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coach daddy

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Posts posted by coach daddy

  1. As I was watching the game, I knew the Sioux were shooting a very high second-half percentage, but I didn't realize until I saw the box score that they were 21-25! Unbelievable!

    I see the 2 posts were 13-15 from the field and 10-11 from the FT line. Imagine if they played 32-35 minutes a night instead of 28 and 24. ;)

  2. I agree with the Bison fan, that's an odd thing to say to the SIU reporters. And quite frankly, this UND fan isn't yet in the mood to hear Dale talk about his loyalty to UND. ;)

    Amen brother, Amen. Bleed green because it is the color of money, not UND!!! ;)

  3. Brekke will do fine. He will do what's the best for the program. And that's why I believe it will be someone internal or with UND ties. I believe he knows more about UND athletic's than Buning. Who would you rather have pick the next coach Buning or Brekke?

    If those are my 2 options, I truly don't know. That's why I say, this is a mess. Not a little spill mess, a big oil slick in the ocean mess. Not good, not good at all. I wonder how many other coaches are looking to bolt b/4 the move to DI? Roebuck, Jones; do we have a baseball coach in place yet? :lol:

  4. I really liked what Bledsoe showed late last year. He was hurt to start the season, which I think has really affected him. Anyway, it's true that the Sioux haven't proven anything yet, but by the same token, they haven't proven they can't contend for a playoff spot, either.

    I'll give you that. I've watched alot of bball in my time but haven't seen enough of this team to write them off. Great discussion. :glare:

  5. Frankly, with the goings-on in the football program, I've lost most of my interest in arguing about the state of the men's basketball program, but a couple of points: 1. I don't know how you can say UND has "questionable shooters" when they're shooting 51% from the field, and 40% from behind the 3-point line; 2. I don't believe UND has a short bench. Bledsoe and Koenig are among the leading scorers on the team, plus Harrison, who has a lot ability (although he hasn't produced like I thought he would) and a nice role player in Porter.

    I agree that the post defense will likely be the team's achilles heel, but aside from USD and perhaps Mankato so long as Santos is in the game, I don't know that there are too many teams in the NCC in a position to really exploit that weakness.

    Bledsoe is averaging less than 7 ppg and Koenig is averaging less than 6 ppg. While that makes them our 4th and 5th scorers, I'd hardly call that big time contributions from our "bench". While we are shooting the percentages you say we are, again, I'll reiterate, WE'VE PLAYED NO ONE OTHER THAN NAIA AND, EXCEPT FOR NORTHERN ST, THE WEAKEST OF THE AREA DII TALENT!!!!! Those percentages mean nothing to me until we do it against the conference competition. Sorry to argue but, like you showed, facts are facts.

  6. Anyone else really uncomfortable with Brekke being the one hiring a coach? No offense but 18 months ago he was working at a bank in Cavalier, ND!!! Now he's filling the head job of the sport that was behind pushing for the DI move.

    This athletic department is in big trouble right now. There is no leadership in place and huge decisions are being made in regards to long term situations. Damn Dale. This was a terrible time to jump ship!!! :glare:

  7. "Can we at least wait until UND has played some NCC games before we proclaim them no better than a fourth-place NSIC team? You can't just look at one game in isolation--in this case the UND vs. Northern game--and draw definitive conclusions about how good or bad teams are. I think Jones more or less has the UND program on the right track. I would have liked to have added a bit more immediate help in the off-season, but in general the team has been playing pretty well since the awful 0-3 start. I have no problem criticizing the scheduling, but I think you're off-base if you think the team is under-achieving right now."

    I never said they were "under-achieving". I think they are what they are; very athletic with no post play and questionable shooters, and a short bench. To me, that wins against NAIA schools from the state but wouldn't get it done in the NSIC or the NCC throughout an entire season. We'll see in the long run but I believe that the shortcomings I mentioned will get you beat on the road and hurt you against good teams. The game is still won in the paint and on defense. Not sure this group can get it done in those areas.

  8. This whole DI move brought about by football and the need for more scholarships/money and getting the Bison back on the schedule. Now, the year we move, the head football guy leaves for greener pastures. Good riddance, Coach. You'll miss us more than we'll miss you!!!! :glare:

  9. UND can't compete with Northern? Since when? The Sioux are 6-4 vs. Northern since 1998, and obviously that time period hasn't exactly been the glory days of UND men's basketball. UND nearly beat Northern last year in GF (lost by four in OT), and I doubt Northern is that much better this year than they were last year. Northern also very nearly lost at home to Jamestown, who definitely isn't that good. I think it was probably a fluke that Northern struggled to beat Jamestown and Black Hills, and I think it was a fluke that they beat UND by as much as they did. And Concordia-St. Paul? Please. They lost to UMC at home, and are just 1-3 vs. the NCC. I'm not sure why you think UND is so bad. :glare: Winona is better, but IMO UND, Northern and Southwest State are all pretty comparable.

    I'll take near wins over near losses any day. I guarantee you Northern is better than they were last year. And I retract my Conc.-St. Paul and replace it with Southwest St.; still puts UND no better than 4th in the NSIC and, to me, that's not good enough for a school with the basketball history UND has. I've lived here for over 40 years and remember em all. This team hasn't proven anything!!!

  10. I understand your frustration with regard to the home schedule. It's been bad. But at least UND is beating the teams they are supposed to beat. Obviously that hasn't always happened over the past several years. As for how UND would do in the NSIC, I'd say probably second or third. I think the Northern game was a bit of an aberration for a couple of reasons. One, it was on the road shortly after a long and difficult trip to Colorado. Two, the new offensive scheme simply wasn't being run very well at that point. I think UND would beat Northern if the two teams played now at the Betty, but I guess it's a moot point. In terms of athleticism, UND is probably as good or better than anybody in the NCC or NSIC. It's the lack of size and interior scoring that will likely prevent them from reaching the post season.

    There is no waaaaaay this team finishes 2nd or 3rd in the NSIC. Northern, Winona, Conc. ST. Paul are all better than UND. As far as beating Northern if we played them today, anywhere, not going to happen. Starting w/coaching and working to players who play harder and have more talent, UND can't compete with Northern St. Not for a long time.

  11. I'm at home visiting my parents for the holidays and I had to check online and see what the score of the UND/UIU game was. I was extremely happy to see that UND had just won it's 9th game in a row. And then I read further into the game summary and ralized that UND had just beaten a winless NSIC Upper Iowa team by 13 points. While I am extremely happy that the guys have won 9 in a row after starting out 0-3, I am still trying to figure out if we should claim a NSIC championship or a DAC championship.

    We could claim a DAC title, beat em all so far. We would NEVER win the NSIC. Northern beat us handily and they might be the third best team in the NSIC. This team has proven nothing in the pre-season. I can't talk about it though (Deep breath and all). 9 in a row against the worst/smallest schools in the tri-state area, whoopeeeee. :glare:

  12. Take a deep breath!

    No need for a breath. Just tell me I'm wrong. I've been a fan of UND bball for 30 years. I was there, buying tickets for the big games in the 90's. Now, I watch a steady diet of state colleges come here and the ticket prices go up just about every year.

    Next year, like the Walrus said, it only get worse. The saddest part of all, NO ONE CARES!!! Everything coach Gunther built and Coach Glas brought back for a while is gone and there aren't 50 people under the age of 50(?) who even have season tickets.

    The Betty is a lifeless building now. What happens when we have no league, no playoff options, and no instate players? If you are a fan of UND bball you should be saddened by where this program is today. :lol:

  13. Sioux men win their seventh in a row beating Jamestown 85-71. Keep up the winning ways guys.

    The only thing this team has proven is that it could win the DAC. They have beaten no one of any substance in the preseason. In fact, if I had season tickets to this team, I'd be really upset with the teams brought in to the Betty so far. Where is the competition? :cool:

  14. I don't think anyone is going to ride anyone out of town. The new guy hopefully will do a good job. People are hearing good things about him.

    To comment that those who supported Steve Johnson are part of a "good ol boy fan club", shows a real lack of understanding. Steve is a proven, successful coach and has ties to UND which are very valuable when it comes to raising money and garnering support for the team. Women's hockey is part of UND athletics and needs to do a better job of raising money and increasing donations as well as pulling its own weight. I understand it won't be the same as the men's program. I am saying it needs to do better. Many of us are UND sports fans and want to see women's hockey succeed. We want track and baseball and basketball etc. to succeed. Steve Johnson should have been interviewed. The best person should have been hired and maybe that is the guy they hired. UND can't expect Alumni and former athletes to always step to the plate if they show no loyalty to UND alumni in return. That is the crux of the matter. He deserved an interview based on his success, his experience as a coach and because he is part of the UND family, he needed to be given the benefit of the doubt.

    It seems to me the group that pushed so hard to get women's hockey is not as strong nor as vocal as it had been. They should be a bigger group with more funds to donate and more supportive now than ever. I don't see that occuring.

    In the meantime, the new coach is hopefully going to do a great job and the hiring is done. No sense making love to a dead horse. (Unless of course you attend or graduated from the Ag college, but that is not appropriate discussion for this forum).

    While I have no doubt that Steve is a great coach, his record in the USHL speaks for itself, he has never coached women's hockey or recruited a woman to play hockey. That had to be considered in the whole process. You are right, an interview would have been appropriate, just like Craig Smith should have gotten an interview last spring when we were looking for a mens basketball coach. Why this administration makes some the decisions it does I have no idea. It is disturbing.

    My point is simply this; where was this energy and enthusiasm the last 4 years for womens hockey? The decision is made and everything will come out in the wash. Lets stop talking about what could have been and support the new guy.

    One other question; Did Steve get an interview from Hakstol when Berry left? Did he apply for the job filled by Dane Jackson? I guess that's 2 questions.

  15. The sad thing is that if that were to happen, it would probably be by people who have never attended a women's hockey game.

    I absolutely agree. There has been no interest in this program until it came time to hire a head coach. Because it wasn't some "good ol boy" from the mens program people are up in arms. Give the guy a chance to coach. The Steve Johnson fan club can start attending games if they really want to see how good or bad the coach is.

  16. I wouldn't be surprised if Privatsky got some interest from lower DI schools, i.e. NDSU, SDSU, etc. I don't believe there is any way she was being looked at on the same scale as Wahlin.

    Anyone else believe the scope of recruiting needs to begin changing here pretty soon if we are going to compete at the DI level? NDSU has found out over the last 2 years that NODAK kids don't get it done with any success. When UND loses these big posts, where will the talent come from?

  17. Her strengths are her athletic ability. She is as fast a player as UND will have seen since Darcy or Tanya played here.

    Her weakness is her basketball skills. She shot the 3 better last year but she'll have to learn to get it off way faster in DI ball. No one knows about her ballhandling because she is so fast that no one can make her go left. She has a chance to be a good one.

    I wonder if this means that Wahlin has told them she is going somewhere else? No reason to recruit them both. It would be hard to have them on the floor at the same time because of how they play and their size.

  18. Have a hard time believing Steve wants to coach women's hockey. He has been at the near top of men's hockey in the USHL. Why go backwards now? Can a guy go from women's college coaching to mens? Rarely happens in hoops, why would it work in hockey?

  19. Toews - gone (Nothing left to accomplish)

    Oshie - gone (Time to make some money)

    Duncan - stays (May never get a chance to go)

    Chorney - stays (Gone next year)

    Finley - gone (Hard time playing within the confinement of College Hockey)

    Lee - stays (Gone next year)

    Thinking with my head, not my heart. :lol:

    Please be gone. He can't play!!!!!!!!

  20. I didn't see much frustration either. Defended his boys; we did score again after the empty net goal by Rooney, right?

    Media know so little about the inner workings of a team. They just ask questions based on what they see.

  21. I don't know why anyone would be bitter. He said the correct thing. You can't call someone the best ever if they finish second. No one from FGCU should have taken it wrong. If he was asked, "Is that the best a team has ever played against you as a coach"? He would have answered the question differently I imagine. I don't think anyone has ever played too much better against a UND team.

  22. Let's face it - other than the Crouse years, the Sioux women's BB team has had a history of disappointing in the tournaments almost every year. They have almost never played their best ball at tournament time. Look at 2005 and 2006 for example. This seems to be a consistancy going back to the years when we competed with NDSU. I think Robuck is a great recruiter, but facts are facts.

    The same can be said for just about every team that plays the game. Only 1 team wins their last game of the year; the Champs!!! I just think we need to appreciate the fact that we have a women's team that wins 28-32 games EVERY year. Right now we aren't doing that.

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