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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. you must have one large hockey family or do you sell them?
  2. Im selling a lower bowl package on ebay right now. Great seat. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=150330061658
  3. you better believe it deserves its own thread. That was simply an honor to be able to witness that live, and to applaude these guys for what they've done through the past few years and the memories that they have packed into my head for the rest of my life. They will all be deeply missed and I hope for the best for each and every one of em. The best senior skate I've ever been apart of! See ya in two weeks!
  4. it took a lot for me too, which is why I couldn't hold back I typed a few words.
  5. Lynn G. 02/26/2009 5:28 PM OK. I acknowledge that I am not a hockey fan and I've never set foot in the Ralph and I know next to nothing about cryoengineering, but - I do know a liitle about the law and a little bit more about promotion, public relations and media damage control. If the Ralph can sue to get CIMCO to replace the ice. the surface and the cooling system down to the concrete, won't that make it way cheaper for the Ralph to replace that great big offensive logo? Does this make anybody else say "Hmmmmmmmmmmmm"? Lynn Gifford *bites tongue extremely hard.*
  6. Hola! I have about 7 of us kick ass sioux fans headed to the final five this year and one of us had taken a different path in life and can't go I am not sure how easy it is to get rid of just one ticket package(all games) so I thought I'd start here just to see what people would offer. Proceeds are going for a good cause so Im hoping to not rob anyone but possibly just make a few extra bucks, plus all the time and effort it actually took to get these tickets. Tickets are in Section 101 Row 21 seat 9. So if there is any interest, feel free to send me a pm with a possible offer. I won't pass up a good offer! Otherwise I could just end up putting it on ebay in the very near future. Thanks a ton for any interest out there. Paid about $165 with taxes FYI. Go Sioux! A bonus: You'll be sitting next to some 'kick ass sioux fans'
  7. Lasch no. He turned it on just a few weeks ago.
  8. Common boys, not so close this time. Big win, win big!
  9. Actually, I do hate Denver and all, but we have them beat in the tie for first place right now(we swept them right?) so it would be nice for a couple of the teams in the middle to lose more so we could pull away from the pack pursay. Especially that we have to play wisconsin yet and CC, it would nice for a couple more loses for the middle of the pack teams. Strategy I guess......Maybe Im wrong
  10. A little confidence and gain the zone with some poise and control and sioux will have a big weekend! Eff dumb and chase!
  11. Too hard to figure out this year really. Nerve-racking, annoying, stupid-pursay. Wtf I say to myself! Strong start and fall apart in the end. Hold off to a tie to a bumble-fk team. What can ya do. Play more physical? hmmm. Any way I think about it its mighty sad the turn-around of last weekend. Win by 5 tomorrow or wipe the season away I guess! At least make the final five is all I ask! Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezus! EDIT: Throws up in mouth!
  12. All those sioux fans are a disgrace. fuggin jersey shakers
  13. Game day! Season rests on their shoulders now so Lets get a win! Make or break
  14. I think any predictions(score-wise) given gives a big o negative vibe for the weekend. The game predicts itself so why even bother, especially the state(of mind) this team is in right now. Go Sioux!
  15. How bout an all around 60 minutes of hockey, sioux hockey, and avoid all of the sloppy play for once! Watching it live was pretty tough last night even though half of it was due to crappy ice(snow covered). I think its time for the second half 'surge' to start now! Anything but a win tonight will hurt in more ways than one.
  16. Was the first player to wear the eye tech I was young then and that stood out the most in my memories!
  17. No your not! GO USA! That gong show of a fanbase, wow! How embarassing!
  18. Making my first appearance to the BSU can this year and don't know much about it. There is no booze there correct? How is it there? I heard beavers hate us there ! Ill take any insight I can get to get me even more ready for the roadtrip!
  19. I know right! I wouldn't doubt if they look at it again and award LSSU the trophy. What a joke!
  20. someone explain why that wasn't a goal in the shootout for the badger game? What a crock!
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