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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. It wouldn't be the first time. Still not ideal. If they plan to play like this it would be one and done in St Paul anyway. I hate to be a buzz kill, but they really need to step up and play.
  2. Sioux go on the PP. Use it well, boys! GO SIOUX!!!!
  3. We can't even steal a goal! What a chance. We need to bury those.
  4. Lazy, lazy d-men. Let the tech players skate right by them and beat them to the puck without even faking an effort. Sad.
  5. It looks like our boys WANT their season to be over....... Tech looks hungry.
  6. Absolutely. I really want to win tonight, but I want it to be a clean win. That was clearly a goal. Officials should have to sleep in their skates tonight for that missed call.
  7. 5 minute major. Let's make it count! Should be able to get 2 goals......
  8. Another penalty on Tech. CFB or boarding? Should be 5.
  9. Nice PK! Now stay alert. Now Sioux on the PP.
  10. Missed tech goal. Wow, the officiating saga continues.....
  11. Our passing looks much better tonight. Let's hope it stays that way!
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