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coach daddy

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Posts posted by coach daddy

  1. Alritey well we're heading to the women's hockey game now. Takin the radio with us to the Ralph. Talk to ya guys later!! Probably after the men's hockey game haha bye!


    I hope your daughter is playing. Who leaves now?

  2. Yeah, Clear Channel is selling 488 stations because the broadcast cuts out on occassion during Fighting Sioux Sports. That makes a lot of sense!

    Bite me. You know what I'm talking about

  3. The Clear Channel corporation is being sold.........................I wonder why?

    Have never listened to a game on the internet that didn't have technical difficulty through out the game. :angry:

  4. Thanks to the leadership at Dartmouth, we get a front row seat to witness the heights of hypocrisy.

    Dartmouth has adopted the Roy Saigo strategy - when there's racism in your own house, blame UND.

    The various discriminatory events at St Cloud have been pretty well documented, so I won't rehash that here. And we're all familiar with Saigo's strategy.

    Dartmouth, I am less familiar with. But there is a fair bit of fuss inside the college that created complaints from Native Americans inside the college.

    In fact, the president of the college wrote a companion letter in the Dartmouth.


    I don't have all the facts, and cannot judge whether what happened at Hanover was inappropriate or not.

    But I have a hard time picturing a UND athletic team doing a "Cowboys and Indians" event. If that's what is really going on at Dartmouth, then their problem is internal, not external.

    The other hypocrisy I see is the apparent selective criticism of UND. In fact, the Dartmouth women's basketball team played none other than the Central Michigan Chippewas last week. Where's the criticism of Central Michigan? I leave it to your imagination ...



    What should UND do?

    I suggest that when UND hockey plays there in December, that UND ask the Dartmouth public address announcer to read the same announcement that is read at UND home hockey games. Most of us know this by heart: "UND adopted the Fighting Sioux nickname in the 1930's to honor ..."

    Well said. The people of Dartmouth should be embarrassed for own school and clean their own yard first. A bunch of "think-they-know-everything ivy league folks". If you don't know what you're talking about, Shut the hell up. :angry:

  5. There is no way 15 kids verballed after the Bison/Gopher game. That is stupid. If the big 10 is calling you right now, you're waiting to see the deal. SU will get kids who were on the radar of Big 10 schools after Christmas, not before Thanksgiving.

  6. The thing I like about Northern is 2 nodak kids playing and playing well. UND and NDSU don't always get everyone, whether its because they don't think they can or what, it's good a place like Northern exists for kids like Boepple and Becker to play. They were as good as anyone on the floor for either team Tuesday nite.

  7. I thought the men played hard last night right to the end. That rarely happened the last 3-4 years. They kept their uniforms tucked in the whole game and that was a good sight to see. Discipline has lacked in this program for a while and if that improves, I'll be happy.

    Concerned that we signed only one early. This team still lacks a lot of talent when it comes to playing for a conference title and it would be nice to see coaches out finding players b/4 everyone else gets their hands on them.

    Lots of depth on the perimeter, not sure how good it is, but the depth is there. Posts are a huge problem. After Koenig Tuesday night, Kruse was the next post player and he is no post player. Need guys to get healthy quick.

  8. Ledger will have to surgery and she is most likely done for the year.

    While the one special Northern ran got them big baskets, they ran a lot of different sets also. Northern played better than UND Tuesday night and deserved the win.

    I am more worried about the inablility of guards to make shots than I am post depth. Langen, Kimbrough, Sannes, etc. are plenty of posts. Finding 4 guards who can make shots is scarier to me. I've only seen 1 game though so it is probably an over reaction on my part.

  9. This is bad, no doubt. I don't care whose fault it is either. We've on this weekend many times in the last 5-6 years and have always had it televised. People are working at the hockey series this weekend so the holiday line is bull.

    We pull for this team all year and now, nothing. I don't care if the NCAA did try and stiff us a little, DAZ fumbled the ball with the short work week line. They had people to work the bball doubleheader Tuesday. That was a complete waste of time.

    Color me, not happy. :silly:???;);)

  10. How hard can it be to get camera's, people, and anything else to Omaha to televise the game. today is Wednesday and the game isn't til Saturday. I'd rather have the football game from Omaha on TV than another home hockey game. :silly:

  11. I would agree that last night was as bad a performance as I've seen from a UND women's team in some time. Bergan and Beck can't be your 2 best guards come conference time that's for sure.

    As bad as Langen was while she was on the floor last night, I wouldn't have played her again either. At least Sannes showed some effort in game last night. I didn't think Langen or Kimbrough played worth a lick.

    I don't think I'd question Coach's decision not to play zone. He teaches his kids to over play and get in passing lanes. He also teaches those away from the ball to be in a help position; that was the failure last night. Also, Northern State played very well. They should be complemented.

  12. I agree that the knee is still bothering him but I also think he is about 20 lbs. heavier than he should be right now. Might be due to the knee, I don't know.

    This isn't a very good team, no early signings either. Give me a reason to get interested in mens bball at UND, please!!!!

  13. Bsu played some weak teams in non con and thats why there not in the playoffs..come on they played a naia team....if people are madd cuz wsu made and not bsu..then tell Bsu to play some good teams and not cupsake teams in non con then...wsu made it in and thats all that matters and end of story...

    The only reason we are a 3 seed is because this is how the NCAA is going to stick it to us now that the injunction was granted. Believe me, if we had lost Saturday, they'd stuck us at 5 or 6 and made sure we couldn't play at home. This way, we drop to 3, get the token game against Winona and then they make sure we're on the road the rest of the way. Roebuck and Hakstol can get ready for the hosing of their lives this spring. It won't be pretty but at least we keep the uniforms for a while longer. :D

  14. While I grew up in GF, and loved every minute of it, I'd pick Bismarck or Williston as my next towns to live in. People in Williston are as nice as they come. It may out of the way, but once you're there you enjoy yourself. The people at the college in Williston are super.

    Bismarck has a little of everything. I'd like to start golfing earlier in the spring so that would Bismarck a nice choice.

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