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  1. I’m really enjoying this podcast with a hockey game in the background.
  2. Same here. Hoping Mankato has a decent stream.
  3. WDAY Extra. Channel 594 Midco, 17.3 on Antenna (Bismarck). Also streaming on WDAY+. Cost is $20/month.
  4. St cloud game not playing either. Just some music.
  5. I mean I’m watching Shawn Brian but there’s no hockey game on?
  6. Of course not. First game of the year. Fufusakes!
  7. Yes the bison did in Fargo.
  8. Budy has taken some bad penalties vs his former team. Makes me wonder.........
  9. No doubt. You would think they might try testing before the puck drops.
  10. Same here.
  11. The intern had one job.
  12. 17.3 in Bismarck. Unfortunately I don't have a tv in my office but was watching over lunch. So i do miss the free stream like many others.
  13. Refs keep rewarding players for turning at the last second. I thought the rule change was for player saftey. Now these guys are doing it intentionally for a 5 min pp. What a joke.
  14. J.B.


    you try 543?
  15. What kind of device are you using?
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