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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. We couldn't score on Hennepin Avenue with a fist full of hundred dollar bills.
  2. Lazy defending led to the second goal.
  3. Gotta stay out of the penalty box....
  4. Watching without sound, so just take a shot every few minutes??
  5. Let's play hockey! GO SIOUX!!
  6. Dilute is going to be a tough foe. We need solid D and we need to stay out of the penalty box. On the plus side, a win would REALLY help our pairwise....
  7. We need to bottle up some of that 3rd period mojo to sip on throughout the rest of the season.
  8. Well, we certainly got our moneys worth out of that game!
  9. NDSU hockey team would give these guys a run.....
  10. I feel like I am in some sort of alternate universe.......... Is this really happening? Is the UND Hockey team REALLY this BAD?
  11. I am impressed with the hustle, but we really need to be able to bury some of those easy tap-in goals. Normally, I am OK with hitting the posts, since it means the shot is for the corner. Heck, too many of our shots in the last few weeks have been "lawman shots" (center of mass on the goalie), which a decent goalie will easily stop, but you have to make the goalie make a save! Don't flipping miss!
  12. No predictions from me tonight. Last few times I haven't even been close. We really need a good weekend, and a good jump start on the second half of the season.
  13. In the end, the players need to PLAY. That is why they call them players.
  14. Meh, through most of the Hak years, this would be pretty typical. Unfortunately in the Berry years, the second half of the season doesn't ramp up so much...
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