in GF and decide to go to the game? We need to make the rafters ring tonight. Hopefully we will have something to cheer about.
  11. Just got done with a Ruben and Guinness. Getting ready for the game. Nothing like McGoverns last year though.
  12. Hopefully the boys had a great night sleep dreaming about jumping skates, snicking passes, and holding cups aloft. Yeah, it would have been nice to get the stick salute in our last WCHA home series, but it ain't happening, and we need to lace up the skates, get out there and get the job done. We have the horses. Our goaltending is fine. We need our d-men to play with some purpose, and by that I don't mean getting skated past and then dragging down the attacker. And our goal scorers need to start goal scoring. Our passing really needs to improve. I am used to seeing sloppy or poorly timed passing with Sioux squads, but not after the break. That has been Hak's MO - come out hard and tough after the break. Finally, the officiating is really disgraceful. The WCHA should be absolutely embarrassed by this ref crew's performance. The fact that it is happening in the playoffs is really troubling. But it is what it is, and we need to get out there and play OUR game, and win this series. That means playing smart as well as hard.
  13. I can feel the passion oozing from this thread, and that is not a bad thing. It is hard to get too fired up about St Paul when your team is doing the equivalent of a thursday night free skate, and getting out hustled and out played by the #10 seed. Is it the end of the world? No. Is it the end of our season? Not yet. We have the horses, we just need them to lean into the harness a bit, and we need to have them all pointed in the same direction. If the seniors don't step up, we are toast for the post season play. Rocco is a great player. He is young. He is one of the only ones out on the ice playing with a bit of jump. The team needs that. I will be in St Paul regardless of whether or not the team is. It would be a whole lot more fun if I were rooting for the Sioux.
  14. - For most of the game our boys looked like they were just out for an easy recovery skate. That was really depressing to watch. No heart (except for Rocco and Kristo). - The word for Rocco is jinxed. He ain't in a slump, he just ain't scoring. - That said, you are right, he NEEDS to be on the top line. He brings jump to any line he is on, and out top line needs that if we are going to score like we can. - Tech goalie made the easy saves, and had a bit of luck on some others. Can't really ask for more from a net minder.
  15. Nice op at the buzzer. This series is going to 3 games.
  16. Nice pressure the last 90 seconds. Too bad it was yawn for most of the game.
  17. Crap, tech scores 2-1 tech with 2 minutes to go.
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