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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. I was actually typing a response that suggested that we we no longer snake-bit by the refs. I quickly erased it and changed my response after that fiasco.
  2. Amen. Everybody retreated to the Miami end for the puck drop. At least before the mile-long review process.
  3. Welcome to the SiouxSports forum. I hope we can forge a few good, honest rivalries in this new conference. Know you are welcome here on this forum as long as you don't gloat, or attack individuals here. I, personally, welcome honest discourse among fans of rival squads. It is interesting and enlightening. I have daughters that attended SCSU and UM, so I had the opportunity to have some good conversations (and some bad ones!) with rival fans. I like learning the insight on the opponent's team, and likewise, don't mind sharing my knowledge limited to the fan I am) that I have on my team. Makes for some awesome away series. So check back in again before our next series. Learn a bit about our hopes and dreams, and let us know yours. You will find that Sioux hockey FANS are quite knowledgeable about the game, and follow the game closely. Let the rivalry begin!
  4. Our d-men looked like they were flirting with the corn-fed cuties rather than tracking their mark. Offensively we rarely clicked, but that is understandable this early in the Hakstol season.
  5. Well, we showed our wetness behind the ears. Still looked good yesterday, so no need to lose hope. Pathetic showing tonight though. Final 2-6 Miami
  6. SOB, 2-6 now. Complete lack of defense.
  7. I guess you have to be behind the lutefisk curtain to survive the cyberwars. Anyway, 2-5 now. Keep it up boys!
  8. Is this forum/website still alive? Denial of service by Miami fans?
  9. We just need 5 more like the last!
  10. website is just following a similar delay as the TV/radio.
  11. Siouxsports.com needs some faster servers....... Sioux score! St. Clair!
  12. Are you kidding? 0-4? Wow. Have some Sioux pride!
  13. If you don't mind listening to the present and watching the past. To the tune of over a minute. Talk about seasick!
  14. There is a free video feed? Crap, I paid $10 to buy this crappy Miami feed.
  15. Yeah, I noticed that the announcer would keep up with the number of Miami SOG, but failed to ever mention the UND SOG.
  16. I hope that the cameraman is not in a career-track broadcasting major......
  17. End of the first. 0-2 Miami. Fire up boys!
  18. This Miami announcer does not understand hockey at all.
  19. Damn, Miami goal off the draw. 0-2 Miami
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