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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. Makes the Sioux Crew look like pros!
  2. I bought the Miami feed (didn't know it was up on the UND website). No problem fullscreen, but herky jerky camera work.
  3. I think this camera man is going to give me seizures by the end of the game.
  4. I assume that the Miami video feed will be pay per view? If so do I need to register on their site?
  5. Most of the time Rocco had two on him. Makes it hard to shine but easier for his linemates. Might have something to do with it.
  6. We looked a bit shaky in the 2nd, but came back strong in the 3rd. Actually better than I expected with the young crew.
  7. CBS switches to the battle of the beasts. CC vs UMD.
  8. Miami icing with 36 seconds on the clock.
  9. That was the second questionable offside call that I saw. Oh well. At least one per team.
  10. What we need is to finish the period with some heart and skate off the ice with a win. No silly mistakes.
  11. "The General" even gets his own commercial on TV!
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