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Everything posted by SiouxFan100

  1. South Dakota and SDSU both beat Presentation by about 40
  2. Underwhelming hopefully we can be better
  3. I expected a 90-50 type of game
  4. Weah has / had problems that said I too like watching him play I do think he is ungrateful that said - let try not to run his name through the mud
  5. The word fumble also comes to mind
  6. Do you suppose Otis was pushed out?
  7. This transfer portal crap sucks I hope we are not the odd man out on all this after the dust settles
  8. Hopefully to a non conference team
  9. Weah leaving don’t know much of the story but yes the word ungrateful comes to mind- almost an unbelievable ungrateful
  10. I am sure I want to watch until we right the ship some K State was awful and extremely ugly to watch
  11. Waiting for some good news
  12. Lots of changes I like less change
  13. Go from million to more millions Supply and demand
  14. We need something like a Presentation College to have some fun again.
  15. Not encouraging I really didn’t think it was possible to shoot that bad. An individual for a few games sure but as a team. These are scholarship division one athletes. Maybe just started out bad and snowballed. Maybe some were sick? Bury this game and move on to better play.
  16. Sure Hergel would have helped. Would helped if no one got hurt. Would have helped if everyone was better including coaches. Almost always hurt when good players leave or get hurt.
  17. The ease to transfer is not good for college sports.
  18. Lots of reasons to leave I suppose. Hard to read into everyone’s motivation. A more consistent successful team wouldn’t hurt us I would think.
  19. Lots of money (we don’t/I don’t have) to buy facilities and everything else would be helpful
  20. I like this real good d2 kids with a chip on their shoulders looking to prove they can play D1
  21. Need to update 1-23 from three and 1-8 from free throw unimaginable
  22. We have 24 points seven minutes into the second half I suppose I should stop now ugly and embarrassed
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