Lose to Green Bay 66-63 after being ahead for much of the game. Played pretty decent with untimely turnovers at crunch time.
We didn’t have a field goal for the last 4:37 of the game
Green Bay started five seniors and we don’t have a senior on the team
Our starters had at least 8 points but we only had five bench points
Aumer and Pemberton lead the team in scoring and Pemberton had 11 rebounds
we had 18 turnovers - nothing new here
Schiller struggled shooting going 2-10 but we are much better when she is in the game
we have some players who got minutes last year that are getting limited minutes this year so far
we have some potential
Looking for some bright spot. Football has one more game. Volleyball has one more game. Men’s bb might be ok . Women’s bb is better than I thought. Hockey is up and down.