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coach daddy

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Posts posted by coach daddy

  1. You people are unbelievable. The man has won almost 90% of the games he's coached at this institution and won 3 national titles. No coach in the history of this school (in any sport) has been that good. If you watched the game, he changed his lineup several times; tried to go big, tried to go small, tried to get more athletic, etc. What happened? They got beat. Plain and simple. Langen and Kimbrough couldn't guard the posts from FGCU because they didn't post. They went to the perimeter and beat them off the dribble. He started Bergen in the second half to get quicker; what happened? She turned the ball over more than once when they were down 20. How can he keep her in the game. Guinn and Beck were awful all night. They threw the cross court pass away several times because FGCU switched down screens and apparently 2 kids who've been in the program for 3 years couldn't adjust. So, coach puts other kids in the game, no matter, they all threw the ball away. 26 turnovers people. 35 points of 26 turnovers for FGCU. That's the difference. Jahner goes 1-13 from the field; that's Roebucks fault? How? Jahner got beat on cuts to the basket from the backside several times that night. She is a 3 time defensive player of the year in the NCC and she couldn't guard anyone Wed. night. Again, not Roebucks fault.

    This team all year struggled with guard play; they were inconsistent all year. Ashley and Kierah are what they are, big and true low post players. When they are both on the floor together, if one of them doesn't touch the ball every trip, it is a wasted trip. His guards have to get better, no doubt about it.

    I hate to say this but NDSU women have found out the same thing over the last couple years. Area kids will NOT get it done at the DI level. The game is way to fast and there are not enough quality kids in this state anymore. Even next years recruits, LaFrance and Gillett, while they are great players in ND, who would either of them guarded on Wednesday night? Answer, no one. This game can fall at the hands of a lot of people but once the ball goes in the air, kids need to make plays that help their team, not hurt it. Wednesday was a bad night for the kids from the North.

  2. Which would mean that getting football into a conference as soon as possible would take priority.

    With the best football conference in terms of GPI being the Great West, UND should look for membership immediately.

    Agreed. Like the SU's, football is driving the move. USD and UND should take a spot available in the Great West if offered. The model NDSU has used is a good copy for the Sioux.

  3. I'm all about UND-NDSU playing against each other in football ASAP, but if UND is to put up the Nickel trophy this year when they are at such a dis-advantage scholarships-wise to NDSU, it would see such a shame if you ask me. Let the schools play for it when UND gets up to the D-1AA level in scholarships. When that happens, we can talk about NDSU wanting the nickel back.

    I'm a Sioux fan and hope like heck the game is played in the near future. When they play, regardless of scholarships, the NICKEL has to be on the line. We didn't go when we should have; that's our fault not SU's. If we play, we play for the nickel trophy and the game deserves to be in Fargo.

  4. When i got my minors when i was under 21 (1 year ago haha) i had to pay 75 bucks for the first cuz i was cooperative with the cops and the judge then the 2nd i paid 75 again but was wirttin up for 225 but the jduge reduced it. thats it no clssses or nohtin jsut a fine. btw, they are btoh off my record now

    Looks like you were drinking when you typed this one in!!!! :silly:

  5. Oh what a difference a year or two makes. In the spring of 05 many sioux fans were hoping a praying that Kupchella was going to take the job at Marshall. Now there is a staunch defence for him?? What happened? ???

    Was the 180 on the name the difference to most?

    Here's the link to the May 2005 discussion. http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?sh...nalist&st=0

    I don't see anyone defending him here. Am I missing something? We're all citing thoughts and ideas about who the NEW president should be. He won't be missed by most, I guarantee that.


    Walrus was right; someone like Tom Clifford has to lead this institution.

  7. I'm sure we'd all like the team to have a better record this year, but a few points:

    1. Jones was hired too late to really do much recruiting. With that said, the two players that were brought in after he was hired (Little and Youmans) are both all-conference caliber players.

    2. The team has no true point guard. That can't be blamed on Jones. He stated on a recent coaches' show that he and the staff looked for one this summer, but there really wasn't anybody available good enough to be a difference-maker. So they signed the best overall players available (Little and Youmans). It's tough to argue with that decision. The problem is that there's no scholarship money to bring one in for next year. So hopefully Youmans and Bledsoe continue to adapt to the point guard position, because barring the departure of a scholarship player after the season, there's really no way to sign anybody else.

    3. There not much outside shooting, especially compared to basically every other NCC and NSIC team. It hasn't helped that the one pure shooter--Doyle--has been hurt for much of the season. That has resulted in a lot of trading 2's for 3's scored by the opponents. If this were 1982 and there was no 3-point line, UND probably would win the NCC this year. :D

    4. The one glaring weakness is defense. Given how many new players there are, particularly from the juco ranks, that's probably not too surprising. Juco ball isn't exactly known for defense; hence all the high-scoring games in the Mon-Dak, etc.

    5. I didn't blame Rich Glas for going 8-20 his first season, and I can't blame Jones if the team only wins 10-12 games this year. The situations both inherited are nearly identical.

    6. To me, the first really big test will be to see what sort of signees there are this November, when a lot of scholarships will be available.

    I agree with just about all said here. Very good stuff. I'd add that I have been more than disappointed with the performance/results of Koenig inside. Not a question of effort but he just hasn't produced like the team needed him too. Points in the paint are so important in the NCC, or any league for that matter. Hope he is healthy for next year. One last NCC crown would be a great way to leave D II.

  8. When will the Sioux Men get thier 1st? Funny how much patience we have with a new coach, If Rich were still here with no conference wins this board would be lit up!

    If Rich were still here, no one would even ask the question. Coach Jones has em playing hard, that's all fans can ask for the first year. They need lots of players though for next year.

  9. On the Mueller shot I think the bigger controversy was that he was awarded a three pointer. It appeared that he was a good foot in front of the arc when he shot the ball. By rule anytime there is .3 seconds or more a catch and shoot is allowed. Mueller did just that he caught and shot. Most of the time a player will be allowed a little more than .3 to get the shot off as long as it isn't ridiculous. I felt Mueller got the shot off within a second but he probably didn't get it off by .3 seconds. That is very much debatable. When didn't appear to be debatable was that he wasn't behind the three point line. I guess that ruling makes up for the NCAA committees decision in 1993 to award the Mens North Central Regional Tournament to North Dakota when USD was much more deserving to host that year. Luckily the Yotes got through it anyway.

    BTW, congradulations on your womens teams victory over USD. The Sioux women were easily the deserving team in that game. The UND women wanted the game worse than the Coyotes did. Your hustle, rebounding, talent and coaching were all better than USD's that night. The Coyotes were lucky to be in OT that night. What is the deal with your fans though. To come all the way down from Grand Forks you would think they would want to stay for both games but half left after the womens game.

    You should see home games when it happens. By halftime of a mens game you can sit just about anywhere you want. Sad this here because the men actually play hard and compete. Last year, people should have left. This year, not so sure.

  10. Has to be as stupid an issue as the NCAA has come up with in a long time. My daughter is a college basketball player and they practice just about every day against guys who volunteer their time to come in and help the girls get better. They are bigger, as quick or quicker, and it is hard for the girls every day in practice.

    If you have 12-15 girls on your team, how is anyone being deprived of practice time because 7 or 8 guys come in and practice with the team? The NCAA has way too much free time on their hands. I wonder how this even became an issue; someone's mom/dad call and complain at a school like U Conn or Tennessee? Makes you wonder. :huh:

  11. With the recruiting NDSU is getting, I doubt you will be kicking our ass in 5 years. But, as hard as it is to say, NDSU and UND will be very competitive like UM and MSU are, and going back and forth every year. That is a rivalry. But the first 5 years.....I think that we will be bending down and you will be kissing out ass. for the first 5 years :lol:

    You might be right, I'm trying to be an optimist when I say 5 years; you all have a good headstart on us. My main point was to get after someone who is just trying to come over here and stir the pot. We'll never drop football and that was a stupid question to ask. I just want the games back ASAP. :blush:

  12. Don't forget they only had 600 for their last women's game too. If you don't have a good team, if you don't have an exciting team to watch, or if your playing a team that has no appeal, it doesn't matter if you are DI, DII, or NAIA, people don't come. The Bison are finding that out this year. The problem isn't necessarily what division you play in. You would think the Bison would sell out for all their men's games with the excitement they say they have for men's basketball right now. Weren't finding out that isn't true. Even though hockey probably takes fans and money away from an increased following in basketball, we still have a great basketball tradition. Overall our men's and womens basketball teams as a whole have a stronger history than NDSU. Their tradition is bascially just with the womens team. Our men's team has a long and storied tradition. The only aspect that could hurt the potential of basketball is the size of Grand Forks and the strong following of hockey. Fargo probably has a better chance to grow their basketball than we do. Grand Forks can support both programs thou.

    UND would never drop football with the DI move; never. In fact, give them 5 years and they'll be beating Bison ass again. Just like the old days. Lets see, where is that nickel again..........................Oh yeah, right here in GF.

    Bisonville is the place for your little cheap shots at UND pal. Not here.

  13. he spent 3 years at Wahp Science and never really played a whole year; hurt all the time. I'll be surprised if he lasts 2 years in a Sioux uniform. Call it bad luck or whatever, he has never really panned out anywhere. :lol:

  14. It will be a good basketball league for both men and women, although unlike the current NCC there will also be some very weak programs, as well. I guess that's inevitable with potentially a 14-team conference. Football will continue to be a problem, however, so long as they persist with their ridiculous cap of 24 scholarships. If I'm Randy Hedberg or Bubba Schweigert, I think I'd be looking for another job. Once you've made the playoffs and have built your scholarships to a point where you're approaching 36, cutting them back down would be a tough pill to swallow.

    I also don't think you'll see a 14 team league. Crookston will most likely leave for DIII or NAIA. Although the possibility of Jamestown or Minot looking to move up is likely if the fit is right. I know both have been looking.

  15. Josh was recruited as a point guard. It wasn't until he got here they found out he was a 2 guard in a point guard body. Here's another juco name that didn't play like a "band-aid", Hunter Berg. There's a band-aid we could use every year.

  16. I'll give you the fact that Strouth has improved himself a ton to be the player he is but........Craig Neson was the best basketball player in ND his senior year. He proved it throughout the season and in the Lion's game. Some of the bigger players such as Koenig got the press and the DI looks but to any coach if they had to pick a player to start a team from ND he'd been the guy. The deal with Nelson was that UND wasn't his first choice. He was given the opportunity to play at Northern State for a legend of a coach. Don Meyer's name comes up in coaching circles with the likes of Dean Smith and Coach K. UND might have been in the mix but at the time they had only facilities to compete with NSU. As far as becoming a better ball player and learning how to play the game. NSU had them beat by a long shot. I'm not sure how Jones is going to change that. As a Sioux fan I hope he does because players from the state can't get away as Nelson did. I for one am not a fan of the JuCo/transfer players making up the roster. I understand that in order to compete this year these moves had to be made. Hopefully this is the starting method and the goal is to get four year players to grow and learn in the system and the JuCos are only a band-aid when needed.

    A band aid? Harry is the best defensive player they have and he can guard 3 different positions. Jerome was a far cry from a band aid and I think if we go back in the history of Sioux bball, we'll find alot of JUCO's and transfers that helped us win conference, regional titles. I believe you'll see more juco kids and transfers once the DI process happens.

    Oh, by the way, UND didn't recruit Craig Nelson because they recruited Josh Doyle instead. How has that worked out?

  17. He better not leave now. This whole DI move is for football more than any other sport and he was the one pushing the AD to make this jump. If he bolts now, I'll be pissed!!!!!!!!

  18. Why is everyone always so suprised when ND kids have success at college basketball? If you will all remember Rich's best teams, they were almost all ND boys. Granted, there seems to be fewer and fewer but make sure you appreciate school like U of Mary because w/DI coming down the road, there will be more and more kids from state going there instead of UND and NDSU. :huh:

  19. I just find it totally unacceptable that GF announcers are not going to do the game. I don't care what channel it is on, get some local people broadcasting the game. That is the way we have always done it and it should continue that way. We have no problem putting 2 meaningless home basketball games on TV on a Tuesday night but boy if we want to follow our local boys in the NCAA playoffs, we have listen to 2 schmucks from Grand Valley. I find it lazy and sad!!!!!!!!!!!! :silly:

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