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Everything posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. Easy Goon....your ignorance is making me weep....
  2. I am sure the Sioux would have faired pretty well in D1AA last year. They started slow, but by the middle and end of the season were in good form.
  3. How in the hell did a half way intelligent thread turn into this.....lets get back on the topic.....
  4. It is a pretty classic example of the power of the Presidency of a university. Sac seems like a basketball school, but in the past, though not recent, they did field some tough football teams. All in all a very wise move by Lennon to stay put.
  5. I think that Bison fans were ready for a tough first year as an ind. But, we are all focused on the future.
  6. Hmmmmmm.....I didn't drink when I was in college....
  7. I can't figure UNC out either....I think that if they were interested they would have the best shot at the BSC because of geography. I would think UNC would leap at the chance to get into the BSC. By the way, on some of the other boards it is interesting to see the Sac State fooball supporters (I think there are only about two or three of them) spin this thing as positive. It is interesting to watch....not much stability in any conference these days.....from D1A to D2. Who kbnows where it will all shake out. One think for sure is it give those of us that are FB fans a lot of entertainment in the off-season....
  8. No.....Bisonfan hates the BSC and has been telling us all that for months... Go figure....
  9. An interesting article from the Sac Bee. Maybe Lennon knew that life would be pretty unstable at Sac State..... Sac Bee Article
  10. Hell.....you guys are going to miss playing us. A lot of emotion is gone....regardless of who is to blame.
  11. That damn Babich is like a cat with 9 lives.....it is absolutly amazing.
  12. Back in the 80's when I was at NDSU I remember Morningside being very tough in BB, but they have never been a factor in football. No doubt Winona would be an upgrade over Morningside. I still think the idea that MSU-Billings would be a possibility is very interesting. It would turn the conference to the west and would probably increase the interest of the western part of North Dakota in NCC athletics. However, MSU-Billings would have to add football to make this go....
  13. So far lawkota is the only one with some thoughts on the future....rinkrat is just whining and name calling....I would be curious as to what you really think if you can articulate that...
  14. You are the ones talking smack on this thread, not me.....I have yet to hear what any of you think about the specifics of the NCC future. The only school that would be a quality addition to the NCC in the future I can see would be MSU-Billings if they ever add football. MSU-Billings is a good sized school that is in a large community that could raise some cash to support a quality D2 program. the only other option would be to try and raid the NSIC and get a school like WSU to upgrade thier scholarship level (not likely).
  15. The statement of fact was that the NCC is loosing two high quality programs and there is not much on the horizon to replace them. Schools like the University of Mary would be a slap in the face to a program that is the clibre of UND. My point was that there really is nothing out there that can replace the Bison or the Jacks, so the future of the NCC is really in question. Serious question the likes of which has never been seen. A conference of 7 would seem to me to be a bit marginal. It surprises me that the posters on this board would not see these very obvious difficulties ahead...what are the options to salvage the NCC long term? What can be done to replace the loss of NDSU and SDSU with similar quality programs? All legit issues for a sports board. I guess if you guys would rather smack that have a discussion about it on this thread...makes no difference to me...
  16. What is it with you..... a little tough to have a dialogue with another fan of another school about this issue? I made a statement of fact and then get attacked for it? Grow up.
  17. No jab.....just a statement of fact. Obviously you folks are a little myopic if you can't admit the huge issues facing the NCC.
  18. The NCC is in some real trouble. There really just isn't any place to go for quality that is close.
  19. ....actually I ride a horse....no combines or tractors here...
  20. Heck....you went to school at UND and thought you got an education.....you are already in dreamland......
  21. I am use to seeing NDSU's schedule out by now, but with all the change I am sure it will be a couple years before that settles down. By the way airmail....since you are a skier....you ought to get out to the Rockies skiing this year. The snow in Utah is incredible. The Wasatch Mountains have been really hammered with snow. Jackson Hole is looking good too.....nice to see after so many dry years.
  22. A legitimate issue has been raised with the allowing of 1 D1AA game to be played and not affect the SSI. It will be interesting to see what comes of this. Obviously a needed change for D2. I would suspect the change will come too late to alter next years schedule, but possibly for 2005 it could impact thie Bison/Sioux game.
  23. I think that if Rocky had not encountered the problems he did, and continued to win, he would eventually have left. In the end the money is so big that one has to move up. There is no way that the small colleges will ever be able to compete with the majors as far as money goes. I bet that all of us that are posting on this board and don't live in ND anymore left the state for more money.
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